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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. OK - I've held my breath and turned blue!! Time to start waking up the RNG, as this drawing is coming soon!! Wouldn't want the giveaway to "sneak" up on it!! OH - the joys of releasing the tension!!
  2. Rob - if you have it, you really only need 90# line!! Maybe even 50# unless you don't like it!! 90# is surprisingly strong for it's weight and will more than handle your vented Rev! I had forgotten that the only Rev you have is vented!! Most of us have some type of full sail for light winds - SUL, Zen, etc! But we usually only use 90# line, unless the winds are ridiculous!!
  3. Friends? Friends?? You expect to make friends in the heat of battle?? OK, giveaways!! Put up yer dukes!!
  4. Dust - that's exactly where I fly - an indoor soccer field!! Management is VERY understanding of how difficult finding places to fly, really is!! Nice to have such a nice place!! Good luck, but not too much!!
  5. trigger - throw the scissors away - please!! Looks bad, but most will tell you, it's only a couple of minutes and everyone is back at it!! Tangles are part of the routine, as you get better, there'll be less of them!! Been exactly where you are, but a bit of time and it's so much fun!!
  6. Baloo - you questioning the impartiality of our "beloved" RNG? Seems to me to be impartial, it hasn't drawn my # either!! Someday!!
  7. Nick - if you win it, you gotta find a place to fly it!!! Knowing your "neck of the woods", that might be difficult!!
  8. Finding it VERY hard to resist the urge to post my RNG influencer!! Even though I've not had much luck yet, it still drives me crazy not to try and "convince the RNG to pick my #!! HOLDING BACK!!! SO FAR!!
  9. Indoor kiting just extends my season to year round!! I'd be plenty happy to put that one in my bag!! Not to mention the unique color combo!!! I like it!!!
  10. Yep, those colors ARE nice looking!! Maybe if I don't yell so loud, the RNG will pick me? Whatta ya think??
  11. Congrats, MI!! And thanks for the continuing support of Kitelife!!
  12. "The force is strong in this one!" Congrats PM - fly it well!!
  13. I wouldn't say harder, just different!! The Rev 1 is cut a bit differently than the "B" series 1.5 and is subject to "flipping" a wing over in reverse! And it is a slower sail overall, but all the same control inputs are used in flying it, just a bit more delicately!! I have both styles, I set up the Rev1 when I just want a relaxing fly, easy on the crazy tricks and turns! Just a more soothing fly!!
  14. Double dip!! Sounds good to me!!
  15. John - you announcing the winner in this thread?(pick me, pick me)
  16. OK, tomorrow is the big day: time for one more push!!! Feels good to be trying!!
  17. All hail the "almighty buck"! People looking for a "deal" and getting burned in the meantime! Stick to authorized dealers for good service and the correct product!
  18. NaNaNaNa!!! I was just waking the RNG up to hear a bit of banter!! Drawing coming soon!!
  19. Shoot, I'm hoping it noticed in a "GOOD" way!!!
  20. Hope that didn't scare everyone off!! Only meant to banter!!
  21. PLEASE!!! Enough of the lovefest, you guys!! Mushy stuff - YUK!! This is supposed to be bare knuckle, drag out, serious banter, not a bunch of $#%@#! Must be time to bring out the "big" guns: Now that feels better!!
  22. Don't have a problem with any decision you make!! That Zen is beautiful!!
  23. YEA photomom!!!! Everyone is a little unsure in the beginning and you're right, it does take a different "touch" to fly it!! If I could give you 1 piece of advise - GIVE to the kite, don't pull!! Pulling will only drive the kite harder into the ground and run the risk of breakage!! Also make sure that all your lines are equal, if they aren't the kite will try to fly itself in strange directions! A quick field test, is to hold both handles in the same position and try launching! If the flight is straight - all good! Have fun and breathe!!
  24. OHHH! Looks like some of "Charlie Brown's" kite eating trees around!!! Careful!!! PS: the pix are great!! Glad to see the little ones getting their hands into it!!
  25. Just make sure you don't fly near anybody else with those "temporary fishing line" lines!!! They've got a coating on them that will more than likely cut through others!! So be careful when using!!
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