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60+ MPH Winds


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We have a nice storm advisory for Sunday and Monday, 60+ MPH winds. I am thinking about stacking my two 3 meter parafoils and going for a ride. Anyone in the Midwest have a good landing zone LOL

I am thinking that might even be a tad bit extreme for a vented, so I guess I won't be flying this weekend

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We have a nice storm advisory for Sunday and Monday, 60+ MPH winds. I am thinking about stacking my two 3 meter parafoils and going for a ride. Anyone in the Midwest have a good landing zone LOL

Have you made out your last will?

I am thinking that might even be a tad bit extreme for a vented, so I guess I won't be flying this weekend

A completely vented REV II should be okay.

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Although I REALLY wanted to win a darwin award, and the thought of flying Rebar and Chicken wire did cross my mind, I am glad I opted out.

We had wind gusts clocked over 120 from this last storm. Bandon had sustained winds of 78 mph over an hours time.

And our the property we are renting looks like a tornado hit it. Branches and trees everywhere. It was amazing that not a single window was broken or any damage to the roof.

We did lose power for 3 days due to a power pole that snapped in 2 different places. That takes some pretty good wind to bust a power pole in 2 spots!

Now I have to get the yard all cleaned up or the wife won't let me go play with the toys!


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Would have been a cheap way to get a Holliday abroad. Just clip yourself into the lines and keep going till you reached the next bit of land.

Glad you didnt risk it with winds that high.

I got dragged along on my face just over a year ago. Once my Wife got over the shock of seeing it she thaought it was hilarious.

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Would have been a cheap way to get a Holliday abroad. Just clip yourself into the lines and keep going till you reached the next bit of land.

Glad you didnt risk it with winds that high.

I got dragged along on my face just over a year ago. Once my Wife got over the shock of seeing it she thaought it was hilarious.

It's all funny till someone gets hurt, then it's hysterical. (I really need to get this shirt)

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