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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. The day you stop learning - hang it up!!!
  2. EXP rods are 3 wraps, with no label, or just an EXP label on them
  3. PS: nice to see her flying!! Need more women out there!!
  4. BS - not good enough!!! How ya gonna learn, sitting on your hands and watching?? EH??
  5. Think the Laguna is a bit bigger. But no screen on the windows. I'd look on LightSpeed's website to compare models for size, features, etc, then get what best suits your need!
  6. None of us tie the lines directly to the pigtails. We use the larkshead knot to attach our lines to the pigtails. You form a loop, 4 - 8" long by using the figure 8 knots to close it. Makes taking the lines off and on so much easier. If you have sleeving, then simple overhand knots will work to form the loop.
  7. The Lightspeed product line is great! Gerry got one at Costco, I got one thru Dick's Sporting Goods. Funny, the one thru Dick's was $20 less than on Lightspeed's website! They have 3 sand pockets, stakes (extra hold or on grass) and lines (again,more for grass)! Set up and take down in under a minute - total time for both!! Look for the Laguna Beach Shelter on their (Lightspeed) site for details, then go to or order from Dick's. Sari, Katrina, Gerry and I all use them! Some have extra flooring that rolls out into a patio or folds up as a wall to the 3 sided shelter. For the Laguna thru Dick's, I paid $65. Here is a link to a similar product in their line with video: http://www.youtube.com/embed/atJiUVysoP8?autoplay=1&rel=0 PS: sent you a PM!
  8. Sounds a lot like my cul-de-sac that has 2 roads into it. Wind seems to flow down one or the other and you are always moving to keep that wind to your back! But that crappy wind makes for a better flier!
  9. Not too experienced on SLKs, but it never hurt to have several line strengths handy, to cope with the particular day's conditions! Those recommendations might be for any low end winds, I'd have stronger just in case! IMHO, of course!
  10. Sure that is how it is named? Maybe Firestorm? Haven't Googled it to make sure.
  11. iFlite might work - or a Feather!
  12. The Stranger came with those rubber bands to keep the lower spreaders in place in the "T"! Never once had a problem! Larksheaded to both spreaders, insert in "T", insert in LE fittings, done!
  13. Look for me under the blue hat and googles on!!
  14. YIKES!! Biner that line bag to the kite bag or something!!
  15. Damn plan revealed!!! LOL!!! My 1st WSIKF was the 64 record fly and I was only there when they did 56. No pressure, no demands, I got to fly with some of the finest Rev pilots with no bother to my poor skills at the time. I was just getting back into kiting after my stroke and hip replacements. Still overcoming a bunch of personal issues, but overcame those issues to befriend what has become a growing circle of friends I can't wait to see - every time!!
  16. 8 -12 mph?? Race frame or 2 wrap?? It be digging those winds!!
  17. Try losing your balance and stepping on your Indoor's leading edge, snapping a wing tip rod - That, my friend, sucks!!
  18. Scary?? Meeting some of the best Rev fliers from all over?? More like a great chance to learn and play with some of the best - first hand!! You aren't bound to fly in teams or anything, just there to have fun. And meeting those that think alike is just icing on the cake!!!!
  19. You will find many ninjas waiting!!
  20. Even something as uneventful as tangling an SLK tail can nick your lines and POP, your lines lose!!
  21. I think you have to ask for it, and pay extra for it too! My friend got one in the November order before Bazzer left for Australia and he asked Bazzer directly to add them to his. It does seem to be a smart and cheap fix to make the sail (mesh) last longer! JB got his done "aftermarket" by a kitemaking friend!
  22. Noticed the distance thing too and adjusted a bit to get it at the correct center point of the fold! Used 2" material to make mine and will consider doing it to all my kites! PS: had the zig-zag stitch done to a couple and it has held up over several years, so I know that is an alternative.
  23. Isn't that the patch at the vert?? You are correct though, many of us have used patches where the kite folds. Some have used more to shorten the distance the screen spans overall. I put 2 at the folds on my Zen. I think JB got a new set and has a total of 7?. Not sure they are needed out on the ends, but might use some near/at the center.
  24. As long as it is not some "cheapy" line, it will do!!
  25. Match or lighter works - just be careful of the flame is all! Just be sure all the little bits are carefully out of the way and you use small motions to do it. Might need several passes, but just like painting, several light coats are better than one heavy coat! Having the rod in place, keeps the pocket open.
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