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nov 24th 5:59 pm

right after the store closes,and you run out to ship kites but have to make a detour to the hospital. :o

Good luck dad


John, it's a girl, we know that for sure. :o

Well, the time is now here. The contest officially kicks off tomorrow November 1st and the countdown to the arrival date begins!!!

We have a lot of really good guesses, everyone who was waiting to put their time may want to hurry up and get it in because after tomorrow the window will be getting smaller each day.

Lets get those guesses in and start the countdown. :w00t:

John & Wufer,

Just to clarify, are your guesses AM or PM?

2:30 AM USA PST time.

Written as 02:30 is using the 24 hour clock, note the "0" before the "2", which is common to Europe and most of the world, thus it is USA 2:30 AM. 2:30 PM would be 14:30 on the 24 hour clock. I specified PST(Pacific Standard Time) to be more specific to the time zone which I think you are located in.


Congratulations Kent and family. My wife and I are expecting our second in January (Boy this time) that'll give us one of each, what luck.

My guess is Nov. 19 @ 3:15 pm which was the time our girl was born.



:(:( Congrats to you and your family! :w00t::w00t:

I'll go with my youngest's birthday: Dec. 18th, 1:30 PM


PS: I didn't see anything in your rules about a deadline for guessses.

I hope this isn't too late...

John, it's a girl, we know that for sure. :(

Well, the time is now here. The contest officially kicks off tomorrow November 1st and the countdown to the arrival date begins!!!

We have a lot of really good guesses, everyone who was waiting to put their time may want to hurry up and get it in because after tomorrow the window will be getting smaller each day.

Lets get those guesses in and start the countdown. :(

Well I have run across a situation with a lady friend whom the doctors swore she was going to have a girl. A healthy boy appeared.


So only 10 more days till the happy event then Kent, then you will be sending me a fantastic new kite to play with.

Can you just remind your Wife for me, any time on the morning of the 15th would be good for me.

Seriously, hope all is going well. Still thenk this is a wicked cool idea.

Have you thought of a name yet, hope it is Kite related.

Maybe as a besides we could play "guess the name" for fun??

What about Fearless??

Well I have run across a situation with a lady friend whom the doctors swore she was going to have a girl. A healthy boy appeared.

Yea John, I have seen that happen as well. We did have a couple Ultrasounds tho and every one of them confirmed the same. A boy would be nice but I am fairly positive that will have to be another time and another contest. :(

We're still accepting guess dates and will continue right up until the day she arrives. The guessing days are getting less and less all the time but...you may miss out if you wait too long. Once the baby gets here any guess dates after the official arrival time will not count. :w00t: So no thinking that you'll jump on with a guess right after the arrival to try and sneak in a free kite!

We started with 61 days possible and are now down to 55 after today so the clock is ticking (lord knows my wife is ready). Get your guesses in quickly, the odds of winning are increasing with every day that goes by :(

So only 10 more days till the happy event then Kent, then you will be sending me a fantastic new kite to play with.

Can you just remind your Wife for me, any time on the morning of the 15th would be good for me.

Seriously, hope all is going well. Still thenk this is a wicked cool idea.

Have you thought of a name yet, hope it is Kite related.

Maybe as a besides we could play "guess the name" for fun??

What about Fearless??

How about .................. uhhhh...........................................................................

.................................................. Rev. :(


Congrats back to you Mellow67! Do you know if it is a boy or girl yet?

Well, it's been a week into the contest and still no arrival so we're still waiting. So far we haven't passed up any guess dates as the first of the month is pretty vacant for guesses. We're coming up on a couple in the next week tho so best of luck to those. I'ts still not too late to get your guess in if you haven't already done so.

Good luck everyone!


I wish you wouldnt do that Kent. Each time you post I expect it to be to give us the happy news.

From your comments so far if it happens in the next couple of weeks I am in with a chance of a Kite.

Can you make yourself a new log on so I dont get all exited :)



We do not know if it a boy or a girl, and we do not want to find out, as we like the surprise!! :)

This will be our 2nd child! Our little boy is already addicted to kites, everytime the kite bag comes out he asks for his "Froggy" kite. (single line frog kite). He loves to fly it, and does pretty good for a 3 year old! :)


LOL Baloo & Watty. If it was up to my wife she'd push today. Sorry for getting you all excited Baloo, just want to keep people up to date on whats happening...as much as possible without giving away anything. If I don't post then you may need to worry a little more cuz I might be in the hospital! :)


Point taken on the hospital thing Kent. Just think how it would please Spence and me round about now though. I think we have adjacent days chosen.

Hi mello, best of luck to you. I cant make babies and getting a bit old for them now. Used to wish though. One thing is for sure, it will be a Boy, or a Girl of course.

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