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Everything posted by Brucifer

  1. I'm in. If a last minute effort to add my name to the list isn't a day late and forum post short!
  2. Any kite a spouse can appreciate is a kite that needs to be in your bag!
  3. I'm in. Don't want to see it fizzle out!
  4. Brucefucius say: Wise man use words Level One Vented Kite On Path of Images and follow the Google way to enlightenment. (Though wise man still can't axel, doh!)
  5. No problem. I guess I'm sort of an Internet Savant or something. My wife tries to find stuff all the time and it always takes me only a couple minutes to find stuff she's killed a lot of time searching for.
  6. Dang, made a wisecrack before I searched the net and look what I found 1 minute later! http://ftp.techline.com/oceanshoreskites/ocean_shores_kites_024.htm Also found a review of the standard version. http://www.kitepower.com/reviews/highlevelreview.html From one of the links: High Level Vented by Level One $169.95 USD Wingspan 82" Windrange 7-30 MPH Awesome precision and tricks in high wind. Flys and feels like the standard. Excellent for pairs flying or freestyle.
  7. I'd be willing to take it off your hands and study it in detail until I am able to resolve this conundrum. Cool looking kite!
  8. I think 6/1 is a whole 'nother day away if I'm not mistaken. Either that or those damn aliens got me again and I missed an entire day this time!
  9. I'm in. That got me thinking....
  10. Geezes! Were the genes of this kite spliced with some of those glowing jellyfish genes? I'd like to see a photo of this thing under black light!
  11. That's awesome! I love it when someone has so many kites they can't keep'em straight!
  12. I'm in - Hot pink on a hot kite, I guess that works!
  13. Congrats Makatakam, hope you have a great time with it. Also want to thank mtgrizzly52 for making me aware of such an intriguing kite design. I was having a hard time figuring out what I could give up out of my kite bag anyway!
  14. Yay! It's almost time! Trying to figure out how I plan to pay the karma forward is a nice problem to have!
  15. Glad I finally noticed this event. I almost missed it but plan to attend. It'll be nice to meet some of you.
  16. Geeze, what a tease! I'd love to to buy that Prophecy you don't want to sell too!
  17. Green is my lucky color, I think you boys are hosed on this one!
  18. I found these kites on UK eBay that I wish I could bid on but the seller won't ship to the US (pleading got me nowhere)! I thought I'd post them here for the benefit of any who might be in the UK or have connections there so perhaps some of the good folks in the Kitelife community might have a chance at them. Sure wish I could bid on the Skydancer Enigma! Maybe the karma will work out for me in other ways....;o) Auctions end Feb 20th and 21st. Good luck! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Skydancer-Enigma-Quadline-Kite-/181666322085?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a4c2816a5 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Revolution-1-5-SLE-Quadline-Kite-/181666296889?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a4c27b439 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Revolution-EXP-Quadline-Kite-/181667172572?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2a4c3510dc
  19. I'm in - Can't resist throwing my name in on this one for my first Karma drawing attempt. Looks like it would provide years of fun and experimentation. Yippee!!
  20. Brucifer

    Kite Bags

    Here is the cheapest I've found the HQ Proline bags at $90-100. http://www.funwithwind.com/store/viewallcategory.asp?idcategory=167 Placed one order with this outfit and had mixed feelings about the experience but I'm still thinking of ordering the larger Proline bag from them for my longer kites. Seach Google images for other views of the bag. Has nice zippered pouch on front with multiple mesh pockets for kite line, etc. I have 15 kites stuffed into mine (including 2 Microns). Backpack straps allowing vertical transport are great, no worries about swinging a wide load around.
  21. Brucifer

    Kite Bags

    I got an HQ Proline kite bag for Xmas and I think it is fantastic. The Proline bags are nothing like the cheap ones and include backpack straps so you can pack other stuff to the beach at the same time. http://www.metropolis-drachen.de/shopframeless/images/katalog/zubehoer/taschen/hqprolinekitebag.jpg
  22. Looks like a fun set to share with family and friends. Always good to spread the fun around!
  23. I'm glad for Chucka too! If I'd have won it, it wouldn't be getting a cool pics of the first flight on a beach on South Padre Island, you all would have to settle for pics of a wet school yard in western Washington.
  24. There won't be any hard feelings if a kitelife newbie turns out to be the lucky one I hope!
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