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Everything posted by bbailey49

  1. I think I should just move to the gulf coast.
  2. The collection does not include empty bottles I'll accept that answer. It is quite impressive, especially all of the van Winkles.
  3. Bourbon...........but I'm still feeling lucky ! Hey I speak bourbon ...cheers http://www.whiskybase.com/profile/tkrinor/collection What I'm trying to figure out is how a bourbon aficionado does not have a bottle of Blanton's or Woodford Reserve in his collection
  4. That's right, Nick. It'll be coming to NC (from TN) when my wife and I make our annual pilgrimage to Corolla.
  5. The other thing to bear in mind with weather stations is that they are not necessarily measuring the wind at the ground. A windfinder or canifly wind measurement may be coming from an instrument that is 30-50 feet off of the ground. The wind is stronger up there than right at the ground...smoother too. Have patience, my friend. The day will come.
  6. A foil is different. Staking a foil full brake by the staking loop will not result in an unintended launch. revs that are staked leading edge up can launch with a wind gust. Leading edge down with full forward driving it into the ground will not result in a rev launching.
  7. Looks just like mine. It loves 10-12 mph winds. I've flown in 20. Zooming fast. Focus on small precise inputs. It's very responsive.
  8. Only if you move your local field to Tennessee. Or Jacksonville. I still think Scott's taking this one too. I'm feeling that purple vibe.
  9. Now you can say you can do a trick. It's called a Dive-Stop
  10. Keep the leading edge down if you don't have the handles in your hands, it can take off if you catch a gust. If you can launch inverted to 10-20 feet, hats off to you. Overall it doesn't really matter which launch you choose. Eventually you'll need them all in your arsenal. JB has a vid about launching from flat on the ground. Recommended viewing.
  11. When you get started on that rev, you'll learn you don't need stronger wind to recover field. With the leading edge down the kite wants to glide away from you. Look for REVFlyer's posts on it. Absolutely crucial tool for us inland flyers. I'll see if I can get a video of what I'm talking about the next time I'm out.
  12. Don't get discouraged by the inland winds, Bob. Use them as a tool to make yourself better. Fine tune the hairs on the back of your neck to feel for gusts and shifts so that you know where to put your kite to keep it in the air (whether you need to keep it centered in a shifting window to get maximum lift or you need to get it to the edge of the window before a gust overpowers it). Learn to be deft and not over controlling in the light stuff. Be prepared to walk a bit, back to supplement when the wind dies and forwards to recover your field. Read through in the forums about recovering your field. REVFlyer has some good technical descriptions of how it's done either here or the rev forum. Embrace the frustrations (and you will have frustrations) that come with loving what we do and the fact that we have to do it in far from ideal conditions. Because, I can promise you this: if you get decent flying around Atlanta, you will look like a pro when you get to a beach and clean winds.
  13. Rob and Prawnstar, I'm going to be buying and shipping some lights to Perth for Ian. I can look into cost for adding a stake or two.
  14. Thanks, G and Marshall. Everything seems a bit better at the moment.
  15. Alright folks, apologies for the delay. Had to deal with a medical issue with a family member this evening. Ninja, you need to PM me your shipping information so I can send you this kite bag and a set of Rev Handle No-Snag Adaptors. Congratulations lucky number 16! Thanks everyone for entering. I wish I had enough to go around. Barton
  16. Just my opinion, but there seems to be a bit of paralysis by analysis going on. I use JB's method. I wrap in a figure 8 pattern. My handles always stay attached. I don't care which is left and which is right. I put a stake in the ground, I put my handles on the stake (bottoms towards the kite), I put my finger through the hole in the winder, I walk to the kite letting the line come off, I attach the long ones to the trailing edge, and the top ones to the leading edge (the loops for the top are larksheaded to the loops for the bottom a la the JB video). I walk back to the handles, pick them up, maybe a couple of twists, maybe a handle needs to be pulled through, and within 30 seconds I am flying 99% of the time. Is it the best way? It's the best way I have found for me. Are there other ways? Certainly, and if they work better for you, do it that way. The key is to figure out what works best for you, not worry about everyone else, and get that kite flying.
  17. Drawing day, last few hours to get in. Hurry before you miss your chance.
  18. Get in touch with Kurt Lisk. I'm friends with him on FB. I have decide also that I like flying in falling snow, but not on laying snow.
  19. The clock is ticking. Drawing will be around 5 Eastern tomorrow evening. Anyone else in?
  20. Say what you want, Walt, your stakes have become part of kiting now. Well done.
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