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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Glad you said that!!
  2. Look for the Rev fliers to be on field "B" all week! We'll be easy to spot, ask any question, we'll be glad to check your setup out and give you suggestions on what to look for!! I will be wearing a bright blue floppy hat, be glad to answer any questions!!
  3. Sure hope they turn up, Dave! Good Luck!!
  4. Just add a foot to your leaders .......... Smart A##!!!
  5. Not a designer, but I think the reason for stand offs is to maintain the shape of the sail, in gusts or lulls, that the designer had in mind when he drew up the original idea! IMHO!
  6. Easy Michael, we were just having a bit of fun with the idea!! Indeed, with all the info from this site, it's well worth the price of admission!! The drawings are icing on the cake!!
  7. You gonna make it up to WSIKF? If you do, look me up on the Rev field!! I wear a bright Blue hat, pretty easy to pick out in the sea of tan and khaki and pale green hats out there! And goggles to protect my eyes from sand! I may look like an alien, but fly like something from this earth! I'll also be at the indoor on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights!
  8. Worse - old timers like me are trying to copy that!! Where do I trade in my short little arms for some equaling those of a six footer? I'm trying, really I am!!
  9. Nice to see you over here, Felix!! 1/4" apart?? I'd be in "paralysis by analysis" with that many knots to choose from!!
  10. I'll throw another issue into this discussion - handles! I use sets that have been made and use the indoor bend, instead of the outdoor! That gives me a bit more brake right off the bat! I've been flying with these for almost a year and am really comfortable using them! When I pick up a "stock" set, it takes a little to regain my feel for them! For those that don't know the difference between indoor and outdoor bends - the indoor handles are bent shallower (less bend) than outdoor! This make the indoor a bit straighter (so too my outdoor) than the outdoor! I got them this way after trying a set made for Steven from S. Africa, last year at WSIKF! I liked the "feel", so I had my sets made with that same bend! I've really become quite used to them, as they give me the "brake" I like, already built in, and I only have to adjust the tops for drive! Not for everyone, but it works for me!!
  11. The fly fishing analogy is appropriate, as I do use parts of a flyrod as wands!! I cut the reel seat off the butt section to make it "thru-blank" and use the tip "as is" for some smaller gliders!! Like I said, I use the wands for 2 reasons : 1 - for line management! I like having the line running through the wand, and keeping track of it that way! 2 - leverage! I like the extra bit of help the wand adds to my arm for controlling the kite! Could I fly without them? Sure, but I like using them, so why switch?
  12. I would start by creating more angle between you and the kite! If you are straight away from the kite, try moving to one side to create that angle! Also the rear towpoint seems to be "quicker", the turns happen faster than some delta type gliders that respond to "pulling"!! Since I use a wand for all my gliders, the touch and feel are most likely different for me! That touch is hard to explain, I just "feel" the kite flowing and turn it without much thought! Ever fly fish?? The feel is very similar to that! I let the kite take line as it moves away and mend line in as it closes the distance! Constant give and take!!
  13. The boat video is John's!!! My wands are anywhere from 4' to about 30"! I even use one only 16" long!! I have several, as no one wand seems to work with every kite! Weight of kite, weight of line, flex of wand, they all play into the wand of choice for any kite!! I use them to manage my line, had a stroke, so eyesight is just OK! I also like a "thru blank style" as they don't snag up during demos or comps, like fishing rods can!
  14. Actually you connect to a screw fixed into the plastic anchor!! Either turn the screw with a drill to run a file over the threads or use a shoulder screw!! A friend thinks a vinyl cap placed over the leader and semi sealing the top, will eliminate the wear!! Might have to try it!
  15. True!! I use 2 settings most times - 1 for flying solo (I like more brake), and 1 for team (need a little more go power)!! But I usually start pretty much from the same place and adjust as needed!
  16. Sounds like someone ought to try a Rev!! I find it easier than my dual line!! And I love my gliders in there!
  17. This got me thinking, so I checked mine!! 15" setup is 7 1/2" to 8 1/2" out on top with 1 3/4" bottoms - 5 3/4" or 6 3/4" differential! 13" is 1 7/8" bottom, 7" top for a 51/8" differential!! Difference of the two is that I haven't had to convert them both to a "one sized mini" yet! Both differences are from my favorite setup spots, but like you, I move them as needed!
  18. I'll also guess that you almost never use the last couple of knots on the leaders!! Great for flying - terrible to launch or do any ground moves!! IMHO!!
  19. Nick - that photo indicates you have let the top out about 4-5" (guess) from a stock setup! Think about it - stock "shorties" are about 2-3" long and both are the same length!! Now you added new tops and bottoms, with the bottom out about 2" and the top about 6-7"! Subtract the bottom length from the top length (of your regularly used knots) and you'll get your "differential", the difference you've let the top out!! Measure with a tape and see what it actually is!! I'm guessing from your pic that it's about 5"!!
  20. Let's see - A whole set of custom "B" pros (std, mid, f/v, xtra-vent) and a Zen, with change left over to buy dedicated linesets and handles for each and still have some change left over!!! That can go towards a couple of Walt's (LS Kite Stakes) really nice "bling" stakes!! My bag overfloweth!!
  21. Don't want to be a "wet blanket" , but if I could afford 100 subscriptions, I could BUY a kite - or 2, or 3!!
  22. Just remembered - those that did adjust the bottoms also used pretty long tops too!! Myself, I have the bottom fairly close in already, making the bottoms longer would be like going back to the stock leaders, taking away the adjust-ability! I be happy with what I use!!
  23. Every year?? Maybe my wear situation is not so crazy after all!! But the pigtails do solve it some!
  24. I'm using 13" and 15" sets, both have had failures! The 15" had lighter weight leaders, but my 13" had heavier and both wore out! So the short "minis" solved the problem, sort of! May have a talk to the maker at WSIKF about this and see what he says about slowing down wear! Might be something he'll look at!
  25. Pretty easy solution - eh?
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