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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Learning to "give to the kite" is something to learn - right now, when you are most prone to crashes! As you found out, things break! Giving helps in keeping things safe and together. I know it is not a natural instinct, we think we can save the kite. But pulling accelerates the kite and drives it even harder into the ground! Then you go to straighten things out and find it broken - NFG! While I'm a quad guy, I've carried 2 stakes for many years - 1 for my kite and 1 for if I need to help someone else with theirs. I don't put mine in a pocket- but use a holster for them and hang them from my belt or belt loops, depending on what I'm wearing. Can't go wrong with any of the kite lines offered if they are quality lines, it's the junk that will get you. Kite line is expensive due to the small market. It is made by companies that also make fishing lines, production doesn't compare. Kite line is made with a tighter weave than the fishing line, I recommend you stay away from the fishing stuff and get quality kite line! Remember to relax and breathe!!
  2. Funny - but before now - not so much! People were disillusioned with how hyped they were when first introduced. Most were expecting a super light wind version with all the benefits most come to like about the 1.5 "B", not a sail that more closely resembles a Rev 1. My most common comment to me about it - "it feels different!" DUH!!!!
  3. Not with Rev coming out with something so close to it!!
  4. sail only - no lines, no second frame, doesn't look like handles either. Just a sleeve to put it in.
  5. My response was meant as sarcasm - the panel layout still identifies it as a "B", no matter what it says on it!!
  6. Looks like you need something vented next! Although the Rev2 will handle bigger wind. Son has a purple (fushia) colored Rev2 I fly once in a while.
  7. And in all models - still needing the "fold strips" to prevent the mesh from cracking! Haven't addressed what many consider to be the weakest spot on the Rev.
  8. Bet you can't see any difference on 120' lines!
  9. Let me insert my thoughts here: Try lowering your hands to at least only your index finger is off the foam. Ideally, your whole hand should be, that is why the foam is there! Otherwise - why bother? My snagless were setup to stay all the way down on the foam, I only go higher if absolutely needed! Thought on thickness of foams - I too am older and losing some dexterity, but use the foam size to my advantage! I just crook my fingers and let the handle rest in that crook space. I really don't need to "hold on" that way. Paul L. has a great way of putting it - you are holding a baby bird, not strangling a snake! Way too often I see folks with a death grip on the handles - no way to get any fluidity out of that position. Arms are all tensed, shoulders and neck too. It's supposed to be relaxing!!! This ergonomic works for me, not sure of your situation, but I encourage you to try it out! PS: flying indoors, we have a saying - if you aren't dropping a handle once in a while, you are probably holding them too tight!! Relax - Breathe!!!!
  10. If I remember some of the really old videos - iQuad used SLEs in their early days. Even before the "B" made its appearance on the beach!
  11. Some of us adjust at the top, some the bottom - both can get the same results. Pulling in a top is like lengthening a bottom and vice versa. I adjust from the top, easier for me to keep track. I only use the bottom knots to equalize lines on the fly, then sort out later. Some go the other way round, still does the same thing. For me - needing to change bottom settings = next kite!
  12. Not liking the "inny" connector they use. If you have any wear on your rod, then wouldn't that end arrangement make it worse? I liked the cap over end style better myself!
  13. Saw that - pretty lazy on their part to just steal the same info!
  14. With that panel layout, they can make the 3 models from it no problem!
  15. Paul - are they using the thicker rods? You using the Reflex system? If so - flown it with standard rods?
  16. Joe - yes it works even though you think it shouldn't. And the more you get used to that feeling, you will learn to get enough speed from things. Even my play time is usually centered around thoughts of team flying. Practicing moves that help me learn and hone my team skills.
  17. yes they do! 4 total pieces - 2 top leaders, 2 bottom leaders
  18. but at the same time you lose the fine control that many of us like about them. Being a team flier mostly, control is a very sought after thing! Speed is secondary in our needs. More important is the ability to launch and hover, more than straight line speed. If you just fly solo - pretty much anything goes, but in team flying - every one must play together!
  19. What size anchor are you using? I remove the burr totally and the screw expands the anchor enough to hold it firmly in place. I use 8-10 anchors. You do need to gently tap them into the handle rods and putting the screw in, expands it even more. Done many sets and never a failure to hold!
  20. Yes they do!!! Right where the hole was drilled for the ring! One side is clean - the other has one nasty burr!!! It can lay you open!!
  21. For you in the NW - Grant's Getaways airs today at 4 pm PST! Those not in the area, there should be links to the episode after it airs. I'll try to put them here too! As a side note - the several news bits we did have already gotten several to commit to trying indoor flying. We are going to have an "open house" at the soccer center Feb 15, 11-2 pm for those interested. If you are in the Portland,OR area and interested in giving indoor flying a try - be a great time to give it a try. Kites provided - just bring yourself!
  22. Standard handles and leaders adjust by moving the flying lines from knot to knot. The Reflex handles I saw, adjusted by moving the leader through the handle. Are yours different? Or are you thinking of locking down your Reflex handles to one spot and using knots to adjust?
  23. On the Reflex handles - try going out as far on top from the handle tip as you can and work back towards it as you find your "sweet spot". Then as you get used to that, try letting them out a knot - unless you start all the way out! - and each time see how it works. You should find yourself pretty much out on them!! Haven't seen the latest version of the Reflex handles, so not too sure on the adjustments to those, I use snagless myself. Your other handles are easily converted to no-snag, takes less than an hour to do a pair. With practice I take less than a half hour.
  24. There is a old video floating around, made by Watty, on how to convert stock handles into "no-snags" using wall board anchors and screws. Gets rid of the ring, just another moving part IMO. Snagless gives you a more direct feel of the lines! Found the video - http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4939-rev-pro-no-snag-handles/
  25. Saw that in pix from the kite trade show. Looks like a direct use of JB's panel layout, just another name. But it does come with the Reflex tech - yippee. (sarcasm)
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