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Everything posted by oapbillf

  1. I have heard back from Polo and John you are correct about there being issues ! I will not go into details as to what is happening but I will say that you will be able to place orders in the future, I do not have a time schedule, just be patient and keep an eye on the web site. Bill
  2. Now I see what you mean, it seems that NO kites can be added, I tried an assortment, to your cart ! other merchandise, mugs,shirts etc can. The only reason I can think of is a lack of parts but who knows, when I get a reply from post will post it here. Bill
  3. Hi, That,s the first I have heard this news ! have you tried to contact Polo at this http://www.polokites.com/revopolo/contactrevopolo-en.php There is nothing on the PoloKites web site to say orders are not being taken! I have sent a message to Polo for any comments! Bill
  4. Been there, done that ! My very first dual line foil would not fly at all, that is when you realise that you need to go with reputable makes ! Bill
  5. I posted images on the Rev forum a while back, here is a link :- Bill http://www.revkites.net/forum/topic/6173-bridle-images/#comment-94433
  6. My new custom Polo UL by Los Hermanos Show Kites using Polo,s Revopolorizer on it,s first session at Dunstable Downs, UK.
  7. Hi streaky, Try here, send an email for a price. http://www.vliegertakkitelines.nl/
  8. oapbillf

    New Rev

    Hi Shane, Point taken, This is first I have heard of a new 1.5 size Reflex ! Back to your normal programming, as you say ! Bill.
  9. oapbillf

    New Rev

    At the Portsmouth International Kite Festival this past weekend we did a physical comparison between a Rev1, a Reflex and a 1.5. The Reflex sits in between the two at about the mid point in span, therefore the leading edge rod set is longer that the 1.5,s and shorter than than the Rev 1 set, the vertical rods have the springs fitted but I must admit we did not look at the length of them ! Bill
  10. Hi Wayne, A BIG YES ! I am glad I am not the only one then ! Bill
  11. You are probably flying using standard handles with leaders that are the same length, this means that you are overdriving the kite and cannot apply enough brake to easily slow down. Have a look at JB,s leaders in the videos to see what I mean, I would give you a link to the Rev Forum but for the last couple of days it has been unavailable ??? When it is up and running search for " my leaders your thoughts " this could help. It does sound as if you were flying in highish winds but rod breakage does happen now and then for unexplained reasons, I broke a Diamond rod just flying across the window, thats the only one so far ! Bill
  12. Josh maybe listed as a newbie but he is in fact a very good experienced flyer on this side of the pond ! even though he is young, damn it ! Check out You Tube for some videos, ever tried flying three Revs ? Bill
  13. Who have you got your insurance with ?


  14. Been there ! Done that ! Got told off for not knowing how to tie a Larkshead, as a joke naturally. Saw it happen again yesterday at the Basingstoke Kite Festival, was not me this time but an experienced Rev flier! Bill
  15. Only an hour, that,s almost next door !
  16. Click on " Rev Community " and you are back to revkites.net then click on Forum. Certainly glad it wasn't lost ! Felix is happy having his blog back ! Bill
  17. What has happened to the Rev forum, what shows up now is a new Revolution sales site ! I certainly hope that all of the valuable information on the forum has not been lost forever ! This is what is now displayed :- http://www.revkites.com/default.asp Bill
  18. I made myself a custom Rev 1 to my design then vented my factory Rev 1. In my opinion I would keep symmetry as near as possible not only for venting area but for weight distribution as well ! Bill
  19. I have always made my own leaders but what I do is to colour code to identify left and right handles ! Now if you buy two sets you can use a different colour on each handle and have a spare set ! Bill
  20. This is what I use :- FLY INSECT SCREEN MESH WINDOW DOOR REPTILE MIDGE BUG MOSQUITO WASP SPIDER 1.2M From a well known on-line auction site !
  21. Hi Kev, Here is a link regarding leaders on the Rev Forum, Your existing leaders appear to have been custom made. Check out JB,s tutorials and pay attention to his leaders. http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/6384-leaders/ Bill
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