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John Barresi

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Our quad line team needs a new logo, and we'd like your help!

You'll find our existing logo attached, which we'd like to change... We like the "dude", but need something more.

Also attached are our custom kite colors, which you should feel free to use in any designs you send in to us.

The prize?

If your logo is selected, you will receive both of these items:

  1. A two year subscription to Kitelife (including the monthly prize drawings).
  2. One hooded sweatshirt with the new logo (choice of size), your name can also be included on the front of the sweatshirt along with "contributor" or something similar.

The attached images are in PNG format, which are very easily editable in Fireworks... Even if you don't have the program, you can download it for a 30 day free trial.

However, we will accept entries in any other format... Provided they are high quality and large enough to manipulate for our needs.

Please note: If we use your logo as the basis for a modified design, you will still be declared the winner of this contest... Even if none of the submissions are selected or used, the iQuad team will vote between the entries and this prize will be awarded to our #1 favorite.

Thanks for your attention, and I look forward to seeing what your imaginations have to offer!


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Nothing specific... Except, it should be fairly square/round - as opposed to heavily rectangular or oblong. An evenly proportioned logo is generally easier for us to work with. :)

The feel for the team's character should be evident in our exisiting logo, kite colors and new web site - http://www.iquad.us/main.htm

Thanks Eric, looking forward to seeing what springs from your mind. :)

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Ok so it was kinda a predictable idea, the fonts are a bit screwy and will need work and I think something might/could be put in the white center of the kite, for example, that could be where it says iQuad, i dunno, just somethign i was tinkering with, another idea could be to have the name of the 4 members of iQuad next to the leading edge of each rev following the orientation of the kite?

just random ideas lol


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Leigh - After discussion, I think we're looking to get away from including names... Two reasons:

  1. We might change team members in the future, never know.
  2. We already put our names on the front of our shirts, etc.

Interesting idea though, we'll add it to the pile. :P

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Hey John,

I was just wondering if you have set any deadline for getting our designs entered. I know you posted that a decision would be made on Oct 1. for the contest (wether you use the winner or not), but I am thinking you probably would like to have all entries in by...???.

I have a couple of designs I am working on and hope to finish before long.


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Another idea from the mind of Geezer... Anyone care to draw up a prototype?

Here's the visual:

  • Eight stick figures, all engaged in different poses... Each in one of the eight colors.
  • For each of the eight, a Rev on lines, doing different things, in the same color as the corresponding guy.

The idea, eight personalities playing out on Revs... Various styles and colors, but all clearly of the same "breed" (Rev fliers).

For this one, a PNG file (Fireworks) would be best... To allow for minor tweaking.

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