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Everything posted by Joespickles

  1. . That is what I am looking forward too, Had the sun behind it, Just no height.
  2. Ps buy your AKA raffle tickets. My best phone call in awhile, telling me I won.
  3. So it took a good brisk run to get the eight feet off the ground I got, but I love my new kite, Thanks AKA, raffle win, From the run, it will need a good bit of wind
  4. I love the colors on that kite
  5. I am in, Ps congratulations on your win, was closed before I could wish it
  6. Da it's sexy
  7. not much of a kite flying day, but got if 5 feet of the ground, lots of running,
  8. Kite arrived , is the best looking kite I now own, Sadly no wind came with it
  9. Just ordered one, Looks neat
  10. ) That ist heiß hopefully babel fish got that right, That is hot
  11. ha not sure , but it is pretty, Can't wait to fly, the sun coming through those colors should be incredible
  12. Won my first aka raffle. Wooohooooo

    1. bbailey49


      Way to go, Gavin. Looks like a beautiful kite. All kinds of luck your way lately.

  13. Count me in on your drawing
  14. copied pic from AKA raffle site My new kite. The other RNG likes me
  15. Just got my first phone call from the AKA, Won my first raffle , waiting for Two RhombsNo2 to show up, Wahooooooooo, happy September everyone Gavin
  16. Ugh ok if "someone" wins in Australia , I would be very happy too, The RNG owes me a beer at least
  17. I love that there sport kites are all classic rock song titles
  18. I do forgive the RNG for screwing up on the last one, mistakes happen, So I have Pm' d the RNG with my address for this one, SWEET kite,
  19. Thanks for that link to stick and tissue, just started rebuilding these after yrs off, Getting the son getting into model building. My doping and covering skills are .... Ugh need help
  20. Congratulations Morgan, Have fun with the new kite
  21. I think most of us are. Just did not want this to be so quiet, Some of us have been pretty karma lucky.
  22. Oddly quiet over here, Need some chitter chatter.
  23. Welcome aboard. Any e3pics before going to the dark side
  24. I have the same kite /color. I have had it for a month and yet to fly, I am hoping to have the 1/2 axle down shortly, thanks for sharing,
  25. I have been eyeballing the red one. After I win the rev in the next raffle, This will be my next kite
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