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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. I'm using John's method for winding my quad lines exclusively now, but with a couple of individual quirks! 1. - I color code all my lines! Colors are the same for top right and bottom right, top left, bottom left, kite and handle ends!! Yeah, I know it sounds tedious, but it keeps everything straight in my mind!! After a stroke, everything helps! 2. - I use 2 stakes for my handles, 1 for each! Helps keep them separated as I wind or unwind! 3. - I place a finger between sets of lines to keep them separated as I unwind! At the end, I have 2 sets, left and right, ready to attach to the kite! Anyway, this works for me and I do it EVERY TIME, EXACTLY the same!!
  2. If you have that big a difference after winding, are you sure both lines are equal?
  3. Nice glide!! Did you adjust it at all? Next time, try holding on to the line and try steering it a bit!!
  4. Guys, guys, (and gals too), you need someplace indoors to fly!!!! Whole other experience flying indoors, believe me!! No winds to have to fight, go anywhere you want (as space allows), just heavenly!! We have a saying on a page (Glider Geeks) on Facebook - "We don't need no stinking wind!"
  5. Sounds about right for proper tension! Just don't over do it, you permanently stretch the sail and there's no going back!! Sounds like your left top line is still a hair long from your description! Maybe an extra knot in the loop can take it out if you don't want to equalize right now!!
  6. Congrats!!
  7. Rob - I've only seen the P-3 once up close and only remember an adjustable tow point! The P-3 was a compromise design - P-1 was a great climber, P-2 was a great glider, the P-3 was supposed to get the best of both in one kite! I've never had my P-2 outdoors, so I can't say much about the flying characteristics! I only use my gliders for indoors!! Sorry! PS: My Mega-Plutz is based on the P-3 design and it is a very nice indoor flyer!! But it has some adjustments to customize it to your style!! Again, it's never been outdoors!!
  8. If you're going to use it primarily indoors, I'd recommend loosening up the spine tension a bit!! Just keep as little bow in the spine as possible, (there will always be some, sail shape dictates that)! Just remove the tail cap, loosen the line tightening the sail, and replace cap! Taking the knot loose is a little work and not absolutely needed for it to glide, just improves the glide, IMHO!! Just following the instructions on how to set the spreaders will make it a 2 way kite, as is!
  9. Make sure you have some place set up, before you get the indoor! Outdoor season is getting ready to go full out and it really depends on the wind condition, whether the xtra-vent is needed! That said, we've been using the xtra a lot in the last few weeks!!
  10. Didn't know you could make butter from them!!!!
  11. Nick - no "buttering up" John!! LOL!
  12. ALL LUCKY? You mean all these hexes and spells are for naught? CRAP!!
  13. Just looked at your park - trees - YUK!! If you can find a really open area to fly, do it!! Locally, Delta Park West is a fav spot to go! Remember that wind is greatly affected by trees, houses, etc.! Your looking for a large field with as much exposure to as many directions as possible! I also fly really close to home, but my park is very direction oriented! Winds from the "wrong" direction make it a nightmare! Another great place is down to the coast for a day! Lincoln City, Seaside, all work very well for us fliers!! Where ever you go - have FUN!!
  14. Don't know about Twitter, but many fliers are on FB! Several groups there and loads of contact!! We have a page called Portland Area Kite Flyers - a place to put any info, questions, festival updates, etc., even simple asking who wants to fly where! There should be directions on the map page that will guide you to adding your spot!!
  15. Looks like he got an ITW Swift!!
  16. Rob - if there is light winds, try out that new Rev!!
  17. Lots of fliers in this area! Are you also on Facebook?
  18. I used an older 3-D as my travel kite, since it was so small and fit in limited areas! But it is definitely a different feel from any full sized kite! Worked really well on 30' - 50' x 50# lines in light winds! I now use an older Prism Ozone for light winds (if I'm not trying to fly my Rev SUL)!
  19. Calling Dr. John Rev!!
  20. GRID stuff?? Crap, can't make that one!! Glad I've got some time in one already!! WHEW!
  21. Let's hope it's under some drier conditions next time!! Although Saturday was really nice, Sunday was a bit off and on!! Thanks to all that came, hope you got out of the clinic much of what you came for!! I, myself, had a gas flying with all of you!! Let's do it again!!!
  22. Careful, you might get in trouble with the RNG, if you influence too soon! Patience!!!
  23. Looks like the trunk of my car, just add my indoor stuff to all that!!
  24. "You can't resist the POWER of the "Darkside"!"!
  25. Strong winds are one of the biggest reasons to have both a full sail and a vented!! You can safely push a vent to the lowest winds possible without any damage, but go the other way and ouch!! Because my balance is not good after a stroke, I always start on the side of as much vent as I can get away with!! Unless team flying, then I use the same setup as everyone else!
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