The Lightspeed product line is great! Gerry got one at Costco, I got one thru Dick's Sporting Goods. Funny, the one thru Dick's was $20 less than on Lightspeed's website! They have 3 sand pockets, stakes (extra hold or on grass) and lines (again,more for grass)! Set up and take down in under a minute - total time for both!! Look for the Laguna Beach Shelter on their (Lightspeed) site for details, then go to or order from Dick's. Sari, Katrina, Gerry and I all use them! Some have extra flooring that rolls out into a patio or folds up as a wall to the 3 sided shelter. For the Laguna thru Dick's, I paid $65.
Here is a link to a similar product in their line with video:
PS: sent you a PM!