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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Had such a good time!! Great friends, great instruction, equaled a great time! Lots of work to be sure, but so much fun!!
  2. OOH! Forgot the drawing is tomorrow!! Might get me to try my dualies again!!
  3. "I pity the fools!" Trying to stack the odds in their favor, eh? Karma is a fickle one, don't blink!! Or hold your breath!!! Mr. RNG pick me!!
  4. Howard: speak for yourself as far as age goes!! Now it's my turn!!
  5. Congrats Rob!! Karma came back around!!! Have fun flying them!!
  6. Field "B"? Only right, since most of us fly a "B"!! Poetic justice, I'd say!!
  7. John - WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!! (Tom Peterson reference) Drawing day!!! We await with bated breath!!
  8. I agree with the moving a lot part, but just like a Rev, you can "recover" your flying field and "recycle" your space! At the top of your launch, turn the kite nose towards earth and let the kite glide away from you, walking forward at the same time!! Learning to reuse the same space over and over is a great light wind technique and will add to your "toolbox" !! Also really be small and gentle with your inputs in light wind!! It's very easy to yank your kite right outta the sky if your controls are too violent!! Light wind flying is an art all to it's self, just another thing to learn and enjoy!!
  9. --Pete: need a pic taken while you're saying muwhahaha!! lol!
  10. Age, Beauty, Whatever!!! RNG is random!! Sorry, but nobody is able to do anything, that I know of, to change that ( I would if I could)!!
  11. You dare to thumb your nose at the almighty RNG? DUCK!! I'll stick up for ya, Mr. RNG!!
  12. Blah, blah, blah!!! Random is random!! Everyone has as much a chance as everyone else!! But you can drop out now while there is still time, before your # is passed over AGAIN!!! That's why it's the RNG!!
  13. Tom: That's sounding a lot like the country song from Hee Haw! "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all!" PS: that fence post is getting worked over!!
  14. Congrats Jeryl! Fly it well and find your Zen!!
  15. Still another form of trying to influence the poor old RNG!! With all this banter, must be getting hard to choose between who wins!! Then again, random is random!! See, I stood up for you Mr. RNG!!
  16. Just gotta try this last minute influencing, Mr. RNG: PLEASE PICK ME!!!
  17. After flying mine for awhile, Seth said I could donate it to him!! Soooo: Time to take a chance for him!!
  18. GIRLY SAIL? GIRLY SAIL?! You definitely don't want this one, after that comment!! How could you??
  19. Congrats PM!! Change in signature in the works??
  20. --Pete - you have your wine room to see you through!! I, on the other hand try to spend as much time as I can flying!! The Zen would add to my already pretty full plate of flying!! There's always room for more!!! Too bad this giveaway happens the day after the Lincoln City Festival, what if I really need it??
  21. 1st - JB will tell you your subscriber #, there isn't any "place" to find it! And he'll be glad to tell you!! Flying the Zen is an adventure, not relaxation!! Big difference!! It is relaxing, but in a different way!! No light wind flying is "no work", it's technique and practice, over time!! Besides, I WANT this one!! Come on Mr. RNG!!
  22. Tmadz - if you're in the shade of a large tree, most likely the wind will be really messed up!!! Stay in the shade and be comfy, the Zen can go to someone more adventurous on the field!!
  23. Nope, you're right, I don't get the code!! But I want the Zen!! #844 current, active, ready to win!!! Just some info, Mr. RNG for your memory banks to use!!
  24. Won a prize and haven't flown it?? YEE GADS!!! Get them to help you while they're there!!! And take some pix too!!
  25. --Pete: Does TLA stand for - Totally Ludicrous Abbreviations?? JohnCr: Don't see any bookings of a flight to you!! Come on Mr. RNG, pick me!!!
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