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Everything posted by SparkieRob

  1. THAT was actually very useful. Thanks. Now, next show us one with roll bars...Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. If you got the Deep Space Vtd, I can recommend the "Trick or Treat" DVDs Tim has. Great kiting scenes and tutorials. The line leaders he makes are great too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I can understand not needing multiples but.... I've flown a stacked pair of Supers and it was awesome!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The Deep Space series are very well respected kites and you couldn't go wrong with a Benson. Outstanding build quality. You could also look for a "strong standard" which is a standard sail with a stronger frame. Put a set of wind brakes on. There are also "mid vents" and "light vents" from Sky Sport Designs (Lam). Do heavy lines slow down a dual enough in higher winds for tricking or would that not be enough? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I will be getting a Seven VTD for my vented dual though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'd go full vent Rev if you want to fly if it's too windy for duals. Having said that, I fly my B2 Std all the way up to 20mph. Then I put in its 3 frame... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I borrowed a Silver Fox 2.5 Vented from a mate. Never really got on with it. Don't get me wrong, it's a nicely put together kite. It's big at 2.5 meters, over 8 feet. Looks pretty cool too. Didn't try any tricks with it. Just carved around, fade it pretty sweet. As an alternative, there are a high wind standards. Lumokites has the SkyKiller and Vital who both go way past 10mph. L'atelier has a few too. SKD has a Vented in the final stages of development. R-Sky have some venteds too. Soul, Q-Pro, Sky Sport Designs (Lam), there are quite a few really. What kites do you have? Might do well to try and match to those is you can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    Barely enough wind to tickle the leaves and I was flying this bird on 100 feet! Truly a great UL.
  9. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    A great afternoon to fly a wicked kite.
  10. SparkieRob

    Seven halo

    From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    With the sun behind, it gets a bit of an ethereal glow.
  11. SparkieRob

    Seven Std

    From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    This is my Seven Standard from Sport Kite Design. Meticulous attention to detail, really blows me away every time. Very sweet bird.
  12. SparkieRob

    Kite party

    From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    My 3yo created this on my iPad while I was cleaning my kites. Bless her.
  13. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    A great shot showing the truss network of the French bridle and Magic sticks.
  14. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    Just giving it a little swim. The rods can handle it!
  15. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    Only the LE is visible.
  16. From the album: SparkieRob's Photos

    Pimped out 1.5 SUL with a frenchie, sticks and diamonds.
  17. SparkieRob

    Kite Bags

    I have never minded a single shoulder strap. Carried my tool bag like that for longer than I care to admit. Never seems to slide off. I use the roll up types though so I don't need that hand to hold anything, I've rolled it all up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. SparkieRob

    Kite Bags

    That's a nice looking bag. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. One of the things I'm really appreciating with duals is the way you can really connect with a certain kite. And others the connection just isn't there no matter how hard you try. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I'm sure you could still use a Gopher... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Nice to see all that "frosting". Great pics.
  22. Been thinking about the "360 throw down" and if you ran so that the kite flew an ellipse (or even an egg shape) instead of a circle you could do it in a higher wind range as you spend less of the arc with the wind... Hmmm
  23. Recently got a hold of a NikNak by Skyburner Kites and I'm really keen to see how this performs in my zero conditions.
  24. N +10 for me... for years my 'wish list' has always been like a top 10 list ! I could easily name off 10 kites that I want to get, but I've been trying to limit myself to one quad, one dual, and one SLK for the last few years. Yep, same here. I could name the next 10 I'm getting, it's just the order changes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. When ever the kids come with me to fly kites, I set out a couple of dogs stakes. Once they've had enough and want to take turns at whatever I'm flying, I tie theirs off so they are still up for later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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