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Michael E. Allen

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About Michael E. Allen

  • Birthday October 3

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    one that is easy to learn on. I'm a rookie #1100 , #1113
  • Flying Since
    I was a kid
  • Location
    Wichita, Kansas
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Wanting to learn tricks rather then just flying. Would also love to learn how to fly a Rev
  • Gender

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  1. I'm in, looks like a nice one.
  2. I would love to get your kite but I'm actually looking for the Orca colored one.
  3. Your getting me very tempted, but I just bought 6 Fury's. So yeah I'm kinda broke. But if it hits the magic number I just might need to go deeper in debt. Who me, I don't have a kite problem!
  4. I'm in, I desperately need a newer quad. As my current one has 4 rips in it.
  5. Woo-hoo 14 my lucky number
  6. I'm in, this might be perfect for my only quad I own, "a mid vent" I finally got a rev a used one but that's ok. Still learning.
  7. I would like the red white gray and black one if it ever is considered for sale.
  8. It will be perfect for my new line leaders I just recently bought from TK. I have not checked the mail to see if there here yet maybe they will be shipped with my new purple Rev. Come on RNG pick me. Pleaseeeeee
  9. Happy Birthdayyyy to me,Happy birthday to me,Happy birthday to meeeeee. Oh wait my birthday has already past and it was a blast at the AKA Convention. The very last day of the convention was my birthday and they had a birthday banquet for me.....all though they did sing happy birthday to Simon Crafts,what a great guy. Well it might not have been for me but it was the BEST birthday ever. Made a lot of great new friends. Good luck to everyone.
  10. Congratulations, Fly in good health and may good health come from flying.
  11. I'm not sure if any of the comments above were meant for me. But it came across as a dig towards me not banter. All I wanted to do was share in the karma and I would have posted the next karma prize. There is a line between banter and digs ( Midwest gibberish ). But since I'm not smart enough to distinguish the difference I would like to Respectively Remove my entry. I am NOT IN. This is not the first time I have felt as I don't belong in Kite Life. That is why I have not been on for a while. I kinda see how some might feel the same way as I feel making them leave Kite Life. But I will not be ran out because there is a lot of info that is helpful to me there are not many kite fliers in my area and this is where I learn. I will keep my kites in the sky it's more friendly there. I'M OUT
  12. How about this Wayne, if I win I can see if they would send it to you fist to try out. You can fly it for a month then mail it to me. Sound good
  13. I'm in. :-) If I win will someone come teach me how to fly it....
  14. Oh yeah Kymera so icanflyya. My turn to win I don't own a quad line kite yet.....oh wait that comment was for the past Rev drawings. Good luck everyone, ,, especially me come on RNG
  15. R N G , im sure it means rookie number generator..... sooooo, it might be nice to me since I am a rookie. .... hint hint--rng. If not it's still all good. ....Happy winds all.
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