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Everything posted by mystainedskin

  1. Ya..ya...you see. That kite belongs to me! ........in his best ganster voice, as he grabs up the tommy gun and stands his ground.
  2. One last .... B2 or not B2
  3. Most factory drogue will double as a storage bag ... And for the benefits may be worth the effort for a little more hassle. I saw your videos and idea . I don't think an added stability device to the rear of the foil would create too much more of an effort in launching from an S.U.P. once in the air, the performance characteristics of the foil will be drastically improved.
  4. If you check the links in his signature... I think he may be tinkering some with different style sails used for purposes that suit his idea.
  5. I like the hands on approach . Just watched a video of one in action.... Did I mention I was ....! I can already envision making motor and machine gun sounds as it dives unsuspecting beach dwellers.......
  6. I have found in most of my situations that the tail or drogue or whatever you choose is just the ticket for those problems. Not always, but usually will calm the kite right down into a stable flying pattern. I have several tail lengths I use depending on wind conditions and what I am trying to accomplish in the area I am flying in.The bridle setup is a very good place to look also.
  7. I'm sure someone will help soon on the link..... It's really straightforward... Pump up while moving backwards, recover that same ground by gliding or slow fall in the inverted position while walking forward.This allows you to fly in a small area instead of needing a football field. So if you take 10 steps backwards, work on trying to recover that same 10 steps and end up where you started. It's all about keeping the sail loaded with enough and proper pressure to achieve what you need. In the start for me, I stuck with simple up and down until i got the motions correct...then i moved towards figure 8's..then tricks and ground play antics........sweating and smiling the whole time
  8. I just caught the dual line setup.....that sounds fun! Does the rng recognize birthdays? Could be just the thing to help me over the 40yr old hump!
  9. I havnt used one.... Could it be as simple as the meter attachment needs to be faced a certain way? I.e. reversed readings. I use the app..... But not an Apple fan,so this setup doesn't work with Android yet from what I've heard.
  10. I'm in! This day has started off great...some good music, a Rev 1 headed my way soon.... Let's make it a three some!
  11. Feeling 3 times as good about the outlook of the future!

  12. just something to make you giggle trying to envision 200 of pvc vertical weeblewobbling all around. I have used air,water,etc..but with the height and tangled lines....... Food for thought for next time.
  13. You could test using the drywall anchor method and a long screw. Put the screw in to the length needed and hook your lines up and go for a spin. Just make sure your screw is long enough and far enough on to support it.
  14. I have used compressed air to retrieve items before.... A new product "Kite Retriever". 200' of pv hooked to your most powerful air supply with various nozzle sizes and direction of output.
  15. I read the stories on these getting cut here...but in a year of heavy flying....They are still cooking with no need for the extra screw to find. I did make a set with an allen head bolt and the same drywall anchor...it had a smooth shank about 3/8" of an inch down. My caps are loose....didnt feel comfortable without the extra meat under the screw.
  16. Interesting....may have to try it this way. I usually just use the screw from the anchor and larkshead to it.
  17. I would not object chopping a tree like that down with my camp axe that resides in my truck.....
  18. I was re-reading some of this.... I don't do line work in the field either. One reason I make my leaders a little long.. I do believe this was In one of Johns videos... I just knot up where needed and work it out in my routine checks. First I work it out at the handles unless its real bad...then I add knots in the leaders I have been off before in making a set...or 2... But usually pretty darn close once they go to the kite. I can see being specific for team flying due to the factors mentioned, but as of now....that's not a factor for me.
  19. Living the nite life now and find my flying sessions are becoming short and sweet in multiple locations. Be it on foot or traveling by vehicle. My 30' lines have not seen a winder in quite awhile and stay on the handles. As I start my day today...energy drink down.. and prepare to go flying in the nite. I had a query... What do you do? Do you break the kite down every time? Take the lines loose? I find a lot of my vehicle travels...I won't do anything but roll lines on handle still connected to the kite and fold leading edge.....but on foot I will break the kite down completely and lines on the handles. Also I have 1 set of handles with multiple Kites and line sets but normally only using one kite in this type of journey. Looking forward to everyone's style or flavor..... I'm off to " Go fly a kite!"
  20. I havnt had the tree misfortune yet.... But I have dabbled in light poles and balconies channeling the wind in between buildings on the low wind and wrong direction wind nite. It is more fun than a roller coaster! But when the car comes off the track............
  21. The way I fly......you will never see the color
  22. All indoors for me if I make them at work. At home I use the sidewalk out front. I keep all my line doubled and tripled back ,except for stretching....then I don't disturb the neighbors too much when making long sets.
  23. I think a full suite of B Series or even Pro B Series Revolution Kites would be a great 40th birthday gift!

    Don't you agree?

    .....and then I got pinched and realized I was awake...Damn the luck!

  24. Congrats to the 180go kite team!

  25. Wow....sorry to hear that. I was looking forward to the feedback on it. If it makes you feel any better......my camera went for a 40yrd drag through sugar sand and is trash....due to similar circumstances.
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