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Everything posted by oapbillf

  1. Hi Nigel, Now that you have put the word out I would expect UK Rev fliers to make contact just as I am ! If you get the chance meet up with fliers and they will almost certainly let you have a go before you buy. Flying A Rev is certainly different to flying a Dual line Foil or Delta just as dragonfish states ! It,s a bit too far for you to come up to Dunstable Downs where I and others fly just look around your area for other fliers, there are a lot who are not forum members, I fly with one who is not on line ! I see that you have not joined the Rev forum yet, Here is the link http://www.revkites.com/forum/ Now watch the Tutorial videos over and over again, it,s worth it in the long run. Read every post on the Forums, every little bit of information helps, I did and what I learnt helped a lot as did flying with others ! Bill
  2. Hi Pete, Make contact with the White Horse Kite Flyers, they hold regular fun flys in your area ! http://www.whkf.org.uk/ OK don,t tell me, you're already a member ! Bill
  3. Several of my Revs suffered from this even at low forward drive, one full sail in particular was so bad that I very rarely took it out of the bag ! I cured this, after playing with bungees etc, by fitting leach lines between the bottom of the vertical rods and the centre vee ! That kite is now my "go to" full sail, most of the buzz has gone but it is still there a bit when driven hard ! If you want details of how I did this I will take some photos and write up a method ! Bill
  4. oapbillf

    Clear Rev?

    This is my version I call the Beast, made from a modified home made full sail that was too heavy. I use 4 wrap rods fitted in the FRONT, yes that's right, in the front and it flies reasonably well even down to about 15 MPH. Bill
  5. If you need to purchase one get a foil, no need to go big, two to three feet span is ample. In other words, no frame to damage your Rev if you hit it hard when it just becomes a floppy rag ! Bill
  6. I put this on the Rev forum earlier but it might apply to you as well ! To get more out of your practice put up your largest SLK on a similar line length to what you are using for your Rev, then try for-mating on it from the top, bottom and sides both leading edge first and trailing edge first. If you fly your Rev in front of your SLK you can take the wind out of its sail making it collapse, move your Rev away and it should recover. If nothing else it gives you something different to try. Bill
  7. Sounds like you was in control until it left the ground, that's what I did ! Now where have I heard that before !!! And as they say, if you don't crash you're not trying Bill
  8. Been there, done that, several times ! Bill
  9. Hi Mujician,It may be a bit of a journey but if you can get down to Dunstable Downs one Sunday, weather and festivals permitting, you would be welcome to try any Rev that we have in our bags ! Given a couple of hours we would go through setting up, wrapping up but most of all basic flying and then a towel to wipe the smile off your face Bill
  10. Hi Sparkie, Too long ! just a shade, I usually have mine about 3/4 inch (2 cm) fitted. By now you will have noticed that a lot is wasted compared to what is used but that is what oddments are for ! Bill
  11. Wayne, you're not old ! I am approaching 70 years young and the guy I fly Rev pairs with gives us a combined age of 142 ! Bill oapbillf = " old age pensioner bill final "
  12. Hi Wayne, That would be a Prussic knot then ! Yes I agree they do move a bit but that has never caused me much of a problem and I have never had one come loose to the point of losing it, in fact at times they have been a bit tricky to remove ! Using this method, rather putting a knot on the sleeving loop, is that they slide relatively easily if you are equalising your line sets ! Bill
  13. Hi SparkieRob, I think this is what you mean, I put these pics on a reply on the Rev forum quite a while back but I cannot find it now to add a link so these are repeats! These pull offs can be made from any old bits of line, bridle core etc that you have to hand and are simply fitted over your sleeving ! It makes life so much easier to undo your larkshead knots with these attached especially if it is cold ! Bill
  14. How I wish I could spend a couple of hours by your side, alas distance prevents it ! In the meantime here is a link to a post on the Rev forum, look for my reply and to find links to Bridle and Leaders. Check them out and I hope they help. If you need to travel to hook up with another Rev flier no matter how far then do it, it would be worth every penny to get a result ! I was lucky having "Stone in Shoe Bob" ( Rev Forum) as my first mentor along with members of " The Flying Squad " as well as other Rev fliers, that saved me a lot of heartache ! Bill
  15. Another link, this time for leaders ! http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4409-my-leaders-your-thoughts/?hl=leaders Bill
  16. Hi Rudy, You're welcome ! I do not have a Rev II but from what you said it must be the same as the Rev 1.5 and Rev 1. Bill
  17. Hi Fourteen, well that's what the numbers on your name add up to ! PM sent This should help ! There has often been questions regarding how the bridles are fitted and I just decided to do this as a guide. http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/6173-bridle-images/?hl=bridle Bill
  18. Hi Guy, I use Climax 65kg 65daN 143lbs Braided Dacron Black Kite Line and I have never had any problems! It is available in various sizes, try a search in Europe as I believe it is made in Germany. Bill
  19. Here is a link to the Rev forum showing the leaders that we generally use, I hope you find it helpful ! http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/6272-handle-length-and-bend/ Bill I flew into Aarhus about ten years ago on an aviation related job, all I saw of Denmark was the Aarhus Terminal, a Hangar, back to the Terminal then fly back to the UK later that day, the story of my life !
  20. Hi Kelly, I used fishing line on small foils and on Revs before I got into team flying using LPG. It is available in various breaking strains up to 100lb, and at 100lb that is all I ever used and is a similar diameter to 90lb LPG if not a bit smaller. Only go for the Crystal though, the coloured line tends to stain your fingers when winding up! Bill see image for package info
  21. This is the one you mean Wayne ! http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4409-my-leaders-your-thoughts/ This one as well ! http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/6272-handle-length-and-bend/ Bill
  22. Hi Marcus, A few of us fly on Dunstable Downs usually on a Sunday from about 10.00 am, you would be most welcome to join in with us ! we are near the Visitor Centre, just look for Revs, use post code LU6 2GY on Google maps. Bill
  23. There is no way I would cut up a 120ft LPG set unless they are really in a poor condition ! What is normally done is to use a spare 80ft set that came with a newly purchased Rev and cut that down. I did exactly that and ended up with one set at 30ft and another at 47ft leaving the existing sleeving on but where cut I did not bother with sleeving at all. Remember that using these shorter lengths are not suitable for team flying only solo therefore the lengths are not critical. Bill PS You are not too far from us at Dunstable Downs so come and join us one Sunday ! And I see you are not on the Rev forum yet !
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