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Everything posted by bbailey49

  1. Congratulations, Ken. We need to see pictures of your finished stakes. Thank you, Larry, for offering such a great prize. Ken has submitted his drawing for approval (Way to be on the ball on that fast turnaround, Ken). I have asked him for one little bit of information. Once I have that, I will approve his drawing and get it posted and lock this one. Good luck all, and thank you for helping keep the Karma rolling.
  2. This is the 1976 toy of the year. Ain't it grand how some things are just done right to begin with and can stand the test of time.
  3. I was stoked when I got 1111
  4. SWEET! From the sound of the video they can fly in a hurricane. Our is it they need a hurricane to fly?
  5. Oh MAN! I totally forgot today was the drawing day. This one is mine!
  6. Gliding on my birthday! I like it.
  7. This is an awesome prize, Larry OKC! Thank you for keeping the Karma rolling. I'm going to get in on this one, just not quite yet. Edit: As a matter of fact, after looking closely at the selection of marbles, I believe I may just have to buy myself another one if I don't win. Those are great!
  8. APPROVED! This topic is now being locked. Good luck all in the new drawing.
  9. I was just thinking that I would not be able to live with myself if I didn't fly my sonic vented while in the talladega super speedway parking lot.
  10. Attention everyone, I just want to let you know that the Karma is not dead. I am working with Larry OKC on the details and the posting for his drawing. It should be posted today (I'm excited about it). I will lock this thread down once the new drawing is posted. We appreciate your patience. Life gets in the way sometimes and we can't get everything done when we want.
  11. Facebook post indicated that the open offers said to go forth with the sale.
  12. bbailey49


  13. bbailey49


  14. From the album: Revs

    Eliot Shook can make a great kite!
  15. Has anyone heard from Larry OKC? I don't think he's been online since before the drawing. Pacolyps, perhaps you should shoot him a PM. The notification to his email might get his attention.
  16. Congrats LarryOKC! Thank you Pacolyps for hosting the drawing.
  17. If you don't mind, could you please put this entry in the global count thread on the rev forum? That's where the count is actually kept. The link is on the first post of this thread. Thanks -Barton
  18. A great time had by most. There were kids running every direction flying their kites. Swirly unpredictable winds on a small field made it difficult to fly the revs much (turning to keep the kite downwind inevitably interfered with the running route of a youngster), but they got some airtime and some appreciation. Jim Martin and his wife came from Charlotte with their big SLKs, but the wind never cooperated enough. I was looking forward to seeing a 90' Octopus dwarf that field. Oh well. Hopefully next year. Met some local flyers, may hook up for some group flying later. Who knows, it could be the beginning of an East Tennessee Kite Club. Would we call ourselves the eternal optimists or self inflicted punishment?
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