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Leo, do you have a PNG version of the "iQuad, therefore I am" graphic?

I'd love to play around with that one in particular... Not for the logo, but for other team artwork.

Still love to see you work with this concept further... Really nice. :P


Ok, here's what I came up with...


BTW: This was built in illustrator and is completely vector graphic, so if needed it can be scaled to whatever, or I could provide a higher res raster file if necessary.


Awesome Amy and Kite Head. Luv them both. The multi colored kite circle w/the black Iquad figure would look great with the "I quad, therefor I am" and Amy... just awsome. There can be a tie right?

We can have choices of two shirts? :gathering: BB Penny


Wow Amy,

That is amazing work, wow !!! Now I find out that you can only fly, but your handy

with art, Cool !!!!!

Thanks so much for you ideas Amy,

See you nexted week,

Big Hug,

Steve D.

  rudolph said:
:gathering: wow that looks great. I like the iQuad logo being recognized sepratly from the group that could almost be used by itself or with the team. :)

I agree completely. :)

The word "i quad" itself is a logo, as are both images when combined.

:) nice... very nice...


Need a re-work on any serious submissions to this contest... Again, the long vertical formats don't work for general application.

Great work, great ideas... Just need 'em closer to square/round (2x2, 3x2) to be considered for actual use. :gathering:


Ok, so here's a rework from my earlier submission.


I think the circular format is more conducive to be a logo than my original vert. format.

I would just like to say, that which ever logo gets chosen, I-Quad wins, because there are several really good Ideas floating around. GREAT WORK (so far) everybody!


  John Barresi said:
FYI... At the moment, Amy's submission is based somewhat on FileOne's original contribution... Prize would have to be shared or doubled if it were to win. Just an FYI. :)

She was talking about that idea before his idea appeared on the forum, so, I suspect in this case, a happy coincidence ;)


Yeah... Now we're rocking man!

My absolute favorite concept so far... I love the "quad party" sense I get when I look at this one. ;)

The Revs, they need to be "hard lined" or solid, as opposed to brush stroke.

Can you incorporate something similar to the style of Revs in our "fan" logo idea, with the abstract Revs?

Perhaps a little less abstract, but the same feel... Solid lines too, gradient inside is okay.

Also, are you working these up using Fireworks, or another program?

I can't seem to open it as vector art in Fireworks, even though it's a PNG.


Hey John,

I am glad to hear that you like my latest version! ;)

Smooth line art is dooable on the Revs (may take me a day or two. I have a couple of other projects in the works right now also, tring to prepare for a kite club picnic this weekend, but I will try to get it squeezed in.

As for the application I am working with, that would be Illustrator CS2. I have been exproting in a png format to upload to the forum. My personal experience with the png format is that it is a raster based format and doesn't carry vector info (Just my experience). However it is IMO the best raster based format available because it uses a superior compresion scheem as compared to tiff or jpg. Anyway, the master file I am working with is an illustrator CS2 file. But I can output it in virtually any format you would like (eps, pdf, ai (any version from 8 on), etc.)

If you would like, and if you decide to use any of my stuff, I can mail a CDR to you with a variety of formats both vector based and raster. It would be a handy thing to have if you deal with multiple printing companies, because they each have their own prefrences as to what file format the like to handle. I know the company I work for prefers to hand vector art when possible. Just let me know.


Another design note... On the text.

The proper name is iQuad... Case specific, with no hyphen. ;)

I'd be curious to see something more font-oriented, less "sketch-like".

Not being picky at all... I love this one so much, I'd like to see the few remaining items ironed out. :)

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