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Wayne Dowler

Kitelife Subscriber
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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Kinda reminds me of the Prism Radian!
  2. Nice thing is - you never leave home without it!
  3. We had a topic on the Rev forum about this very subject and there were some that adjusted from the bottom!! But I think? the majority adjust the tops! Some do both!!
  4. Sorry I don't have pix, but I'll try explaining! You know your home made bottoms? Imagine putting them on the top, then larksheading your regular leaders to them! Make them with just one knot for ease of use, I do the same on bottom anyways! If you get too much wear, just replace the short pigtail, larkshead the main leader to it, and off you go!! I do double over my bridle line on each one, probably overkill, strength-wise, but how I do it! I never had any problems with wear on my modded handles like yours, only since I switched to the no-snags! Movement of leaders through the hole and over itself, seem to be the issues of wear! I thought that having the leader exposed and rubbing of my thumb would be the major causes of wear, but it is the leaders themselves that are the worst reasons!! So I came up with the "mini" leaders that are expendable items! I got 2 pairs of no-snags last October, worn out a set of leaders on each pair!! Now I know I fly more than the average guy, but this was unexpected! Especially when it happened right as I was flying one day! Came up with this idea as a temporary solution, but the more I thought on it, the more sense it made! So I'm using it full time now!!
  5. Learned the hard way after going through 2 sets of leaders on different handles! Decided to go with the "minis", since I liked the spacing of the leaders I had! Another trick is to make multiple sets, all the same length! That way they can be used as top "minis" or bottoms!
  6. One of the things I've found dealing with wear - if you really like the leaders you're using now, make some short little "mini leaders" as attachments on your handles and larkshead the leaders to them!! Make yourself several sets in case of sudden wear and just replace the "minis" and reuse the other leader!!
  7. It shows the reasoning behind why we fly with the longer top leaders!! In a nutshell, I'll try to explain! Longer top leaders let you adjust the kite to "square up" and hold the wind efficiently! It allows you to set up your sail as almost "neutral", not overly jumpy with gusts, not completely dead if the wind drops! Stock leaders tend to make the kite too forward or too much drive!! They are intended to help you launch successfully and see some instant success in your flying! But we find that adding the longer leaders gives you more control after the beginning stages of flight! Something we avoid is having the kite "surge" out of control when a gust hits! The long leaders help you tune that out, so you can better absorb the gust! Helps too in light winds, where "squaring up" the sail traps more wind in the sail and helps you fly in harder conditions! I'm sure John has more on this, these are a few things I can offer!
  8. Already got my "gadget" - hair on my neck works every time and is always ready to use!! HAHAHA!!!! Ears make a good back up system!!
  9. Save the money - buy more kites!!
  10. Saw that you were a subscriber to Kitelife - check out the tutorials, especially about sail loading! Pretty much explains what the theory is on longer leaders! John is in South America, his replies will be scattered in time for awhile! Try watching, if that doesn't get you there, come on back! If John hasn't posted, I'll be glad to explain!
  11. I'm completely behind the whole thing!! (PS: I used to fly Prism a lot), but now Revs!! So what has been up in the drawings has not been of interest to me, (again personally)! But I do like the idea and endorse it fully! Just thought I'd throw that out there!
  12. I was sitting this out as I fly Revs pretty much all the time!!
  13. Done that!! Hooked both to my center loop with another piece of line larksheaded on, using the tails from my Walas! I did use just one, going from tip to tip, but could feel it every time I accelerated!!
  14. OK, I see your pic - have you looked to see the length of the loop on the "good side"? If nothing is broken, just untied, you should be able to retie the bunji! Both ends together and tie a simple overhand knot and work it near the end! Looks in the pic like the ends are already melted, so you won't need to do that! On Revs that break the LE washer, we do a very similar field repair, tying the bunji together til we can get a washer! I'm guessing that the slipping is being caused by using the wrong knot for that!! Don't use a "shoe lace" type knot, make 1 knot with both ends in it at once! Shouldn't slip!
  15. I prefer behind the neck Sennheiser (sp) phones! I got tired of always having a dangling earbud get wound into my winder as I put my gear away!! Behind the neck solved that and always easy to remove for conversation with onlookers! Good sound quality!! I almost always wear a wide brimmed hat, over the head just doesn't work with that!!
  16. See, just the mere mention of one gets everyone worked up!!
  17. Xtra-vent?? You know something we don't??
  18. Feel the Karma flowing, congrats!!
  19. You might look at the "member map" to see if there is anyone near you to fly with! I know there are several fliers in the Florida area, well worth it to hook up and compare notes, learn together, etc!! Quads in general, tend to be more "social" because of their flight characteristics, so too most of the fliers!!
  20. Nice cover up Nick!!! Maybe it will overlook your "playing" around and still grant you happiness!! Then again .....?
  21. I have 2 frames for my Rev I, a race and a 4 wrap 1/4" frame! Now, I mostly use my 1 in light winds, almost like a Zen and pretty much only use the race frame! It does have a more solid feel than my SUL ( bigger, heavier), but I've flown a Zen and I haven't seen much that will fly better in light wind!! But the 1 that I have does the job at the moment! When the wind picks up, it's time for the 1.5's, forget putting a different frame in it!!
  22. No experience with a Mojo, but 3-5 mph sounds a bit low to learn on! Even for a Rev! You're really looking for 5-10 mph and steady!
  23. Saturday day trip - my advise, leave home early to get a good parking spot once you're there! Leaving shouldn't be bad. They have a big parking lot and the walk to the flight field isn't too long! Plus, there are tents and pop-ups with all kinds of stuff for sale, jewelry, kite stuff, food, etc!! Since it is a weekend, yes there will be crowds, can't avoid that!
  24. Careful Nick - might have messed up your Karma!!
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