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Everything posted by Captainbob

  1. Just ordered a Red Widow NG.
  2. Who said it took "all the flex" out of the race frame? What I did say is that it lost the "rubbery" feeling especially in gusty winds, which I didn't like, as if the frame was made out of a box of rubber bands. If that's an "advantage", it's one that I didn't care for.
  3. Hope you had better Rev flying weather this weekend than I did. Forecast was for 10+ gust to 18. At the field, it was swirling winds from every direction, rotating every 30 seconds by at least 60 degrees, and varying from 0- 8 mph at most. Only thing I could fly was my Niknak.
  4. The drawing will be done on April 13th using the RNG method by order of entry. To enter please begin your post with "I'm in". Since, this is an immediate redrawing of the previous prize the drawing time is significantly shorter than normal. Plus, those that were entered into the previous drawing will be automatically entered in this drawing in the order of their entry. If you do not wish to be re-entered, please post in the thread that you would like to be removed from this drawing and you will be removed (no questions or hard feelings). Entries: 1. Dayhiker 2. Reved 3. Nick Russell 4. JustStuff 5. lmoaks 6. Larry OKC 7. Joespickles 8 FlyinKen 9. Pacolyps 10. mtgrizzly52 I ran the random number generator and here are the results. 9 3 5 1 8 2 7 6 10 4 Timestamp: 2014-04-13 21:53:12 UTC The winner is #9 Pacolyps. Congradulations!!! If you send me a PM with your shipping address, I will get the Orbit 160 on it's way to you.
  5. Exactly my thinking. I might attempt to learn a trick or two, but frankly even watching someone do these tricks, has no appeal at all to me. I flew RC Helicopters for years, and some flyers like myself, just enjoyed precision flying and flying around in a relaxing manner. Other fliers got into extreme 3D stunts like this http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=250_1367495985 which I never had the slightest interest in. Looks like the copter is having a fit..So basically, I am looking for a reasonably priced dualie, with the ability to fly smoothly, and predictably, and this new Widow NG seems to fill the bill. I was told by an owner of one, that if you buy it from Kites and Fun Things ,com, which is owned by the designer of the Skyburner Kites and the Widow NG , Jon Trennepohl, he will check out the Widow NG prior to shipping it, and autograph it too. I purchased my Niknak, from them, and they were a pleasure to deal with. They also have the AKA discount, so the price is even 10% less.
  6. And it comes in my favorite color
  7. This thread is what swayed me. http://www.gwtwforum.com/index.php?topic=10975.0 Seems like the fliers that are discussing this kite in many threads that I have read, have a very positive opinion of it, and I would assume that they would be much more critical of a a kites performance, than I would, since they seem to be pretty experienced fliers. . I am hoping that I will like it it as much as I like the Niknak.
  8. Just read this thread, and am liking my new Niknak so much when the winds are not strong enough to fly my Revs, that my interest in a good dual line kite has been swayed a bit. I would like to get a kite designed by the same person that designed the Niknak, because I love the way it flies. I started reading some reviews and opinions by owners, on the Widow NG, which is designed and even sold by the folks that I got my Niknak from. I heard from one owner that had flown the Widow Maker several times, after getting a Widow NG, and said that they were pretty similar. I am not into tricks, but rather into flying precision patterns, and just relaxing while I fly. The price point of the Widow which is about half that of the Widow Maker, is also very appealing. If I had to pay $300 for a second dual line kite, I would probably pass on the entire idea. I have yet to read anything by a Widow NG owner, that is not positive about this kite. The one thing that seems to be mentioned when comparing the Widow and Widow maker, is the low wind performance of the Widow Maker is a bit better than the Widow. I did come up with a video showing the Widow NG flying in 3-5 mph. Since I need something to overlap what my Niknak can do ( 1-9 mph) , I am thinking that the Widow would be a good option. Any other opinions by owners, would be welcomed.
  9. No, I think I will try that this weekend.
  10. It turns out my small condo is a challenge to flying the iFlite. Eventually I got it to circle around in one of the larger rooms successfully, but I can see,that like any kite, some flying time is required to smooth things out
  11. I don't quite understand the "cartwheel" either. If I land LE down, I just relaunch inverted, rotate about 100+ degrees once I get about 5 feet high, and forward fly away. I guess I am missing the understanding of the cartwheel.
  12. You will love the mid vent. I can launch mine in almost as low a wind as my full said, and it can fly in much higher winds, with the Magic Sticks.
  13. I've been flying for only a couple of months, with a full sail SLE and a B series Midvent. If the wind is gusty, which it is many times where I live, as soon as it gets over about 7 -8 mph, I would just as soon switch to the mid vent. With the winds in my area, 95% or more of the time, a full vent wouldn't be used at all.
  14. Got one of these , works great. http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=12647905&prodFindSrc=cart So light, and cool, you forget your wearing a hat.
  15. Think of the red tape as"pinstripes". Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
  16. Getting my iFlite vented today. Now I don't have to worry about circular winds, no winds, high winds, rain, snow, sleet, hail, etc.. None of that happens in my living room
  17. Only difference I had with the race rods, on my second MS set being thinner, was to put a small piece of electrical tape around the vertical above and below the APA fitting to keep it from slipping out of place ( duct tape would also work) . The 3 wrap verticals on the SLE, didn't need the tape, because they are thicker and the APA fitting was much tighter.
  18. Moderator’s Note: This is a Karma Drawing. The winner of the drawing is expected to “pay it forward” by offering their own prize for the next drawing. Please do not enter unless you are willing to offer your own prize, preferably not the prize you just won. Drawings should be open for entry no longer than 2 weeks, and the next drawing should be posted as soon as possible to keep the Karma rolling. These drawings are run by and for KiteLife members. The moderating team only ensures that your drawing post contains all of the pertinent information (drawing date/time, adequate prize description, drawing rules) before approval. If you have a username to KiteLife, and you reside in the lower 48 states of the US, you are eligible to enter. You do not have to be a paid subscriber. Here is the link to the original Rules and Guidelines thread: http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5426-rules-and-guidelines-please-read/ The mechanism for the drawing itself is entirely at the discretion of the person offering the prize. In the past, entry number has been determined either by order of entry or by the post number in which the member declares “I’m in” to the drawing. The drawings have been performed using the RNG method (http://www.random.org/sequences/) or by choosing the numbers out of a hat (I believe an adorable daughter did the picking in that scenario). The only requirement is that the method of selection is clearly spelled out in the drawing post. Entry into the drawings is done by STARTING a post in the drawing thread with “I’m in”. In order to remove any confusion or misinterpretation, only entries with posts that START with “I’m in” will be considered. As with all other KiteLife drawings, bantering is encouraged. This is for fun after all. I won this kite from Reef Runner in the April 1, 2014 Karma drawing. I decided to take the suggestion in the original post and "Karma it on to someone else". I am submitting it as the next prize, since I am going to totally focus on flying Revs with the exception of a SUL kite for those very low wind days. I have copied and pasted in part Reef Runner's original description of this kite, that was in the 4/1/14 drawing post. The drawing will be done on April 13th using the RNG method by order of entry. To enter please begin your post with "I'm in". Since, this is an immediate redrawing of the previous prize the drawing time is significantly shorter than normal. Plus, those that were entered into the previous drawing will be automatically entered in this drawing in the order of their entry. If you do not wish to be re-entered, please post in the thread that you would like to be removed from this drawing and you will be removed (no questions or hard feelings). Entries: 1. Dayhiker 2. Reved 3. Nick Russell 4. JustStuff 5. lmoaks 6. Larry OKC 7. Joespickles 8 FlyinKen 9. Pacolyps 10. mtgrizzly52
  19. That's what I did, got an HQ Symphony 1.8 as my first kite and flew that for a couple of weeks. Now in a couple of months, I have 2 Revs, a Niknak, and a Prism 4D. No damage to any of my kites since I started.
  20. Put the second set of Magic Sticks on my ReV SLE with the race rods in it this morning . As I suspected, after flying it for about 3 hours today, it lost the rubbery feeling that I experienced with the Race Rods, and seemed more solid. Flipping the wing was reduced greatly, compared to before the Magic Sticks. Same improvement in reverse flight and inverted hovering. I'm sold on the Magic Sticks and will put them on any new Rev i get.
  21. Flew my new Niknak today. One word, "outstanding". What a difference in flying the Niknak, compared to the 4D. They are not even in the same league. The Niknak is smooth, floats forever, and one pull, and you can bring it to the top of the window with 80 ft lines. Made very well, and looks rugged for a SUL kite. Love it.
  22. Just got my new NikNak today. It looks huge compared to my 4D. Can't wait to fly it. Of course, now the wind will be over 12 mph everyday for a month.
  23. If you notice, the end date is the same date as the start date because it is a 1 day Festival. The End time, is the time that you are looking at the website. There is an error in the time data for ending. I checked, and found out that it ends at 2PM.
  24. Looks like the time is 11 AM to 2 PM. Going to see if I can get more information on this,.. http://mybeachhouseontybee.com/tybee-kite-festival-april-28-benefits-parkinsons-disease-bands-contest-tricks-and-displays/
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