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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. "RIP" indeed!! Sorry to hear Nick, too bad!!
  2. I've seen it used, but not me!! Sorry, but if the wind isn't blowing - indoors go I! I find my Zen or SUL work in light wind well enough, that I can save my Indoor for that - indoors!! If it's that bad, I've got my Urban Ninja glider/fighter to use!! All of course IMHO!
  3. I'm appreciating all the LOVE and SUPPORT from you all!! But I'm also trying to "influence " the RNG into picking my #!! So more influence please: Again thank you for all the LOVE!!
  4. Sleeve one end, tie the loop, then stretch! I found that using a luggage scale works well and can give you even stretch by using the same "weight"! Then give them a good final stretch by flying them in slightly overpowered conditions, (I like to hook them up to my Rev 1), then check and adjust! Remember to check them occasionally, as most are either right or left handed and tend to stretch that side more!! Making your own lines is cheaper, just an investment of time needed!
  5. That's an old trick used on the "Psycho" and "Stranger", using the rubber bands!
  6. Maybe a change in tactics will bring this baby home to me: Maybe posting this more often will convince the RNG of my worthiness!!??!! Maybe??!!??
  7. If that is your choice for a next kite, get yourself another, longer, better set of lines too! 50' is a bit short for learning on, IMHO! Wind window is pretty small at that length, it opens up as you get longer lines! Rob - got any suggestions on a good all-purpose length for him? 75 - 80'? Longer? We use 120' x 90# most times on our Revs, 80' x 90# comes in most packages! For short lining I use either 50' or 30' x 50#!
  8. Must live in northern RI!! I grew up in Newport, you're looking for Breton State Park for fellow fliers!! On the Ocean Drive, near the water, on an old estate converted to a park! One of the places people rave about!!
  9. We have the same issue when recommending Revs - the question of more use against specializing! The all-rounder will handle more wind range and fly in most conditions! The light weight will be done, if the wind picks up at all!!
  10. Again, not much of a dual line flier, others would have a better recommendation! Get either LPG or Shanti spectra line for good performance!
  11. Stick with what you have and upgrade your lines!! Then after getting control of this one, look at getting something different (better)! No sense taking a chance on breaking something new, just because you have to try it!! I'm not a dual liner much these days, prefer Revs' so others will have better suggestions or an upgrade, but this will work for learning some basics!! IMHO! PS: those upgraded lines will work on most other kites in your thinking, so invest in some good ones!!
  12. How do you get in there?.......I know.. seems like a silly question. I had kite in hand in hand Sat night at LC 2013, you guys were flying at dusk Sat... it looked fun. I hit the beach with the intent of flying, but did not. Does one interrupt to ask permission,..just launch and walk into your space? I really did not know how to "get in there". I did not want to interrupt practice, interrupt friends getting together etc. A novice asking demo flyers to join them, seems pretty daunting. I ended up not flying that evening, but appreciative of watching folks with skills beyond mine. BTW: what 's your dog's name? Her name is Mindy!! JB has it all covered, ask in a break in the action! At WSIKF this year JB asked me to keep working with those newer to group flying - felt honored to do so!! I really don't have a lot of time in as a team flier, so it can be a quick transition from flying solo to team! Ya just got to start!!! I'm proof of that!!
  13. You need more "time on lines" to avoid the situation!!
  14. I'll have to switch to "ear" mode til the hair grows back to "normal" length!!
  15. Who do I see to get a refund on my neck hair being off??
  16. No quibble from me on what you use - just surprised it wears out so quickly!! They're your lines, if you don't mind replacing stuff - more power to you!!
  17. One way to test your GRG is to place a stake at your starting point and a stake at where you want to end going back! When you reach that rear stake, use the GRG and see how close you can come to getting back to that starting spot!! After awhile you won't need the stakes to remind you!!
  18. Sorry, but you'd be hard pressed to fly any more often than I do and I've never worn out a sleeve in 20+ years!! Might be what you are using to make them - fish line has a coating on it, maybe it wears differently than the bridle line used by most??
  19. Great result - but.... USA?? Only one sailor on Oracle was American, there were more NZ sailors on the team!! Sorry, but I'm "old school", lived in Newport, RI for many years growing up!! There were a few foreign sailors back then on our boats, but a majority? This had nothing in common with the Cup as I remember it!! Time's A Changing!!
  20. A "Bazzuka" !!???
  21. Now if it only will affect the RNG....?
  22. Just want this one - Hence my plea!!
  23. mystainedskin - do you use bridle line for sleeves? Save the core and make some "quick releases" for the loops! Make about a 2" loop from the core line, double larkshead it to the loop, tie a knot in it making the length you want, then burn the excess! I can change my settings on my Rev in seconds and it makes breakdown a snap! Saves those teeth too!
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