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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Yep - the journey to the "Dark Side" is now complete!! Let the Revving begin!!
  2. Congrats Ron!! Fly it in good wind!
  3. Emerson, Lake, and Palmer!! Or is it Uriah Heep?
  4. You don't have to get anything fancy, just functional! But Walt (LS Kite Stakes) does make some of the very best!
  5. Are you using a stake? Stake down your straps and wind from the kite end back to the straps! When you unwind, put your finger between the lines to straighten out as you go!! Do you use different colored straps? Take a sharpie and code your lines, one color for right, one color for left! Then you will know which line is which when you set up! I happen to use 2 stakes, one for each side, and to keep them separated! John has an excellent tutorial on line winding and management!
  6. Another last minute post: Come on now, pick me!!
  7. Chance for a bit of last minute banter: Banter, banter, banter!!!
  8. Not a SLK guy myself, but there does look to be a lot of "mess" above the line connection point! Make sure everything is unwrapped and "neutral" before connecting a line!!
  9. WHAT?? I think it fits him perfectly!!
  10. --Pete: It's from indoors, but should give you a general idea!!
  11. I believe the Addiction is available through Into the Wind! Not sure what your shipping charges would be! Just checked their website - $89.00 + s/h , just a bit more than your stated price range, but close!!
  12. Rob figured out a way to ground launch the gliders easily. Lay it on its back, nose away. Get a good length of line out, pull gently to raise the nose. Give a strong tug to launch. --Pete: a wand makes this launch very easy to do! I've seen you're on FB, are you on the Glider Geeks page? I have a video from an indoor event that shows how much a wand can do for you!! I'll see if I can get it over here!!
  13. Kept quiet for too long - gotta say something - Something!!
  14. I'm guessing that you might want some heavier lines for it! My dualie knowledge is a bit behind the times, as I fly Revs pretty much all the time now!
  15. As far as Revs go, all the wind ranges stated for them are possible, but not always practical! A full vent has a top end of 25 mph, but when the gauge hits 18 -20 mph, I'm looking to use my xtra-vent! That, I have flown in winds close to 30 mph and I'm sure it could handle more! And that's with a 3 wrap frame! But then I start to become uncomfortable myself and look to pack it up! Look to get several different lengths and weights of line, then match up to wind conditions! So it really comes down to what you're comfortable in or how much can you stand!!
  16. I've had several done that way this year! Looking to see how well it holds up in real life!! Hope you can get yours fixed soon!!
  17. Xtra-vents - buttah!!!!
  18. Had a dog run about 5 times through a set of brand new 120' x 50#s!! Took about 3 hours to finally get it straight!! UGH - whatta mess!
  19. Do you know someone that sews? Many have had success using the "applique" method, sewing a patch over the torn screen area, then back cutting the torn area away! Use mesh of the same weave if possible! On the same vein - be careful when you handle your kite! Watch you don't handle the mesh with any force, careful as you assemble not to put a rod through your mesh and most important - roll it up properly! Don't fold it in thirds in the same place over and over - move the fold point almost everytime! Fold - don't roll the top couple of inches! Fold over past the mesh, then roll the rest of the sail up! Prevents mesh breakdown! I have an older Rev 1 from 1997 that is still in excellent shape!! This question seems to come up now and then, most seem to fix it themselves or know someone that can!! Hope you can get yours fixed soon!
  20. I don't fly dualies much anymore, mostly Revs! But I have seen John's Kymera in action and was very impressed! Don't know if this fits in your price range - it's $200.00, but very nice!!
  21. A little trick - after measuring and determining the center, mark, wrap a piece of masking tape around the ferrule, with 1 edge right on your mark! After gluing, remove the tape. Most of any excess glue should be on and come off with the tape! Check for that clean shoulder with another rod and remove any glue if needed! High spots on the ferrule, created by excess glue, cause stress points that can break whatever you put over it! Are you only considering Prisms? Many good dual line kites from other companies out there!!
  22. Monday and Wednesday from Xmas to school's out in June, Mon - Thurs all summer and fall! Throw in a few Saturdays during summer time!! Agreed, a very sweet deal!!
  23. What to say - kiting has given me back a life! After a stroke and being forced by the after effects to give up almost everything that made up my personal identity, I was seriously lost! Finding kiting and the fact that I have a future in it, made living a worthwhile thing for me! I don't know how many understand the importance of seeing some kind of future for yourself, in my case it is an absolute necessity! Transformed by flight - you bet!
  24. Wayne, instead of nirvana, I think you mean Zen Saving my pennies for one as we speak!! Until then, an SUL gets me by!!
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