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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Well that certainly stirred up things a bit! My point was (and still is), that it is technique, first and foremost, that you need, more than the latest, greatest thing! I don't question buying stuff, but I also endorse the idea of knowing why, what purpose, and unless you know the reason, not duplicating equipment you already have. I do believe in expanding your ability to fly in as many conditions as possible. That's why most fliers have several models of the same platform, ie - std, mid, f/v, x/v - etc. Opens up your ability to fly in the many conditions we face daily.
  2. Too often I see people chasing equipment in favor of not developing technique - not a useful practice unless you have deep pockets! Yes, the diamond frame is meant for light winds, got one myself in an SUL. but not in my Zen! Relatively, not a whole lot gained by weight loss. But if you know how to use it - another story! I know a very experienced flier that ONLY uses 3 wrap frames in EVERYTHING he flies - doesn't seem to hinder him. My point: it's not necessarily all about the equipment! PS: the offer of the P-90 frame would be a great choice!
  3. Should be easy enough to try, using a bit of line laying around. Try using washers, larkshead them as a unit through the holes, then larks them to the spine. Add or subtract washers til happy with the results! On the plus side - it isn't permanent and can be abandoned if no good!
  4. At this point - anything is possible, but seems improbable. But we'll see when Rev announces their sail lineup for next year - maybe??
  5. it will be interesting to see how they handle things. They have all the specs. all they really need to do is change the panel layout and rename it. Same on the 1.5. Then again, they used "B" panel graphics on a Rev 1 without any thought, didn't finish the whole sail with a complete update, just graphics. So what the future holds ........?
  6. I'm sure you are throwing it like a javelin and by the tip of the LE. It usually does end inverted, how close to earth is a function of how hard you throw. It does take some practice to get use to the amount of force needed. I've seen both young and old, succeed and fail in this. Once you get the motions down, it's just consistency after that. And like Paul said - lines get longer and you start over again!
  7. Don't feel bad - I was a pretty good ball player, but after my stroke - no good , no more! I can throw no problem, catching is at best a sometimes thing! Only time it is reasonably reliable is indoors where I can control it more.
  8. They are Bazzer's brand kite! He did subcontract for Rev and make the Pros, now he is on his own. Could they be considered "rebranded Pros"? Some say yes, some say no. He did make the Rev "B" pro, but he had all the templates and added his skill to making them. Now on his own to do with them as he sees fit. Rev kept him in a "box" making them as they instructed. No changes allowed, even something as simple as fold strips ended up as an additional cost. And that was one of the kites weakest points! To be clear - there are no more new Rev "B" pros being made right now, There have been rumors of someone else making a "new" Pro, but nothing confirmed or out on the market. And with John withdrawing his endorsement - any "new" kite won't be a "B"!!
  9. Unless you get in the right place/right time, a Pro is pretty much off the board. With Bazzer no longer making them, people will be hanging onto theirs. Might take a look at his Phoenix brand kites. They use all the love he put into "B" pros and a few new wrinkles too.
  10. Wayne Dowler


    Been flying for over 20 years and never owned a meter. Got mine with me at all times - my neck hair!!
  11. Might try Andy at Ocean Shores or Ted at NW Winds. Bazzer used to make a kite family, quads, dualies, etc, not sure if he still is?
  12. Update on these: There are a total of 6 models for you to choose from - SUL (Ashes), STD, MID. Full Vent, Xtra Vent, and Mega Vent. The SUL Ashes leaves out the vent at the TE, giving you a fuller sail area. All can be ordered with SkyShark rods or sail only, use your own. They also can use Rev rods as a direct swap, little to no adjustment needed. Prices are pretty close to what a Rev "B" pro went for. And I've seen pix of several color combos, some custom per owner request.
  13. Forget the exact number - but post count will let you change your title after hitting it. Not sure if there are several steps to freely edit your "title" though. For those of you on FB, Andi has a page on there. Been making kites a long time, (at least as long as I've been back). Pix and videos can be found there also. Welcome!
  14. OPK (other people's kites) is a great way to find something that informs you of what it is you may be looking for. And test your desire to move on into more and greater things as you progress. But the input of an experienced pilot can really help with getting started.
  15. decorative. got a whole collection of different ones from diffferent festivals. some were even given as awards at an indoor event. some people do just for fun, others as a fundraising thing, others to mark a special event, etc .... got one attached to my hat!
  16. The Alien was my high wind kite, although my high winds weren't very high to start with. But the smaller size, it added up to less pull and that was OK by me. My problem was the LE launch away from the center of the window - the kites odd shape seemed to hold it down instead of helping it up. Otherwise it was fun to fly.
  17. You might measure - but those Vertigo rods might fit the EXP and/or mid too. I tried a Vertigo std this summer and put my black race frame in it with no adjusting. Really thought the sail came "alive" with Rev rods in it. Anyway - that would give you a nice selection of sails to match conditions!
  18. 4-6 rods in a week?? WOAH!! In almost 20 years I've only broken a few, and most of them I know why! Stepped on, not fully seated on ferrule, street contact, etc, all pretty much expected stuff. But 4-6 in a week of 2 hour stints?? Way too many - whatcha doing - chewing on them??!!??
  19. Yep - any 1.5 set of rods will interchange in the EXP (also a 1.5 size). PS: EXP stock rods are 3 wraps, just marked as EXP rods. No difference. I would hang on to the EXP rods (3 wrap) and get some other option like the black race frame or maybe 2 wraps. I would advise against 4 wraps, as it flexes the least and puts more stress and stretch on the sail, IMO. If it blows enough to want a 4 wrap - get a vented!
  20. I would suggest grouping according to manufacturer, ie SkyShark together, Rev rods together. That way you could look for a comparative rod in the chart, if you know your Rev rods as a sort of standard to be compared against. IMHO As fliers, we don't always go by flex, as much as the reflex - the ability to return to straight after flexing. Weight in general, is an after thought! Too light and the kite becomes victim of the winds, hard to control. For those of us that throw our kites on shorter lines, you have to have some mass or the kite gets blown off course or doesn't have enough "ommph" to reach the end of the lines. YMMV
  21. Agreed! Never needed them in a 1, 1.5, or 2! But in those that use them as a regular item - go for it!!
  22. Who uses an SLE rod set??? Never have put them in anything Rev! Good for staking tomatoes or corporal punishment - only!
  23. 10' . Some use 50#, some 90#. The Indoor Rev is very efficient, weighing in at only 4 oz's.
  24. You might ask Paul L. what length he uses there. He also deals (I'm pretty sure) with the weekend crowd. He might have some tips on how to avoid the dreaded "obliviots"!
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