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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. No, the mantra you all should be focused on is - FUGGETABOUDIT !!! You all can talk all you want, I'm dreaming of a B2 triple play!!
  2. Gotta make the RNG hear me:: Think that'll do the trick??
  3. Yes, it doesn't seem to be any "sure" pattern as to how the RNG works!! So that means try anything and everything!!! Rob - you're already a 3 time winner?? So if some one wins this, they'll only be equal to you?? Win this and you might be called "greedy" by some!!! lol ! PS: I'm ducking........now!
  4. So many pleas and begs!! Don't you get it?? Waste of energy on your part, I'm winning this one!! RNG - I hope you're listening!!
  5. I thought all the weight made it fly left!!
  6. Nope - nobody has a chance at this one -nope, nope, nope!! My bag is ready for these!!
  7. Typical noob mistake!! Gotta read those instructions more carefully!!! Changing out caps is really easy - takes minutes/side!! Undo knot on one end of bungee, pull through sail and cap, remove bridle (just larksheaded on cap), take new cap and reverse order!! Remember to save and reuse the small little washer from the bungee that prevents pulling through the sail!!
  8. This has to be good to tempt Rob!!! PS: It's the "Darkside" calling!!
  9. RAGIN - pix?
  10. I gotta chat this one up now!!!! MY TIME!! that is all!
  11. 3 Kites??? YEEHAW!!!
  12. Congrats Scott!! Looks good, show us some pics of you flying it!!
  13. Helps a bunch! Foils will definitely pull!! Easy to fly, many with no spars to break if crashed, but not very trick-able!! Loops and back and forth type of flying! 2 line stunt kites! Depending on what you get - have the ability to do every trick you can do! There are many in the $50.00 - $100.00 range that will do very nicely!! Beware of any much cheaper - you get what you pay for!! Cheap can mean crap that disappoints and makes for a very unsatisfying experience! Quads - a whole different experience! Not cheap to get into ($200.00), but will last a very long time, if handled well! Not meant as a plug - Prism makes several types of 2 line kites in a great price range that can do what you might want, very well! That's both trick kites and foils! Like I said earlier, it's really what YOU are looking for out of your kiting! Only you can make that choice, friend!!
  14. Where to start! Are you tied to choosing between foils or are you interested in other types of kites? All depends on what you're looking for out of your kiting experience! Why not give us a few of your ideas and it might help us, help you, to make a better decision!
  15. No kidding it's quiet and tomorrow is drawing day!!!! WAKE UP everybody, coming to a bag near you!! Bring it on!!
  16. Sounds like the "Darkside" has him - hook, line and sinker!! PS: I'm up to 8 Revs myself!!
  17. On New Year's Day, I was flying my Ozone (don't tell the Rev police) and completely forgot that there were no "brakes" on a dualie!! Stuffed that baby right into the ground!! OUCH!! No give up here, you gotta earn it!!
  18. No harm in asking!! I do fly my son's older Rev 2 on 90#s lately!! But they were also 120', slowed the sail way down!! Felt almost weightless on the lines!! Nick - can't vote - don't have a B 2 !!
  19. Somebody want to donate a B2 for testing?? I'll be glad to write a review!!!
  20. 150# ? Where did you see that? Because of the size, you can get away with the lighter 50# lines, especially in medium winds! I used to substitute my son's Rev2 into my old Rev1 setup in really high winds and that was 150#, but that was all I had at the time! Last summer at WSIKF I flew it on 90# no problem!! Lighter lines bring out the performance features of the sail, IMHO!!
  21. You're good mate! Just a bit of ribbing. I've still got soooo many kites to explore. I had a SLK octopus that I used to fly from a fishing rod, did that for a very long time. Psst 977! Tapatalk for iPhone. SLKs!! I got one for outdoor - my Urban Ninja that I use if the Revs won't fly!! The rest of my SLKs are for indoor flying!! And that's another animal altogether!! Oh, and along with my Indoor Rev!!!!
  22. I'm getting a bad rap here!!! Dualies got me started years ago! Yeah my vision won't allow some of the new tricks that require great timing, but I do own a couple of them still! Even had one out on New Years Day, right John? Just because I've become Revcentric doesn't mean I don't appreciate a good dualie!! OH NO!! What am I saying, a (good) dualie? Can't resist the "Darkside"!!! Please don't send the Rev police after me, really I'm innocent!!
  23. I'm pretty sure that Rev will accommodate any "custom color combo" and make it! John - didn't Steven get one with a dk grey or black center? Kinda matched his others? Matt - check out the AeroShark page on FB, there should be pix of his kites and some showing a different color center on his Indoor!!
  24. YES indeed! SR is correct on the kite! And I understand John's point, as I've flown with him before! The SUL is very nice as a solo flyer, if you need something that flies in really light winds, but doesn't put quite as big a dent in your pocket as a Zen! In solo flying, you don't need to carry as much momentum through maneuvers as you do in team flying! A std, with the correct frame, in the hands of a good flier, will fly in almost the same wind ranges as an SUL!! And that's why I have one, an SUL that is, I'm not as good - YET!! Matt - don't be tempted to buy and use too strong a frame in your std, you'll risk stretching out the sail! Reason for getting another!!
  25. Calling the Rev police now!!
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