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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Well, you will learn faster if you concentrate on left is counterclockwise and right is clockwise. Left and right as kite directions change depending on the orientation of the kite. Clockwise and counterclockwise remain the same. (This good deed will surely influence the RNG to pick #833.) Pete, the unfortunate thing about it is, the more I think about something, the more twisted up I get. It's not just right & left, if you say top wind & bottom wing, that automatically gets confused, too. Clockwise & Counterclockwise, instant confusion. If I don't think about what I'm doing, it usually turns out the best... Wayne, I can't even imagine how hard it is to have to re-learn stuff for a second time. I have the utmost respect for your attitude & accomplishments. Dyslexia is something that I've always had, although it gets in the way, it isn't a sudden obstacle that had to be overcome... for me it's just the way things are. Maybe that's why the upside-down hover is easy for me ? Rob - I've had a bunch of years to finally get past my change in life status! It took time, but I did find out that it can be done if you're willing to work at it and have something to look forward to! And boy do I look forward to kite flying!!
  2. Team?? Are you guys sure you can even fly together?? lol!!! Nope, those babies are staying close to the West Coast - of the USA!!
  3. Looking forward to some pictures & video ! Too bad it came a couple of days after the Milton indoor or I'd of flown it in my routine!
  4. Luck has nothing to do with it, partner!! It's all in the hands of the beloved RNG!! If you're gonna try hard for these - that's who you need to impress!! Ps: got a little something for you RNG: Just a small reminder of the winning #!!
  5. John - I just got CeeWan's Mega-Plutz - YAHOOO!!
  6. Rob - I know how it feels, after overcoming my stroke!! Now, the regained confidence and hope it has given me, has pretty few limits!! Keep flying!! ps: RNG pick me!!!!!!!
  7. Donna just won her division and was second overall just recently, flying that same glider!!
  8. No, I need a 4 line kite that I can fly in less than 10mph. Then my transition to the 'dark side' will be complete... See if that's really what you're after, then you're wanting a full sail to go with your full vent!
  9. And since Nick already bought his own - that leaves me to collect these babies!!!! My humble Thanks before - hand!!
  10. Either way - it's in your bag!!!
  11. Male, female, young, old - don't matter!! RNG is gonna pick who ever it chooses!! I'll be putting in my $0.02 worth here!!
  12. Don't be trying to tell that RNG where to pick from - ain't gonna happen!! Please pick me!!!
  13. North, south, east, west, Australia, England!!?? Where o where will the B-2s go???
  14. One example of wands with gliders: Might give you some idea of what I'm doing!!
  15. And none of this if they stay right here on the West Coast!!
  16. Nah - just a Fuggetaboudit!!
  17. SR - try a heavier line on it!! You're not limited to only what the factory gives you!! I experiment with line weight all the time to see what works best with which kite! PS: that Zero-G will be small compared to my Mega-Plutz!!
  18. See - he doesn't need any postage if I win!! No lost in mail, blah, blah!! Just a simple handing over of fun!! EASY!
  19. If you keep going east, I mean REALLY keep going east, then eventually you will get back to the west coast, where I live, which coincidentally happens to be where these kites are headed! Android OS ~ Tapatalk2 Too bad the coast is where they're gonna stop!! Not LV - SP!!
  20. For the new glider pilot, an iFlite is a very affordable way to start! Around $35.00 for the small original, around $70.00 for the larger iFlite II ! Anything based on the Plutz design flies well too! I'm waiting to try the new Mega - Plutz, should be in my hot hands next week some time!! Really depends on how you want to fly - fast and manic or slow and graceful!! They make a great diversion from and a great addition to my Indoor Rev!
  21. Pretty!!!
  22. That feeling is - well I cant say in a public forum!! Love ya Nick!!
  23. Nick, Nick, Nick ! Just break down and get on a plane and come see us!!!
  24. I'm not sure on how our East Coast buddies would spell it, but everyone gets the thought - RIGHT? I'm in it to win it!!
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