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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    My Revolution Exp
  • Flying Since
    A child
  • Location
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    United States
  • Interests
    Family (That's my 3 girls in profile pic!), kiting, Prophecy, Kiting, music, kiting, games, origami ...oh, and did I say kiting?!

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Member (2/7)



  1. I would love to make it to the beech mtn. festival (being i've never been to ANY kite festival) but alas, I cannot because of time and budget constraints. I will not be able to make the six hour drive there unfortunately! If you're looking for more info check out the websites of clubs attending: richmondairforce.com (team flying, you'll find photos of past festivals on this site) wackos.org (various sport kites and large show kites)
  2. Scott

    Sound tracks?

    I've got some kites. Just missing the music player and the TIME in which to fly! But maybe one of these days, eventually...
  3. Neither will I with gas prices up and the family budget being so tight!
  4. While on the subject of a decent kite around $100, is there any opinions on a first power kite that would be not much over $100? Having no where to try it out before bying and no one to learn from, would one do well to go with a quadline or cheaper dual line first? I'm slowly saving my pennies for some new kites hoping to eventually get a new dual line and my first ever power kite. I've been wanting a hypnotist or big bang for quite some time (since both have a dvd) but now I might do well to settle for an acrobatix. So if I get the cheaper acrobatix as my first ever decent dual line stunter, what would be the best begginers power kite under $200?
  5. Thought I'd mention that there's a kite festival labor day weekend at Beech Mountain in N.C. W.A.C.K.O.S.(kite club) and Richmond Air Force (sport kite team) will be there. Large single line kites and sport kite demos along with kite making and free kites for 1st 100 children! There will be vendors and a kite store set up. I've never been to a kite festival yet, but if there's ANY way possible I'd love to make to this event! Is there anyone else on the forums attending this event?
  6. I've always done that too! 2 lines on seprate winders. Until my last time out that is. I tried the four on one and it worked just fine with no tangles at all and it does seem quicker to only have to walk the lines out once. To each there own I say!
  7. Numerous cheap plastic deltas were my first kites. I don't remember the specific first one, but I do remember having a smurf one once that had this cool red plastic reel for winding in the string. I think that kite broke loose and I lost it over the tree tops. Had this great flying red plastic delta for a few years and some other cheap ones that i'd fly 3 at a time out in my grandpa's pasture. I'd have 3 or 4 up as far as the string would go and then walk the long trip back to my grandparent's house and see how long they'd stay flying by themselves! A pocket sled was my first kite made of nylon. Still have a tiny plastic wrist kite somewhere that you can store in a pouch you wear around your wrist! First dual line...a go fly a kite boomer that I NEVER learned to fly til after getting the larger bandit. Got hooked with a bandit and now I have a parastunter, Revolution Exp and prism 3d. Along with a 6' delta, rainbow ship, 8' delta conyne, and prism triad! Oh, and during those childhood to adult days, I had to make a kite for a project in college!! Made 2 rokakus, one of bamboo and some heavier than nylon material, and one from a yardstick and garbage bag! Painted one and used marker on the other to decorate. Well I guess that's my life's kites story there!
  8. Absolutely NO wind here either today! As for what sacrifice, i'd refer you to here: ...What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? -Mark 4:41
  9. Uh, I think that's when low to zero wind kites come into play! Speaking of, I've yet to get a good one except for my cheapy ebay bought very used prism 3D. I've had some fun with it in my small yard though when the wind is actually UP. I can fly it out in the field though when others won't! When trying to fly my rev last weekend, i'm sure I looked silly to all the people on the walking track that surrounds the field I fly in. I did a lot of standing around with handles in hand waiting for the stronger breezes. I didn't mind though, cause the wind DID pick up ever so often! Yesterday though was the strongest wind i've flown in yet! My Rev EXP had some STRONG pull at times!! FUN! FUN! Keep up the practice Steve and you WILL catch on! In the right wind with a very cheap 'goflyakite' bandit, I caught on and i've been addicted ever since!!
  10. ...What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? -Mark 4:41 WWJF? Who knows, but he could control the wind to his liking! Now that'd be some soul flying!!
  11. Very cool!!!
  12. Very cool kite!! Now who's buying ME one???
  13. Very unique! Now where's the flying mouse to go with?
  14. My 5 yr old daughter has handled my parastunter, bandit, and 3D...for a couple seconds at a time! She lastest longest on the Prism 3D with it's very light pull.
  15. Anyone flown a wren? I'm curious of anyone's opinions on this kite.
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