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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Here I was thinking John wanted to give these away and now he's rooting for his own #? About time to trumpet my own horn - Hey RNG? Need a reminder? PS: 001110000011010000110100
  2. Hawking?? Dude, I'm looking to win these babies!!
  3. Depends! If you like them (and I can't see why not), then it opens up a whole new avenue of needed kites for your bag!
  4. Vent in front, mid in middle, full sail to the rear! Front kite gets strongest frame too! You can stack identical kites too! I tried a B-2 std once, but it had too long a set of handles and I wasn't ready for how fast it was!!
  5. mystainedskin has it right - many sails for any wind condition!! Rob - I'm in on one of the vents, if you give one away!!
  6. NEED? You put your kite in uncomfortable conditions and expect the RNG to reward such appalling behavior?? I, on the other hand, promise to treat them with respect at all times (even if I'm flying the crap outta them)! Rev On!!
  7. PS - endurance!! Keep your keyboards and meeses at the ready at all times!!!
  8. I'm thinking SR has the right thoughts going on - no "Pros" need this one!!! Come on RNG - do your stuff!!!
  9. SEE, See! Rob's giving in!! Gotta be a sign of something good!! All Hail the B-2s staying here!!!
  10. Where's the harnesses?? I'll give them all a ride after I win!! Hook them up in my big old Rev 1 and invert, that's better that any old amusement ride!! PS: Dog goes first!!
  11. Yep, need to get some bait on that hook before setting it HARD!!
  12. I might be dating myself here - but I saw them back in 1977, in San Francisco, at the Cow Palace!! Damn, I remember that far back??
  13. Now SP - I was staying away from them because he mentioned dualies as his only kites now!!! We both know Revs open up a whole new area of flying!! Rob - thanks for giving him some links to other kites!! I'm not too into dualies anymore, so my info was limited by what little experience I had with dualies a few years back! Thanks for more modern updates!!
  14. Alright now - if that's a language the RNG understands - I'm on board!!! 001110000011010000110100 001110000011010000110100 001110000011010000110100 Thanks for the link, JB!! Now let's see if that gets any action!!
  15. I also was going to mention the Zephyr, but I was thinking of used kites first! But you might find a Zephyr out there! All by Prism! Plus, I'm sure there are many others out there! I'm not too "up" on recent dualies, as I'm very Rev-centric right now!
  16. WA - had it made for me!! My vision keeps me well away from the sewing machine!! If you look for places - look for sports centers, community centers, churches with gyms, etc.! I'm not sure what your school situation is, ours here is terrible with janitor fees, utilities, etc.! But if you can get in one, they are nice!
  17. Not too sure what's available over in your "neck of the woods", but with you having both kites now as Prisms, I'd be on the lookout for a 3-D, 4-D, or Ozone! Good light wind choices!! I'm sure there are many others too! The 3-D and 4-D are smaller kites and make good travel units! The Ozone is closer to a full sized kite! Remember that no mater what you end up getting - they are called light wind kites for a reason - light spars, light sail cloth used, very much meant to be flown gently, not bullied around!!
  18. More mumbo-jumbo!!! SR - you're plan smells burnt to me!!!! Nick - didn't you just buy some?? (Of course you could just lend me your number to use!) Since it's eligible for this drawing!!
  19. My $0.02 worth - Never have used my indoor gliders outside, other than my iFlite once or twice! I do have a good sized indoor soccer field to use regularly! I have a very nice Urban Ninja that I fly outdoors in really low winds that have my Revs grounded! There's no particular shape that IDs a kite specifically as a "glider", look at all the shapes being used for them!! I myself have 1 Plutz 2, 1 Mega-Plutz, 2 iFlite I, 1 iFlite II, a Frigate (similar to a Skate), a workshop trash bag kite (delta shaped), an indoor dualie, and an indoor Rev!! Lots of variety out there to try!! That said - a lot of the gliders readily lend themselves to outdoor flying - it's more what you are comfortable doing, considering conditions, field quality, etc.! Personally - I'd hate to get my indoor stuff dirty!! I know - laugh, it's OK, but I do have a variety to fly!!
  20. Now that the important stuff is under control - could the engineers work next on curing the common cold?
  21. I got something to say - All this mumbo - jumbo is trying to confuse the poor old RNG!! Time to get the focus back to what really matters!! WINNAH!!!
  22. Sorry Barton, but the "cold-hearted" RNG is blind, when it comes to names, titles, handles, nicknames, and even forum status. No matter how hard you try, nothing sways the RNG. Careful Nick, that's sounding a bit negative!! Sure the RNG is impartial, but it's because it can't be swayed!
  23. You all have Aerosmith syndrome - Dream On!!
  24. By the way - I'm winning those kites!!! You may give up now or suffer the consequences!!
  25. Not to belabor the medical stuff - but also 2 heart attacks and both hips replaced to go with that stroke!! I tell everyone - if I can do it, don't tell me you can't!!! Doesn't fly with me!!
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