Progcraft Posted February 6, 2004 Report Posted February 6, 2004 You are welcome to share your experiences in relation to soul flying, and the topic article can be found here: -------------------- Best winds, John Barresi Webmaster Satori Kites Kitelife Magazine Bonita Posted: Aug 17 2003, 12:06 PM Posting Member Group: Members Posts: 21 Member No.: 29 Joined: 22-June 03 Soul Flying for Shawn and I just happens naturally, usually when we're not expecting it. There will be times when you just kinda get lost and for Shawn and I, this happens when we start mirroring each other's moves without even really thinking about it. It's when the kites take on a life of their own and for that moment you lose control and it's only when you surface back to consiousness that the dance falls apart. This is how I term 'Soul Flying' - and I think it may be differnent for each person. -------------------- evans Posted: Aug 17 2003, 12:35 PM Advanced Member Group: Members Posts: 35 Member No.: 28 Joined: 22-June 03 In that moment that the wing tips of your kite begin to cause ripples in the blue of the sky, when your movements at the end of your lines dance in harmony with the full of the oceans of sky and cloud... this is when you begin to see kiting, your kiting from just beyond the place you are standing. This happens when for what can seem mere moments, and at the same time, eternal glimpses of Bonita and I flying in concert. No calls.. they would break the synergy, not a thought... this would upset the delicate balance, just her kite, my kite, reaching... Its different each time. Some feel more intense, others are simply unforgettable and rewarding. In a moment, we not only share the skies, but we join in the symphony of nature's expressions. All too often, during one of these moments, birds will come to play... the field's big 'ol rabbit will run by... then I pull for the axel and crash. I find that sometimes, I can get caught up in it.. soaring away so deeply that I feel as though I don't want to return. I can count on my conscious self to anchor me back. I can count on the quiet voice of reason.. "You're SUPPOSED to be working on the routine Shawn" Yes dear. |Shawn -------------------- Progcraft Posted: Aug 24 2003, 06:45 AM Wind Warrior Group: Kitelife Subscriber Posts: 159 Member No.: 62 Joined: 13-August 03 So, it's 11:30 at night. The nearest artifical light sources are the two lightbulbs hanging over the doors to the mens and womans outhouses. There's a couple more lights over on the other side of the dam on the big spillway gates. And of course there's the small town of Pincher Creek, but that's 15 km away as the crow flies and behind several hills and it doesn't generate much ambient light anyways. The wind is blowing at a steady and smooth 12 - 15 kph and there isn't a cloud within 100 km. You stand in the middle of the flying field and realize it's so dark out you can't even see the the edges of the field. The moon hasn't risen yet and therefore never enters your thoughts. You've spent the last half hour engrossed in getting your kite setup and the lights attached properly. You've never used this light kit before so gave it a test off to the side of the field. Seems to work fine. You've laid out your lines and just completed tying the ends to the kite's pigtails. Before attaching the battery lead, you take a step back to admire your work and have a quick look around. First thing you notice looking off into the distance is the oily blackness which is spread over the ground. Wait, that is the ground. Glancing straight down, you see your feet are in fact floating in this substance. Ground? It's feels hard, but it looks like the deepest depths of space. Space. You start to raise your eyes again, then it finally hits you. The oil which impersonates the ground has engulfed everything. There is nothing but you and this field of blackness. Wait, what's that? The tunnel vision you developed when you setup your kite now starts to retract. The horizen enters your field of view. This new spectacle takes your attention and you have no choice but to follow. Your head starts to swivel up, and up, and up. Finally, there it is. The magnificent carpet of the heavens lays it's diamond studded tapestry over you. Everywhere are the faint hues of sparkling reds, greens, yellows, and the brightest of whites as the stars twinkle thier secret message, just for you. It's directive forces all other thoughts to flee like the perfect wind which swirls around you. And there, running horizen to horizen and through the highest of heights, cutting the dreamland in half like the god's own river of light, the Milky Way spreads her glory, embracing you. Calling you. The feel of the finger straps enfolding your skin brings you back for a moment. Away in the distance your kite shines like Marilyn Monroe on the red carpet. The twin miniture spot lights manifest your instrument and the oil is chased away. The straps bind you to it, make it one to your arms. You can almost see the light travel up the lines and enter your finger tips. It warms you. The heavens call. The feel of the headphones is so light and comfortable that the music plays as if your own private auditorium is hosting the concert. You've spent hundreds, nay, thousands of hours dancing with the sky. Now, now it's time to dance with the stars. You've done this thousands of times. All it is is a slow pull back with the hands and a small step backwards. It's the most common move in kite flying. The launch. But this launch is special. This launch takes you into the unknown. This launch is the one mankind has dreamt of since the birth of the dreamlands. The pull of the lines tugs more then just your arms. As the kite rises into the majesty of the gods playground, your mind, and your soul are taken with it. Then they too are launched from the skybourne platform and leap into the river of stars. Within minutes, there is nothing but that glowing form flittering through the skies against a backdrop of purest delight. The kite is your brush, it's glowing colors are your paint. The canvas is the oldest of pallets. The dance has begun. -------------------- Dear God Please let me see your source code. I think I found a bug. John Barresi Posted: Aug 24 2003, 09:18 AM Kitelife Webmaster Group: Admin Posts: 10271 Member No.: 1 Joined: 31-May 03 Ahhh... I feel like I went flying with you Progcraft! Very, very nice. -------------------- Best winds, John Barresi Webmaster Satori Kites Kitelife Magazine isaacsjim Posted: Aug 24 2003, 04:03 PM Group: Members Posts: 4 Member No.: 71 Joined: 24-August 03 Excellent discription Proqcraft, well written piece, very descriptive. Thank you for sharing that. -------------------- 10 M.P.H. winds to you all RUMTX Posted: Aug 25 2003, 05:11 AM Advanced Member Group: Kitelife Subscriber Posts: 61 Member No.: 32 Joined: 29-June 03 !!! AiyanaLeigh Posted: Aug 26 2003, 05:49 AM Wind Warrior Group: Kitelife Subscriber Posts: 127 Member No.: 43 Joined: 2-August 03 OMG! I feel like I just got in from a most satisfying night fly! Thank you so much for such a wonderfully written peice! -------------------- Why?....because it FLY'S *~Aiyana~* Progcraft Posted: Aug 26 2003, 08:08 AM Wind Warrior Group: Kitelife Subscriber Posts: 159 Member No.: 62 Joined: 13-August 03 Thank you all for takeing the time to read that. I'm glad you liked it and that you were able to enjoy 'flying that night'. It was almost as much fun writing about it as it was actually flying that night. On a side note, I'd like to mention that the moon did rise that night. A large, bright, half-moon rose directly downwind. Smack dead-center of the wind window. It was fantastic. I'd fly up the edge of the window, tracking in the middle of the Milky Way, then drop down the center of the window to circle the moon a few times, then back to top center and finally down the other side of the Milky Way. What a blast!!! Cheers P. -------------------- Dear God Please let me see your source code. I think I found a bug. RonG Posted: Aug 27 2003, 06:17 PM Posting Member Group: Members Posts: 18 Member No.: 11 Joined: 9-June 03 Soul flying......what is this thing of which you speak ? 1 Quote
ant man Posted July 23, 2006 Report Posted July 23, 2006 i too had a night like this it was not long ago i was at a field on a highway near my house my wife went out with her girlfriends i got boerd and i went downstairs and looked at my rev 1.5 an thought how it would it look at night flying with lights it took a while but i rigged a light kit across the leading edge that can be seen from a good distance as the night progressed i got the setup done and headed to the field i heard the traffic moveing along as i got there and as i set up i was ready to take a new challenge as i launched my kite i was in awe it was the wildest looking thing ive ever seen and i heard honks from car horns on the highway by the field i was flying on it totaly made me forget about life for a while and at that time i was lost from realalty i felt like i was in a world noone but night filers knew it was like nothing i could ever amagine anything and everything bad that ever happend to me was lost for that short time and i dont know why but night or day whenever i fly kites its the only way i can FIND MYSELF because in the real world people look at me as someone that is a freak for being a grown man that flies kites but i never cared what people thought ive flown kites since 1987 and my passion shall live on so UNTIL THE DAY I DIE I WILL ALWAYS FLY to me i rhink that makes me a soul flier!!!!!!!!!! 1 Quote
Scott Posted July 25, 2006 Report Posted July 25, 2006 I remember the first time I learned to fly a dual line. The wind was strong and I could finally keep the kite in the air. Everything clicked. The hand motions with the wind hitting the kite. I didn't want to ever land it! I could fly all day. Just like my 2 year old her first time out with a cheap plastic diamond. She didn't want to let it go! But eventually we all have to wind in the lines. I think we're all looking for a high and that's the reason we like to fly. It's a way to take off without ever lifting your feet. It lets our soul soar above without ever leaving this earth that we love. The soul was meant to fly. If it couldn't I think it'd die. And if it wasn't for one wonderful thing, we'd never have this fun past time with a string. What is this wonderful thing you ask? Read of it now from these words from the past. When he uttereth his voice...he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures. -Jeremiah 9:13 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. -John 3:8 ...but the wind passeth, and cleanseth them. -Job 37:21 ...and God made a wind to pass over the earth...-Genesis 8:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. -Revelation 6:5 Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 Wow, reading this whole thread again was great. Anyone have a cigarette? The soul was meant to fly. If it couldn't I think it'd die. I've always wanted to be a soul rider. That might explain my passion for the Kite. Wind or No Wind~ I want to fly. I love to fly for other people, but Nirvana is when I'm by myself with my kite in my hand and my music in my ear. That's my soul flying. Last week my husband and his associates came to lunch next door to where I work and asked me to come join them. After a few minutes of introductions Steve's boss asked me, "Now tell me about your kites." Of course I gave the polite response. "Are you sure you want me to get started on kites? I'm fanatical. He said yes, and I talked about kites. My problem is I still can't figure out a way to tell someone everything I want to about kites. Even after a couple of years at Toastmasters to learn to talk without babbling so much it's inadequate. With everything I thought to tell him I forgot to mention Kitemakers creating unbelievable new art all the time that surprises and amazes people. I just can't condense everything there is to share about kiting. I ddn't even mention soul flying. ;( Someone told me once that I was lucky to find something to be passionate about. mmm, imagine life without passion or soul flying. Ugghh.. better yet, don't imagine it. Imagine Soul flying instead. Nice thread you guys. BB Penny 1 Quote
ant man Posted July 27, 2006 Report Posted July 27, 2006 i agree penny passion is what has keot my flying since the first time ive flown a kite back in 1987 to me when im flying its always been a feeling i could never explain but to the guys and girls of the kite flying world would know that feeling!!! i never want to stop flying in fact i want to spread my talents dowan to my son who i hope 1 day will be my partner in my flying world Quote
Scott Posted July 30, 2006 Report Posted July 30, 2006 ...What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? -Mark 4:41 WWJF? Who knows, but he could control the wind to his liking! Now that'd be some soul flying!! Quote
Mousie Posted August 2, 2006 Report Posted August 2, 2006 Hugs all.. I think there is something about putting your heart out on the end of the lines, and taking up so that everyone can see it... and it doesnt really matter who is looking.. at all. I know, that I have found myself at true my life.. and I will go out.. and put the heart up into the air... and let it all just.. out.... tears and all.. There have been a couple of times this summer, during comps.. when I have had to remind myself to keep it together, because my head has just gotten lost.. and the heart takes over.. man.. do i sound sappy... sheesh.. Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted August 2, 2006 Report Posted August 2, 2006 We can relate Amy. Kites have gotten a lot of people through a lot of dark spots in life. Remember the old can and string telephones and you can actually hear a little of what was carried on the string. It's the same with God. BB Penny Quote
ant man Posted August 4, 2006 Report Posted August 4, 2006 this might sound strange but when i fly my kites i feel like i can forgrt about reality and real life for that time im in the air it doesnt matter what type of kite im flying i look at the kite and i think how free it is and i get that same feeling how free i am when im flying it so amy i hear ya when you say you have your heart up there Quote
John Barresi Posted August 4, 2006 Report Posted August 4, 2006 Aye, same here Anthony. In Zen, they call that Satori... Just being, in the action. I've heard of people kicking booze, kicking heroin, even mending relationships with kites. 1 Quote
ant man Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 yes john i have heard the same how kites have made people feel better about themselves i lost 2 children before haveing my son 7 months ago the first 2 pregnancies went really bad so i think that kites have helped me cope with my loses and i am glad that i have other people like me that can see kite flying as something bigger then what the public sees it as and that im not crazy for being a grown man that flies kites thanks for haveing me Quote
John Barresi Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 Glad to have you Anthony. Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 You know when we talk about soul flying it's generally in reverance to us flying our kite and finding that sense of peace. Actually single line kites or just having banners and kite art on the ground keeps people smiling and soaking it all in too. Even the crowds feel a little soul flying. BB Penny Quote
kitezen Posted May 20, 2007 Report Posted May 20, 2007 You all said it all. That is one of the reasons we all fly kites, and help others to do so. I stop at the ball field after work every chance I get, now that the snow is gone. Just to detatch a part of me from the earth, my kite, then my mind, and that feeling attaches me to the rest of the universe. I sometimes feel I am in the middle of it, and without a kite, that only happens for me, when I look at the stars, except, I'm still on the ground, with all the earthly problems. Sure is a great escape. Quote
ant man Posted May 21, 2007 Report Posted May 21, 2007 hell ya zen i know what you mean and haveing this kitelife site is great so we can all shaer our experences Quote
kitezen Posted May 21, 2007 Report Posted May 21, 2007 hell ya zen i know what you mean and haveing this kitelife site is great so we can all shaer our experences Sure is a great place for that. The best thing about soul flying is, it is so easy, except, the more you do it the better it gets. So many things are the oppisite. So many kites, so little time. It is also a good feeling to have a hobby that is enviromentally friendly, and not have to keep shelling out $$ for operating expenses Quote
Mousie Posted May 21, 2007 Report Posted May 21, 2007 I think soul flying... is when your *heart* runs right down through your fingers, down the lines and pours out all over the sky... Quote
mdilucca Posted May 21, 2007 Report Posted May 21, 2007 I think soul flying... is when your *heart* runs right down through your fingers, down the lines and pours out all over the sky... Yeah right, providing that you have some nice wind to run with right!!! Cheers Mario Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted May 21, 2007 Report Posted May 21, 2007 Mario, "wind to run with?!" Tsk, tsk.. what are you thinking? I don't think so.. I am in absolute heaven when I can fly NO wind for myself especially. I think it's a little harder to zen with the kites when we're performing for others. The concentration is there to entertain them, not ourselves. It happens and is wonderful. The love that we have for kites is shared with the audience, but my true love is just flying to music for fun when no one is around. (oh and Steven of course.) BB Penny Quote
mdilucca Posted May 22, 2007 Report Posted May 22, 2007 Mario, "wind to run with?!" Tsk, tsk.. what are you thinking? I don't think so.. I am in absolute heaven when I can fly NO wind for myself especially. I think it's a little harder to zen with the kites when we're performing for others. The concentration is there to entertain them, not ourselves. It happens and is wonderful. The love that we have for kites is shared with the audience, but my true love is just flying to music for fun when no one is around. (oh and Steven of course.) BB Penny Yes Penny, I still have a long way to go to master the No wind zen art like you do!! Am sure I'll get there someday!! Cheers Mario Quote
monkey Posted May 22, 2007 Report Posted May 22, 2007 Yes Penny, I still have a long way to go to master the No wind zen art like you do!! Am sure I'll get there someday!! Cheers Mario Ah but my fine friend, you DO fly with a lof of soul and passion right now. :-) Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted May 22, 2007 Report Posted May 22, 2007 Am sure I'll get there someday!! Cheers Mario That's the spirit! I'll bet you will! BB Penny Quote
wen Posted October 28, 2007 Report Posted October 28, 2007 in portsmouth uk kite event, i was flying my rev in crowded skys, the event was over and one liners where moveing in. i was shareing space with a guy flying a big handmade quad, the winds where light but he flew well. i was praticeing holding the kite sideways and he flew over, leading edge to edege, and eld it there too. we'd do that on and off, sometimes flying our own thing, sometimes togethere, not tallking, just flying... after a bit when he was packing up i went over and asked him to sign my t-shirt kinda intristing how we didn't talk much, just talked with thr kites... Quote
Penny Lingenfelter Posted October 29, 2007 Report Posted October 29, 2007 in portsmouth uk kite event, i was flying my rev in crowded skys, the event was over and one liners where moveing in. i was shareing space with a guy flying a big handmade quad, the winds where light but he flew well. i was praticeing holding the kite sideways and he flew over, leading edge to edege, and eld it there too. we'd do that on and off, sometimes flying our own thing, sometimes togethere, not tallking, just flying... after a bit when he was packing up i went over and asked him to sign my t-shirt kinda intristing how we didn't talk much, just talked with thr kites... Soul Flying Wen~ your finding kite zen. Do you have an indoor Rev yet? BB Penny Quote
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