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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Anybody else getting a "fatal error" message on the Rev forum?? Tried several times and get the same message over and over. Anybody else?? Seems to be back online now!! Sorry!!
  2. If you do make your own sets, it's all about how you value the time you invest in making them! Buy all the right supplies and yes, it's about 1/2 of what you pay from most stores. But then add the time in to make GOOD sets, sleeving if you do, stretching, equalizing, and it's a several hour job for those of us that can. So it really becomes a balancing act of what you consider time is worth to you. I have made many of my own sets for many year, but I pick a no wind day and make sets instead of flying, Being disabled, I have the time. Many don't. Theresa's (TKS) sets might be a bit more, but she makes every one of them by hand, using LPG materials. I know, I've used her lines myself!! They are accurately measured, prestretched, use light bridle line as sleeves. and are ready to fly as is! So like I said - it's a determination of what your time is worth to you if you decide to make your own!
  3. If you are going out to fly the quad - forget almost everything about dualies!! A quad is controlled more by your wrists and hands, than with the push/pull of your arms! The important thing is to learn to feel the kite as it flies, not fight it. Remember - if the kite is going to crash - Give To The Kite!! Hit the brakes and step forward a bit. That lessens the impact. Pull or yank - and you just drive that sail into the ground even harder, causing ???? GIVE!!
  4. Going for more flying fun tomorrow! Will be in radio silence mode til Monday night!

  5. Read some of the older posts, both here and on the Rev forum!! If you can watch, watch, and rewatch, all of John's tutorials on how to fly the rev. Won't be time wasted!
  6. Almost never gonna get a perfect unwind, but if you watch and follow John's tutorial on line management, you'll get pretty close!! I started out winding one pair over the other and taking twice as long as others to setup or breakdown. One day John and I were kidding about my method, and he got me to at least try his way. So I started with my shortest set - 30". I figured that if it became too much of a mess, at that length it wasn't going to be too much to untangle. Success!! So I tried 50', then 80', and finally 120'. If you do it EVERYTIME, exactly the same, then it shouldn't be much of a problem. Most birdsnests/tangles are caused by varying the method he describes. I do make a few changes to his overall method, but they are more personal quirks, than trying to change his ideas. My secret is doing it exactly the same way - everytime. no changes. And no one else winds up my lines either, if they are a problem, I want it to be me responsible, no one else!
  7. Did you really give it a chance?? Many people I've chatted with, call it "different" or something. I don't know about anyone else, but I probably fly mine more than the average flier. But my first Rev was a big wing too, the Rev1. I was already used to the way it felt, pretty much. Wish I had some disposable income, I'd gladly have taken it off your hands. PS: I already use 15" handles with mine!!
  8. Tip stabs?? Yep, pretty move, but if you're gonna learn them, be prepared to replace some lower LE rods!! Can be tough on your kite unless you start trying them "in the air" first, to get the motions down, before doing it at ground level!
  9. I'm using Win 7 and Chrome - have had no problems with the site. Double check the header and see that you have highlighted "FORUM", not some other subject. Then look on the left to see what span of time you've got checked, ie - last 2 weeks, last 6 months, last 24 hours, etc. Otherwise, maybe John has something?
  10. OS? Browser?
  11. You mean you didn't order the flash drive that has all the tricks in it?? Or at least have them all pre-installed"
  12. Long story short: early on - Bruce Martin - Fellow flier I met every year down at the Lincoln City OR kite festivals. Always pushed me to try new stuff on the dualies I flew back then. quads - JB with an assist to Katrina Bruland (Null). JB for encouraging me to overcome my physical issues and really relearn to fly again. And Katrina for pushing me into learning how to fly team, (she is now my team's caller)! If I'm a little Rev heavy, you know who to blame!!! indoor - Amy and Connor Doran, with help from a host of others, including JB! Amy invited me to my first indoor festival, set up a glider (Skate), and let me use it all day! Then she and a friend (Theresa from TKS) got me to fly in the "mystery ballet" !! That was the bait, and when she let me try an Indoor Rev, match made in heaven!!!! John gets the assist, because at the time I was learning, his series of indoor tutorials were coming out. I broke them down into just studying hand position or footwork, before combining the whole into a complete unit. Then there is the whole kite community that supports and helps any and all that need it!! I salute you!! .
  13. I have an FB friend - Roelof van der Tak - that is getting one to try out. When he does - he plans to share pix with me on this thing and clear up any questions I hope. So until then.........??
  14. Won't send any pix claiming to still be developing the thing. I did send them a pic of Lam's ABS, but they claim that their system is different. I had disputed their claim to be the first using magic sticks on a kite right out of the box, citing Lam's previous efforts. So unless someone buys one and takes pix themselves, the makers will not provide any. Sorry!
  15. I'm crying now - not me too??!! WAHHHH!!
  16. Thinking of those small vert battens or whatever - maybe they are bent through a pocket like Paul de Bakker uses on his Echo for the stand offs?? Might be why we see no real ending point at the top of the LE?
  17. I contacted them about my questions and they should be sending me some pix of the back side. Be interesting to see how they have put this together! Sorry about the hijacked thread! John: if this is a problem, can you move it to it's own topic? Thanks!
  18. I think if you scroll down some, you should see an English translation. At least it was for me. Have a look! EDIT: not on this link they haven't! Try this one: http://www.andykites.com/catalogo/aquiloni/4-cavi/...
  19. another pic of them https://scontent-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/10854383_10206283639353966_8713030948186388309_o.jpg
  20. That's why I thought of rollbars or?? Not sure how they connect up top? Sewn pockets at the TE for sure! Without a pic of the back, just left to guess! They do mention "magic sticks" but how they are made - ??
  21. I posted a link on your last post!! But you need to be on FB to see it! Not savvy computer wise to do anything else - sorry! https://www.facebook...10439404&type=1
  22. Sure about that? In the back lit pix I've seen, the extra spars look bent! Come from the TE up to, it looks like just short of the top of the vertical rod. Maybe there is a fitting on the verts? Or ?? Doesn't look to be sewn pockets along the LE to accept them., or caps. Definitely a smaller diameter than the main verts, I've asked for a pic of the rear of the kite - no response yet!
  23. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=430565317106100&set=pcb.430565610439404&type=1 Got to be on FB to see!
  24. When the first thing you do in the morning is look at the leaves and flags to see the wind that day!!
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