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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. Look under Pilot for registration information. It's free! Tell everyone so they can grow strong. BB Penny ~ who is a registered member.... maybe. It does not cost $30! My computer went to another page. My print is so large, I can't view the whole page. Please forgive me and pass this on to anyone you know who's using wheels w/ kite buggies. BB Penny ~ who had just enough wind to get a little muddy buggying in before the winds died.
  2. All very kewl Choccy. Thanks for sharing. BB Penny
  3. There is room to fly. You do have to go down the beach some, but I have to do that just to give lessons. Lots of fun. And we know someone on a microphone who can say.. .hey... Dan is here. BB Penny~who will be the one in a costume. Amy is "the Charlie".
  4. When you have tangled lines and a passerby says "you look a little strung out." That one cracked me up, it was so unexpected. We should all own the shirt that says, "One of these days we should have a night fly" After they watch you and ask, "How did you do that?" Hmm, they just saw how you did that. My favorite, "Can I try that?" BB Penny
  5. I'll be there. BB Penny
  6. I checked out the sight, pretty kite kewl. Fron what I can tell it's only $30 a year for insurance and membership. I'm joining. BB Penny ~ who's husband loves her enough to take a friend to the Mariners train night so she can go buggy with friends at Sunset, OR this weekend.
  7. Good morning, It sure depends on when and where. There are lots of outdoor events coming up. If people are going to travel for an indoor fly, it might as well be a festival. That way those that wish can compete for points towards nationals. Or a kite show, and you can invite the public to view. Or, just invite flyers close to come play with you. BB Penny
  8. Penny, Where is the closest place you can buggy on a beach? I know Ocean Shores and north is closed to buggy/landboards. I have been told they are not allowed in the Westport area. Long Beach? Drewpy. I've gotten away w/ buggying at the S. end of O.S. No people and the cops didn't bother us. This weekend there will be buggiers at Sunset Beach! I'm really feeling the pull. Do I kiss my husband and tell him to take a friend to the Mariners game on Fri. and run down and practice for San Ramon, Ca... getting in a few hours of buggying, or do I..... hmmmm what choice is there? I think I better tell my husband I love him and head to Sunset, OR.. Cause... it's still true: Sunset Beach Bum Buggiers Rule The Road At The Edge of Sea~ BUGGY ON!! BB Penny~ who better go sweet talk her husband.
  9. Yes, Dan, it is the same. I was just using it as a signature to keep it where people who just poke their head in here could see it. BB Penny http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=48...42799&hl=en
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=48...42799&hl=en Ok, I'll try this. Thanks Dan. Nope.... that didn't work. Any ideas Glenn? Did I break it? If no one can see it then I can talk it up, right? lol BB Penny
  11. Usually the bigger the kite the slower the kite. Giving the kite direction is a pre-action. It's a 1/4 of a move before it happens. If you watch video you'll see this. It’s most obvious in slower wind. Cutting your lines down to 65 -80 ft. will still give you long lines, but get rid of the lag and make the kite much more responsive. Longer handles and adjustments on the lines will help immensely. Look at your flying. You may not be moving the bottom of your handle up enough to keep the forward on it going. Especially if it's been in the bag a while. It's easy if there's wind.. The wind will keep it going you just steer. In light wind, you have to keep the kite moving and the forward is important. Many people who haven't flown for a while, give the kite a good launch and then hold their hands up high, but point the handles down, which is telling the kite to come down. Try to look at your handles to see what you are doing. It may take a few outings for you, but you'll get it. You can put in lighter rods. That being said; you will have more fly time with a 1.5 and it will be easier in most winds. I love the Rev. I... it's a gentle giant. But, you won't get the speed out of it that you can with the other Revs. BB Penny
  12. ~Dan Wonder if Glenn tried to fix something, or it's related to Kitelife site problems? Or, since there were about 200 views since yesterday, could that be it? I can see it now. BB Penny http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=48...42799&hl=en
  13. Actually yours is the only video I have posted. Somebody played with the time machine and set it frantic. Glenn Aww, that's to bad. Deb and Lee Parks would have loved to have video sent to them. Thanks for trying Glenn. BB Penny
  14. Thanks Amy, I hear San Ramon is a go for you. How exciting! Hope Connor is doing well. Now, where is your video? I'm sure Glen must have sent you some. Slip it in here girl. OH, I had some of the kids doing the butterfly dance at the Expo. It was such a fun treat for them. I hope Delta Park was good to you. T called and said it was going to be one day and rain, did I really want to travel that far? Since I was still a little under the weather, I stayed home and rested my body and wrist. It was perfect timing. Today, mostly my feet hurt from the cement yesterday. Now, I'm going outside to practice. Hugs to you and that boy. Here is a picture of Mousie (Amy), Penny and Deb Parks doing the butterfly dance. Happy Mothers Day! BB Penny
  15. I like and recommend pigtails for this.. I just can't seem to keep all four on a kite. lol BB Penny
  16. Thank you Dan for the kind words. I still don't like to watch it. It's lots of fun, but the goofs look goofy. ewwww yuck.. I guess I just forget about the days when all you thought of was just trying to keep the kite to stay up. BB Penny ~soar after a wonderfully fun day of playing with kids and kites on sticks indoors all day. It was the third year, and some of the kids think they are getting quite good. One nice lady braved the crowd of kids to come and say she liked my flying to the Star Spangled Banner Rev Demo. That was taking her life in her own hands. I could only let about 3 kids fly the Rev. It was just to crowded. As soon as it would get quiet enough for a lesson and we put the rev up, we'd have a group of kids again. Safety First. I can have about 7 kids at one time in space juuusssst barely big enough. Almost every child flew a diamond kite with tails, a UFO and butterfly with tails. Some came and just kept trading them out. They were wonderful about sharing. The kids ranged in ages between 18 months to -well, adults. It was a "Kids Expo" so mostly kids. What a fun day. It's going to hurt tomorrow. BB Penny http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=48...42799&hl=en Thank you Glen Day for the video!!
  17. I've been to busy to even blog about indoor flying. I thought I'd post this and see if you all can view it. I didn't want to post it at all. I sat on it for a month and 3 people have seen it. I just couldn't stand to look at it. There are several mistakes. The Parks gave us permission to show video and photo's of the show. I have a few pics they sent us, but maybe John will have them in the next issue. I’ll put them on my space soon. I won't ever try to put in a difficult move during a show ever again. I tried the circle around, 180, 180 walk. It went well the first time, but the second time I think I didn't drop the wing enough. Sometimes I wish the indoor kite wasn't quite as wide as it is. Still, that's what gives it the wonderful easy lift it has. This is the tipsy gypsy.. town sass..tavern scene. I don't usually swing my hips like that either! I'm an up and down bouncer not a sashayer. I goofed the ending. I dont' want to watch! Don't look! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=48...42799&hl=en Thank you Glen Day for the video!! Happy Mothers Day.. BB Penny .
  18. Not exactly Spence. I suggest leaving the bridle on so they can determine if they like flying without a bridle or not without the bother of reattaching it. Only my high wind kites have bridles. Not my 1.5's. I tried to keep a few on, but personally prefer it without. But, you see... I'm a Virgo on the cusp. lol which means... I'm supposed to be a perfectionist, but I blame the cuspy stuff that leads me to "just do it." I'm not a perfectionist. I don't care to work on my kites. I just want to fly. So I don't bother to put a bridle back on and switch it on/off. There’s a lot of folks out there that can relate. Wattty, any kite of mine that you flew did not have a bridle on it. Any kite of mine that I flew with IQUAD did not have a bridle on it. Is it twitchier? not so much as pilot error. I tend to squeeze my corners, and my age shows a little... and I'm a little hyper... so I wouldn't blame the kite not having a bridle. Blame me. High winds make no difference. It's still controllable, if you have the right kite and setup. Dispersing the weight with a bridle is clearly easier on the kite. I've had no problems with my spars, just the leading edges getting worn quicker. Have a great weekend! BB Penny ~who's name was pssed onto A WA rep. Wouldn't an indoor fly at the White House be awesome!!
  19. Hey Dan, Bridless flying is certainly a flyers choice. Where it makes a difference is in competition. It is a little more twitchy, but I managed a 3rd place in National Master Quad, so it's certainly doable. You wouldn't want to take it off of the speed series or Rev II's on purpose. In fact, I'd suggest shorter handles to control those in high winds. The reason we flew without a bridle was because our town had no wind, light wind and ugly wind. The kite is more responsive. Being connected directly to the kite gives you an advantage especially in the beginning. You'll gain great control. Just like using the sul/ long throw handles will make the kite quicker, twitchier and more responsive, so will no bridle. They both take practice is all. It is harder on the kite itself. Wearing the area down on the kite around the caps. Not the caps themselves, but on the kite leading edge. I don't recommend it as a first choice for this reason. That being said. lol It certainly works better in light wind. You can just leave the bridle on. Don't detach it. Just slip your lines into the caps at the top and bottom of the vertical spars. Slip the loop through the cap and then loop it over the cap. It's kind of like larks heading onto the cap, but your through the hole on the cap so it doesn't slide down. Poke thorugh, loop over the cap, pull tight. Keep your bridle on and practice in lighter winds... or go to shorter lines. Your bridle will be there when you need it. Another reason I like my no bridle flying is very few wing tip wraps. If someone does fall out of the sky and the kites turns into the lines and gets flipped inside out, and.... you know.. .when you look at your kite mess and say.. "How did that happen?" Usually, I can just change my handles in my hands and fly the kite backwards.. poles in the front, lol cause I'm lazy.... and don't want to walk down to the kite till I want to. I just want to fly. (If I'm giving lessons, I'd fix it so I don't confuse them any more then I might have already.) Hope this helps. It's Friday! Have a great weekend. BB Penny ~who's be at the pavillion's kids expo -building future kitefliers.
  20. Jon Ellis US08 Jon Ellis asked me to pass this on. Sounds like a great idea. BB Penny From Jon Ellis: President NAPKRA 2008 www.napkra.org Anyone from North America is welcome to join the North American ParaKart Racing Association at NAPKRA.org. It is free and your local club gets event insurance, a right to voice their opinions and call for a vote to make changes or to add something, everything is open for inspection and any information the club has is open to its members, we have sponsors that have contributed prizes for local club events that is ready to send out, the NAPKRA.org web page is up with a calendar for events, the resource area has lots of great buggy information, there is a pilot members list of over 120 pilots and growing daily, links to buggy event sites, other forums, weather, wind; the NAPKRA pilot member forum has a gallery, racing discussion, racing tips, racing events, Western, Central and Eastern Regions, with Local club, and the North American Cup areas for discussions on the forum. NAPKRA hopes to be able to help buggiers with local issues as a group of concerned buggiers and not just one lone buggier. The association hopes to encompass all sides of buggying, from fun get togethers, racing events, training events, new areas to buggy (Mexico pilots are great hosts), 5% to 10% discount at select sponsor merchants, and on and on. Please join and help NAKPRA lead bugging in North America to new heights in a fair manner that all can be proud of.
  21. Due to the weather and a small group of competitors, Delta Park has been changed to a one day event. All events will be on Sat, weather permitting. Theresa, I won't make it.. I'm going to stay closer to home. The Doc gave me some more meds. I haven't had an ear ache since Lincoln City's 3 mayors ago. ayiii. We'll catch up with you soon. Have a great weekend. Wish I was there. BB Penny Hey Theresa, I'll see what I can do with the calendar tonight. Any chance I could take the couch and give Aiyana from Canada a bed? She wanted to share a hotel room, but your less expensive. lol xoxoxox I'm looking forward to it! BB Penny ~who didn't want to leave beautiful Morro Bay this weekend.
  22. OH yeah... BB Penny
  23. As your sail stretches, you might try tightening your bundgee on your tips. Try 25 ft. and 12 ft. and 8 ft. and 200 ft. BB Penny
  24. Kewl web site. Where did you find the Bellisimo video? I hadn't seen that. Hope you fly and sale lots of kites. BB Penny

  25. Your bad Carl. Oregon and WA are great. Ocean, mountains and desert in WA. Walport, OR (sp) is a great place for power kiting. It rains in WA, but wait 5 minutes and that will change. BB Penny
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