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RAFFLE: Original Masterpiece Prototype Revs *SOLD OUT*

John Barresi

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With my upcoming wedding plans, I'm finding an immediate need for funds, so I'm releasing some very special kites!

Take advantage of this rare opportunity to win this pair of custom Rev I kites designed and handcrafted by award-winning kite and Revolution Masterpiece artist Barry "Bazzer" Poulter... Each panel is skillfully hand appliquéd and painted in the same style and quality that you've come to expect from Bazzer... Finishing was done in the Rev factory.

Now, the really special part... These were truly the first prototypes for what is now known as the Masterpiece Series, with these two blue kites made for me and two just like it in orange for Ben D'Antonio of Revolution.

These were made in July of 2006 (before any other Masterpiece or the B-Series), hand-delivered to me by Bazzer at WSIKF a month later (August '06)... Here are some photos of me flying the standard kite, from the Rogue Valley Windchasers fun fly we had in Crescent City (CA), September of that same year.



The kites are in very good condition, neither have more than a few hours of flight time on them.


Full kite image...


Wings (vented is identical, all white panels replaced with venting)...


Because of the added flexibility of a Rev I, these kites have TONS of personality in flight, almost taking on an animated quality in the eyes, like they're scowling down at you!


There are only FOUR of these special Revs in existence, and the other two are safe in Ben's collection.

These do not have Rev logos on them, just goes to show how early on these were made... But, they were sanctioned by Rev, and I'm reselling them with the blessings of both Ben and Bazzer, for the express purpose of raising funds for Takako and I. :)

These aren't even signed by Bazzer, that's how unique these are... Of course, he'll be happy to sign them for you!


As of now, we are offering 125 raffle tickets towards this magnificent kite and they are available for $20 each, or at a discount of $50 for a 3-pack of tickets, you can buy multiples of either, up to a maximum of 18 tickets per day (six 3-packs).

One hundred percent of the raffle proceeds will go towards the expenses involved in immigration (legal/filing fees and airfare) for Takako and myself, and can be purchased using your PayPal account, or by credit/debit card, also securely processed by PayPal without any requirement to open an actual account with them!

There is no cut off date on this raffle... Both because of the unique nature of these kites, and due to the importance of where the proceeds are going.




Fine print: The raffle drawing will be held when ALL tickets have been sold, and any tickets accidentally purchased beyond the 125 that have been made available will be refunded immediately... //// In the interest of fair chances, buyers are allowed a maximum of 18 tickets per day (six 3-packs), purchases over 18 in a day will be refunded directly and can be reapplied on another day... //// Ticket numbers will be issued 1 through 125, in the order they are purchased, and confirmed via email to the buyer(s)... //// Sales will be anonymously posted in this forum topic as "3 more sold!", etc... //// Shipping for the winner is included in the ticket purchase price, no additional payment required... //// The winning ticket will be drawn using the Random.org Sequences Tool from Random.org, determined by the first number listed out of 125 (example only)... //// Paid employees of Kitelife or Revolution are NOT eligible for this raffle, tickets are only available to YOU!

For those who jump in on this raffle, a very heartfelt THANK YOU... We're working our tails off to try and get Takako over here as soon as possible, and with as little complication as we can.

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Keep em' coming Guys and Galls,

because there is nothing cuter than seeing John go all Squishy when she is around.

Its worth a ticket or three.

Will sign these for the winner......might be worth more without signing LOL.

It seems a long time ago that I made these.

I was just getting to know John and Ben back then.

Had to keep my eye on them HAHAHAHA.

Now they are the biggest part in my life....whoda thunk!

And thats what its about,

Please help John and TK make their dreams come true.

Bazzer :P;)

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Thanks Baz! ;)

78 sold!

Remember folks, I am leaving for Japan on the 22nd of April and will be gone for 18 days.

If we sell the rest of these tickets before then (in the next 5-6 days), I can ship to the winner before I leave.

Otherwise, you'll be waiting until May 10th or 11th when I return.

Just to help motivate y'all a bit. :P

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