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Everything posted by Grandpa

  1. I take the easy way out for the first launch... Put a stake in the ground, whatever you can push in a screwdriver works, loop your straps or handles over the stake. Walk the lines out and connect to your kite. Stand it up with nose leaning away from you. The kite's nose not yours Slip the handles off the stake... put stake in pocket... I loose more stakes that way. Take a half step back to stand your kite up and tug.
  2. A dear old friend of mine went through his midlife crisis... He bought a Harley, got the leather vest, the t-shirt, the biker jeans and boots, the little round sunglasses, the beard and ponytail... the only thing he lacked was ink. We were having lunch when he reached across the table for the salt and I noticed he had a tattoo on his arm. Two lizards head to tail. It looked familiar to me but I couldn't place it. When I asked he remarked... Who would have believed that soft drink would be so #&*%ing popular... He had a SoBe tattooed on his arm. After I got my laughter under control I asked if we were still friends... we are... and I still laugh with him and his lizards.
  3. Grandpa


    The bird has no Sporran to carry his change... or being a Scot he's too frugal to buy his chips
  4. Grandpa


    My sides still hurt
  5. Great stuff... We made that Deception Pass trip a few years ago... It certainly has a WOW factor.
  6. Best to you and family... Since my kids were born in March and August and I wouldn't wish that any woman be that long over due... I'll go with Grandma's birthday of 12/27 at 3:45PM CST or 1:45PST.
  7. I hope the kid that caught your rev won a prize...!!! Great fun!
  8. Many years ago, back in Indianapolis, my cousin was married to a fireman. On my uncles' 60th b-day, my aunt put 60 candles on his cake. Right on cue, 4 firemen in full dress came in the front door with axes and a firehose to put out the candles. Another Kodak moment. A few years later on my dad's 60th my mother did the 60 candles and melted the frosting on the cake. Since then we do 3 candles... one for yesterday, one for today and one for tomorrow.
  9. Happy B-day FlyinKen... Hope you can blowout all the candles.
  10. I just got my Kiting mag from AKA... Beer and horses everywhere... Life is good for you Ant
  11. South and strong 20-25... as for where... I don't know... we drove down and parked on the beach :confused!: The petition is going well it's the city that's out of the sunshine if you catch my drift. The city now says that that build a convention center at Sandy Downs... Ya right All cities build convention centers 6 miles out of town and 9 miles to the nearest hotel... Gimme a break... I'm adding a few shots of me and the B on Beverly... beach that is.
  12. You got milk and cookies...
  13. Gotta watch where you land...
  14. Sorry Guys... I forgot to check the public box It was set to private and only I can enjoy 'em I logged out and looked at them as a visitor. That makes me the Bee-Hind...
  15. Hung up my autographed B for all to see... More pics here
  16. I may rethink my music... I'm sitting here at Otter Rock, OR listening to the surf crashing on the rocks 200 feet below the condo we are staying in. We watched Gray whales feed, breach and blow while sea lions were sunning on the rocks below. Nature sounds that have the power of the surf and whales the size of a school bus a few hundred yards off shore... how do you compete with that...
  17. Grandpa


    Soooo... Where is SOBB...??? I'm going coastal tonight thru Wednesday... then it's back to work and going postal...
  18. When was last time you ate ONE potato chip I have both sleeved and naked linesets, can't say that it matters. Thick and heavy could make big difference. Sooo where's the pictures?
  19. Hey all... It just so happens that I will be in the Portland airport on Sept 5th, on my way home from Otter Rock. Hey John... My flight leaves at 1PM... meet me there with my new Spirit It will look good with my B
  20. Great looking plane, John. Looks big enough for a roamin' gnome... Bill
  21. Grandpa


    Do you know why there is a petition at Elmers? It did not say what is going on at D. park. Heard anything about it being converted over to a ball park or something? Old Jonie Mitchell song....pave Paradise, put up a parking lot....... the jest of it is.....according to the PIR Manager.......an additional track is being planned. They plan to have a track that they can rent out to oganizations such as police departments, county and sheriff departments to practice speed control and saftey in high speed chase situations. This idea has been in the works a LONG LONG time. Nothing has happened, as they do not have funding to build the track. If they find the funding, then it looks like we loose the field. Theresa They should drive fast the same place I do... on the streets. How would they like it we flew on their streets... Oh wait, I do.
  22. Great Fun! I take it the cowardly Red Baron was chased off by big yellow????
  23. Hi Ant... long time no type! It's easier to get sand off than grass stains. Besides you can wash 'em in the ocean and fly 'em dry! We were flying on the horse track when a gust hit me and snapped my 2 wrap LE at the bridle connection. Don't do tip stabs in dirt clods!
  24. Hey Brian... PM sent but I'll share with all. SRK will be flying August 25th from early afternoon 'til dark thirty. Soccer field across from the Idaho Falls airport... be there! We will have a gas grille, so bring your meat of choice and we'll crispy critters for dinner.
  25. Grandpa


    Just PM name, city and state and I'll add you to the list we are taking to the mayor! Thanks, Sky Fish!
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