What version of sail did you get? The wrong sail in the wrong winds makes it very difficult to learn!! If you have a full sail, look for winds in the 5 - 10 mph range! Enough to keep airborne easily, but light enough to learn the control it offers!! For higher winds and gusty conditions, a vented sail works much better at evening out the lulls and gusts, much smoother handling!! That's why the variety offered in the sails, to match kite to wind conditions!!
A couple of tips:
1. - Remember to adjust the top leaders to the length needed to handle the winds for that day! You will find a preferred knot for most winds, but that's why there are a bunch, to adjust!!
2. - Equalize your lines!! Take a bit of time to make sure your lines are even, adjust as needed!! A line either too long or short will throw out the balance and make the kite seem to want to steer itself!! Not a good thing!!!
3. - Lastly, and I see you're not totally new to kites but - Give to the Kite!! If you're going to crash - let it!! Walk forwards and take all the energy out of the crash!! Pulling on the lines just drives the kite into the ground even harder, risking breakage!! Don't want that!!
Have fun and remember to BREATHE!! You've embarked on a lifelong journey!!!
PS: Remember that the wind ranges from the advertising are only suggested, it tells you what the kite can do! But in the hands of a beginner, I suggest a bit less, but steady winds to learn on!!