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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Baloo - You do mean the RNG, don't you?? Wouldn't want to upset the machine responsible for picking #s, eh?
  2. So does a gift certificate whisper?
  3. Of course, he might have come in the "out" door!!
  4. Nick - just keep waiting!!!
  5. My dear RNG, old friend, please remember me at drawing time!! Hope that jogs the memory banks!!
  6. AHHH! I knew there were some out there just waiting to jump in!! 1 comment and business picked up!! Now if any of you wins, I might have to adopt your strategy, but until then: INFLUENCE YOUR FRIENDLY RNG!! I'll be watching!!!
  7. It's looking a bit quiet in here, this close to the drawing!! Everybody else give up?? John - I'll gladly accept this if everyone else has bowed out!!
  8. Little brothers, eh? A bit of sibling rivalry going on? I'm the oldest brother in my family and I give those 1.5s full permission to gang up on that B-2!! (at least you have a B-2)
  9. Just a thought - I put my sons' old Rev 2 on the end of my 120' lines at WSIKF this year and it felt like a feather in my hands!!! Only thing was that the long lines slowed it down a lot, people didn't feel the speed it can develop!! I used to throw it on my old Rev1 setup when the winds kicked up, 11" handles, 60' x 150# lines!! YEEHAW!!
  10. Always a good idea to have an extra!! I always carry 2 - 1 for me and 1 to help someone else!! Nothing like showing the stakes value, than to be using one in front of someone!! Don't have enough to give any away, but they sure can see why I carry one!!
  11. Nick - the problem isn't John, but the RNG!! It knows the dates better than we do!! Can't ask it to draw early, unless it decides to!!
  12. Welcome to the "Darkside", you'll know the force has a full grasp when your kite bag starts to bulge with more Revs!
  13. PIX please!!
  14. Revs can be that way!! The "Darkside" has its way of using the "force" to influence your thinking!! Resistance is futile!
  15. I'm looking to add a Zen to my bag, this $250.00 will bring one within my price range!! COME ON RNG!! PICK ME!!!
  16. I carry 2 stakes with me - one of Walt's beautiful creations and a stake I picked up many years ago!! It's an acrylic dice on a regular steel spike, changed holders over time and once a year I sand it for rust, but it still works these many years later!!
  17. What? Sending your own welcoming committee here in advance? We got your welcoming committee!!
  18. Raining? In the NW? Nah!! That's why I was intrigued with indoor flying and why I keep doing it every chance I get!! I know it sounds contrary, but Indoor Rocks!! Especially with my Rev and gliders!!
  19. Haven't tried out the Zephyr, still use an older Prism Ozone for light wind dualie flying!! If the Zephyr flies as good as the Ozone, it's a heck of a good kite!!
  20. Baloo: I said - Easy enough!!
  21. Cograts, indeed, Tim!! Nick - dare you to come over here!!
  22. Nick - you just gotta put them on some West Coast sand!!
  24. PM - I'm in agreement with you - no dragging for me!! Maybe a last minute contest to see who can beg the best, will get some unexpected results!!
  25. Yea - Nick's coming!! Oh, you were kidding, weren't you??
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