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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Your goal is to create a hot cut edge of material. Hot cutting seals itself against fraying, most times, but can need further attention down the road! The melting does that well. The iron just eliminates any flames that could burn sail, bungee, bridle, etc.
  2. Melting the fray is commonly done. Just be sure to keep all the little bits well away from any flames. I use a steel rod to keep the pocket open while I melt the fray. Another trick is to use a soldering iron, no open flame, better control.
  3. Here's a link to this leader subject, over on the Rev forum. Pix and lots of comments. http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4409-my-leaders-your-thoughts/
  4. Congrats Karen!! Pardon me as I sob like a little kid, over in the corner!
  5. Maybe we should play Rock, Paper, Scissors between us that are online??
  6. I think he decided to keep this for himself, LOL!! One more time to try convincing the RNG!!
  7. Another trick to use - after running out the lines, take a pair of lines in each hand and separate your hands - WIDE! Most, if not all, the false twists will fall out and leave you with very little to take care of.
  8. Spectra is the only choice of material. Comes as either LPG (Laser Pro Gold) or Shanti (Skybond or Speed), all work well for dualies!
  9. I do mark my lines top, bottom, left, right. My way of keeping it straight in my head that I've hooked things up right. But I've also had a stroke, so patterning things helps keep me straight. About the lines - Once you've found a method that works - DO IT THE SAME - EVERY TIME!!! Habit, whatever you want to call it, but get used to doing it the same - every time out. I go so far as to never ask or allow some else to wind up for me - if it's messed up, I'm to blame!! But seriously, John's method, once mastered, is darn near foolproof! One of the only differences in our ways, is that I use 2 stakes. That allows me to keep the sets separated as I wind or unwind, with each handle slightly apart.
  10. Axles on a Rev!! Can be done!
  11. Nudge, nudge. Prod, prod. Poke, poke!! Maybe the RNG will find favor towards me!!
  12. Try a moonwalk!!! Underturns instead of overturns while travelling!!
  13. My issue is the bit of time lag needed to digest the next move! Flying in a Rev team, we have fully developed routines, that gives me some structure to work with. And it's no problem if I'm calling - can't make any mistakes up front!!! But free flying requires a bit of listening, then reacting. I always feel about a half second off on stuff. And that is why I pretty much gave up dualies - by the time I recognize the orientation of the kite, should have given it about 3 commands - too late!! Probably no good that I had a stroke, but it is the best I can do!!
  14. povlhp If you have stiffer frames, it should give you better high wind performance. Lighter should do the low winds. It still comes down to your own ideas of feel, there is no perfect one way to do this! You might hate my setup, but love Joe Q. Public's. I might dislike his and like Charley's! So there is no right or wrong, just what works for you!! Try the different rods in YOUR kite, experiment, maybe a combo will be a better fit for your style of flying!!
  15. Haven't needed my 4 wrap since I got an X/V - too stiff! 3 wraps work great! Don't be afraid of some flex in the LE, learn to control it! 6-8 mph, I'd still be using a std! Probably swap at 10 mph or so to the F/V up to ?? Might consider the 4 wrap at the higher ends of the winds. It is all about how it feels to you!!
  16. Currying a little favor eh??? Time to be a bit vocal!!
  17. AW MAN!! Losing another to the "Light Side"??
  18. Spit happens!!! Take a deep breath and relax, then tell us more about your adventures. Love good stories!
  19. Any vented is much smoother in gusty conditions, than a std sail. Personally, I throw out all the publicized wind ranges, to me it's all about what I feel. not what a book says.The full vent gives you max versatility, able to fly in much higher winds than a std or mid. It is my usual choice for most beginners, coupled with a std, gives you that wide range to fly in. As for a mid, it does have it's place! Think a brick wall - a row laid out end to end. Now start the next row - you overlap the joint. That's sort of the mid - it has a "sweet" spot at either extreme of the other 2 sails. Is it right for your conditions? Only you or any other experienced flier in the area will know for sure! As always - IMHO!
  20. Gotta always have goals!!! Keeps the learning curve interesting that way!
  21. SJW Without knowing where you are located, the resources I know of are the member maps here on KiteLife, a member map on the Rev forum, and I believe on a site kitemap.com or .org. (a little help needed from my friends on this) The used market is out there, you just need to ask. Asking questions here can direct your search to something that fits your needs. We need a little more info to help!! Where, winds, etc, will all help in getting you a good fit.
  22. And I don't know how to change it either!! A friend made it for me and we haven't been in touch lately, so it is what it is!
  23. Even used 90# on my X/V with no issues!! Stuff is plenty strong enough!!
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