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What kind of kite did you fly today?

Bunduki Vlieger

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Sorry no piccies. Flew yesterday late evening: HQ Shadow and Polo custom UL.

Due to little 2-line kiting the last few years and especially during/since the last winter, the input through the lines was quite rough and unpolished. The line set I'd brought was a bit long (20m, 66ft) for the small beach and the conditions. I'd say it was a half session that didn't go very well in an absolute way, but was good as a training in gentle inputs and maintaining contact with the kite without affecting it inadvertently in the very light wind.

The quad piloting went better from the start. Even the catches went well. The polo, relative to the Rev B-series std, tend to glide longer and overshoot (so it can become difficult to catch) given the same inputs. With the Polo UL I needed to start with the kite a bit lower in the wind window than with the B-series when doing catches. The B-series that I have much more time on the lines with, tend to fall more vertically before the catch.

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Traveling to the country side today about 200km/124mi west of Stockholm. We are visiting a couple with an old farm, but without any (own) animals today (farm was too small scale to remain profitable).

When getting off the train and while waiting for the car to pick us up I had a quickie session with the Polo UL (on 8.2m or 27ft lines) on a school yard (school is out for the summer). Only slightly dirty winds and also rather low winds. Remembering the previous Shadow session, I tried to put some extra focus on feeling the line tension.


Just now, before going to bed in a small house where the farm workers used to live a long time ago, I had a late evening session with the Rev Indoor on the lawn outside the small house. Using the same lines as above, but they were a bit too long for the lawn. To the right in front of the barn, there is a large tree whose branches I had to fly under when doing 360ies. I think that the tree only gave some character to the session. I like my 8.2m/27ft line set.

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Yesterday's session

  • Kite: Rev B-series mid-vent.
  • Lines: 15m (49ft) lines.
  • Wind:  Could also have used the full-vent in this wind.
  • Place: A pier around a harbour used by a few small motor boats ( https://kites.aerialis.com/the-pier/ ).


Good to get some practice in other than light winds that otherwise has been the case lately. Today with a well powered or perhaps somewhat over powered kite.


Managed to find an (non slack line) exercise that made me lose the orientation and for a second wobble the whole kite to correct the position in a beginner-like way. One loop (moving along the LE) while making a side slide was no problem. When adding a second loop after side sliding a spanwidth, there had to be a pause in the sliding to regain control. Will include this drill as a part of the next few sessions.


Second thing to practice is to get the wing tip pivot around the right wing tip pivot as good as the one around the left wing tip. Going back and forth builds the repetitions quickly.

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On 7/14/2022 at 10:04 PM, Bunduki Vlieger said:


Replacing the two downspars and introducing four makes me think of a Rev Blast or Supersonic (which I have only seen on videos, but they seem to behave rather differently than the more common configuration). Would you say that there is any effect on flight properties when increasing the aspect ratio and/or in the making of the cut-outs between the verticals on each side compared to the normal Hadzicki wing? Ahh... perhaps a too specific question - how does it feel like?

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2 hours ago, Exult said:

Yesterday's session

  • Kite: Rev B-series mid-vent.
  • Lines: 15m (49ft) lines.
  • Wind:  Could also have used the full-vent in this wind.
  • Place: A pier around a harbour used by a few small motor boats ( https://kites.aerialis.com/the-pier/ ).


Good to get some practice in other than light winds that otherwise has been the case lately. Today with a well powered or perhaps somewhat over powered kite.


Managed to find an (non slack line) exercise that made me lose the orientation and for a second wobble the whole kite to correct the position in a beginner-like way. One loop (moving along the LE) while making a side slide was no problem. When adding a second loop after side sliding a spanwidth, there had to be a pause in the sliding to regain control. Will include this drill as a part of the next few sessions.


Second thing to practice is to get the wing tip pivot around the right wing tip pivot as good as the one around the left wing tip. Going back and forth builds the repetitions quickly.

 Nice practice. I add then to my drills 🙂

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3 hours ago, Exult said:

Replacing the two downspars and introducing four makes me think of a Rev Blast or Supersonic (which I have only seen on videos, but they seem to behave rather differently than the more common configuration). Would you say that there is any effect on flight properties when increasing the aspect ratio and/or in the making of the cut-outs between the verticals on each side compared to the normal Hadzicki wing? Ahh... perhaps a too specific question - how does it feel like?

I had the Blast and the Supersonic. Supersonic (56 cm) and Blast (58 cm) are both slightly lower in height than the Stealth (63 cm). With both Revolution it's all about speed, agility and power. The Stealth is for me but rather a Trickser and Acrobat. 

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This session I tried a new place. I had gotten permission to be on a neighbor’s property. I could fit in the 8.2m lines (27ft). Unfortunately the wind had a habit of changing direction almost 180 deg due to a long nearby island blocking the wind. Yes, towards the end of the session the kite ended up in the water.


The Rev B-series Std. Temporary mid setting on the top leaders for testing purposes.

If this session had a theme (apart from some usual maintenance practice) I'd say it was trying to mimic dual line half axels and its possible resemblance to quick 180 deg (team) turns. I tried "shortening the top lines" for this. Earlier I have also tried bridle less piloting when doing dual line like half axels. I'd say that I’m still learning though.


Successfully fishing algae goo by application of the tangle method.

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I haven't even seen a glider kite in real life so they are somewhat exotic to me. Therefore I have some questions (but not so much time for an actual new branch of kiting or any purchase). Where does one buy iFlites in Europe? During a session, what does one aim for? Flying (3D) figures? A calm soft "natural" relaxing flow to calm music for anti stress purposes? Rising/diving quickly? Quick turns on demand? Fighter kite practice indoors?

1 hour ago, Bunduki Vlieger said:

I used an empty badminton court to do some indoor flying. Space was a bit limited

The eternal indoor quest - finding the space. At the local tennis facilities a few years ago I once managed to get a few minutes indoor kite testing for free (they were highly skeptic). Indoors outdoors is my way mostly.

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@Exult Maybe this answers your questions:

1. where does one buy iFlites in Europe?
I think there used to be a possibility to buy in UK. But I would order directly from Patrick Tan. The shipping costs are amazingly low (Singapore - Germany 9 USD) and the shipping takes hardly 1 week.

2. during a session, what does one aim for? 
I always fly gliders when
a) there is no wind
b) I am traveling with small luggage (backpack or less)
c) so small and compact - is my "always with me kite"
d) sometimes in between when I don't have the time/opportunity to get out to fly (from 1-, 2- or 4-lines)

the goal is
e) switch off and relax / have fun
f) to find the breeze or the thermal that keeps the glider up
g) depending on the glider (I have 9 different gliders), location and wind conditions I fly what fits (figures, training, ...)

To fly gliders you don't have to have an "expensive" Horvath from Switzerland. For a very small budget there is the Piuma from Italy, the iFlite is not expensive either. And if you can build it yourself, there are many open source plans. With this I want to say that you can start even with a small budget :-)

You don't necessarily have to fly indoors with a glider (although that's a lot of fun!). I fly outside most of the time. Whenever conditions, time or wind don't allow anything else (2- or 4-line).

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Thank you for your detailed reply regarding the glider kites!

On 7/23/2022 at 12:20 PM, Bunduki Vlieger said:

to find the breeze or the thermal that keeps the glider up

Cool to involve vertical winds! However there are some aspects of this that I totally can be without. The following is not my cup of tea...:

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  • Kite: Rev B-series Std
  • Wind: Between the Rev Indoor and B-series Std
  • Frame: 3 wrap tubes in the LE (guess that I was lazy enough not to swap them) and 2PT in the downspars
  • Lines: 8.2m (27ft)
  • Handles: 13 inch

After a visit to the dentist I looked for distraction, so that I wouldn't think of any pain when the anesthesia ceased. I just happened to had packed the kite bag in the car before going to the visit. Could find a small space by the sea.  Had to stop frequently in good time not to worry passers by. Half the wind window was OK wind from the sea and the other half was behind a small tree with sparse branches. The main "mission" was just to do "the normal stuff" and not try to be affected by the conditions.


Sometimes this tangle happens when doing catches and glides. How to avoid it? Make the sleeved loop shorter or tape around the sleeving knot (or just remove the sleeving altogether some would say)?


When the wind is tangential (somewhere) to the a bit rounded pier I instead use the 15m (49ft) line set here.

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4 hours ago, Bunduki Vlieger said:

The upper spreader is a line

How odd! So I guess that this upper "line-spreader" is under tension to keep things fixed? This should cause the leading edges to be bent slightly inwards?

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The almost 45 deg ground contact move (without a name?)

  • Kite: Rev B-series Std
  • Wind: Fluctuating between winds suitable for the Rev B-series std and mid vent
  • Frame: 3 wrap tubes in the LE and 2PT in the downspars
  • Lines: 8.2m (27ft) and 15m (49ft)
  • Handles: 13 inch

During the weekend I had been watching two videos where the short outer edge of the kite makes a quick ground contact:

My attempts on this move (e.g. at o:39 in the first video) has been rare, single tries and a little clumsy - my to go ground contact has been with the wing tip. I have also not known/decided of the ground contact is a 45 deg side slide into the ground or if the hole kite is partly lowered downwards into the ground. Especially in the latter video he kite is lowered so I decided to go into that direction for this session.


Method (opinion might change when I learn more of this move). This was how I did/thought about  it today:

  1. Fly the kite parallel to the ground.
  2. Add some brake on the top side to rotate the kite by almost 45 deg.
  3. With the lower handle drag the hole kite downwards so it briefly/gently touches the ground.
  4. Fly off with LE first

Doing two 45 deg ground contacts directly after each other demanded greater control when powering up the sail/taking off after the first ground contact, so it was good training.

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9 hours ago, Bunduki Vlieger said:

@Exult Yes, exactly. Here is another pic. You can see it better there. With the rotation Center-T for the lower spreader, it is a simple but effective construction.


I'm sorry, I don't get the purpose of line.  You can use two c-clips to hold the bridle in place.  I'm not sure that I have ever seen the upper spreader in tension, only in compression.

How does this speed setup and take down?  I can pull a spreader pretty quick.  Is it solely for weight reasons?  Details might be nice in a new thread.

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Going back to what I flew today, sorry, no pictures, 

A Tsuru and an old Windance3.

Tomorrow if the wind is up, I'm going to try setting up up a Flexifoil 6 stack I just got.  

And maybe for 4 line fun a Rev Supersonic that I also recently acquired and haven't had a chance to try out, if I have time.

Basically, enjoying the summer.  Enjoy the wind.

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4 hours ago, Brettgrant99 said:

I'm sorry, I don't get the purpose of line.  You can use two c-clips to hold the bridle in place.  I'm not sure that I have ever seen the upper spreader in tension, only in compression.

How does this speed setup and take down?  I can pull a spreader pretty quick.  Is it solely for weight reasons?  Details might be nice in a new thread.

I don't know why Level One and PAW developed it this way. I guess because the ONE is meant for beginners and they often lose the upper spreader. Regarding the characteristics, I quote karel_oh and refer to a video of his:

The ONE by German kite manufacturer Level One is a so called "Cruiser Kite" developed by Peter Maternus (PAW). It's slow and precise and suitable for beginners. Not specifically designed for tricks (no yoyo stoppers for instance), however it is capable of freestyle moves. The shape is rather unusual and no upper spreader and leech line are fitted in this kite.

IckyTV on YouTube


3 hours ago, Brettgrant99 said:

Basically, enjoying the summer.  Enjoy the wind.



Update: Another hint from the German kite forum: 

First of all, the kite was largely developed by PAW. He had actually always dispensed with an Upper Cross Spreader in his last designs. If there is no pressure load on the Upper Spreader in flight, but only pull, then there is no sensible reason to build a heavy and, compared to the bridle line, expensive bar in there.

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There were a few kites where the upper spreader was optional depending on the windspeed. The Trick Tail SUL did not come with an upper spreader iirc, and I remember a couple other sul’s where no upper spreader was added. My Aerie AirFX’s came with two upper spreaders to change the aspect ratio for example. 

So given that, over the last few daze I have been flying some Aerie/BMK kites as Ken is building me a 61/49!!!!!

Again I’m not in the habit of taking pics, but from past pix here is a BMK Mojo (showing it’s “lines”), a trio of Aerie Air FX’ (I flew the two standards), and an old vid of a BMK Mongoose that I’ve put a “soundtrack” to as I’ve been experimenting with some sound design thingies....lol. These, along with a Rev 1.5 NY minute, and an Emong have been flown this past week.






Hear kites here....





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