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B-Series VTD Package (4/5/11)

John Barresi

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I blame the Parents myself, did the Mummy and Daddy Peacock never tell Junor not to tease the Bears.

Choccy coated Robins are much better, One good crunch and no flapping about. :wacko:

Yeah...As you speak "her" name...my heart flutters!! "Whatever happened to "Choccy" :lol:http://kitelife.com/forum/user/3134-choccy/

I know she may not be real happy about being considered a delicious coating on a robin (I can see her smile though...heehee!) But I love her!! She is the person most responsible for my getting into this Rev. flying stuff in the first place...and my (almost) total Kitelife today!! :)

Keep It Up!


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I've just bought a rev bag, and it's claimed 15 kites can fit in there, but i've only 5

Thus I need to fill the bag out a bit more :rev_clockwork:

5!!! More than me!!! kid_devlish.gif

Hey "SV",

Are you saying that you have like "0" (zero) Revs.!

If that's the case, then if Baloo or Pete wins...then I give it to you!! :sign_please:

Keep It Up!


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I've just bought a rev bag, and it's claimed 15 kites can fit in there, but i've only 5

Thus I need to fill the bag out a bit more :sign_please:

I am fairly sure I can cram more than 15 in a Rev bag. :rev_clockwork:

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I've just bought a rev bag, and it's claimed 15 kites can fit in there, but i've only 5

Thus I need to fill the bag out a bit more :rev_clockwork:

5!!! More than me!!! kid_devlish.gif

Hey "SV",

Are you saying that you have like "0" (zero) Revs.!

If that's the case, then if Baloo or Pete wins...then I give it to you!! :sign_please:

Keep It Up!


Nope, saying I have less than 5!! Only got 4, but a f/v "B" would replace the f/v SLE I have now!!! So, I'd still have only 4!! Always looking to upgrade to the next level!!!!kid_devlish.gif Of course, that doesn't count the kites on my wish list!!! innocent.gif

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I've just bought a rev bag, and it's claimed 15 kites can fit in there, but i've only 5

Thus I need to fill the bag out a bit more :sign_please:

5!!! More than me!!! kid_devlish.gif

Ahhh...I mis-read it! Thanks for the correction...that will be a relief to Baloo & Pete too!

And I heard, if you are retiring your SLE, that the LE rods are good to use for tomato stakes!! heehee!! :rev_clockwork:

Keep It Up!


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I've just bought a rev bag, and it's claimed 15 kites can fit in there, but i've only 5

Thus I need to fill the bag out a bit more :sign_please:

5!!! More than me!!! kid_devlish.gif

Ahhh...I mis-read it! Thanks for the correction...that will be a relief to Baloo & Pete too!

And I heard, if you are retiring your SLE, that the LE rods are good to use for tomato stakes!! heehee!! :rev_clockwork:

Keep It Up!


Don't plan on retiring it, more like passing it on to someone that needs a vented kite to go with their other stuff!! So far I haven't retired any of my kites, even if they should!!!kid_devlish.gif

Tomato stakes!?!?kid_horny.gif Never flown with them in any of my kites!!!kid_devlish.gif

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I am trying complete silence on the subject in order to influence the odds. You can tell by the strike_out that I did not post this.

Let's see, a little oil right here, some dusting over here. There my old Enigma machine is set to work on Pete's cipher. Oh, wow, is it ever groaning under the work load ... aha, here comes the decrypted message:

I am trying complete silence on the subject in order to influence the odds. You can tell by the strike_out that I did not post this.

Shame on Pete for trying to influence the old RNG ...



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Abj V'z tbvat gb unir gb gel nabgure zrgubq. Abgr jryy gung V qvq abg cbfg guvf rvgure.

Bu, lrf lbh qvq!!!



Okay, you got me on this one. I apologize ... assumed that you were really a devious fellow. Thought you'd coded using the Vigenere method. Observed that the key word was probably six letters long and then did a simple substitution in a couple of places instead of a frequency analysis. Discovered that letters four and five in the key word were "N" ... hmmm, then discovered one of the other letters was probably an "N". Geez, do I make things hard ... just needed a simple substitution to solve. Thanks for knocking a little of the rust off the brain this morning.

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Abj V'z tbvat gb unir gb gel nabgure zrgubq. Abgr jryy gung V qvq abg cbfg guvf rvgure.

Vg'f nyy Crgr'f snhyg V nz fvggvat urer gelvat gb svther bhg guvf qnea pbqr . :rev_clockwork:

Maybe looking at with a mirror would help figure it out. :sign_please:


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Google for "rot13" and pick any of hundreds of converters. (EASY)

Or look in your attic for your father's (or grandfather's) old toys and dig out the "Secret Decoder Ring" and set it to A=N. (COOL)

See also ROT13 on Wikipedia for a more detailed explanation.

Now I think it's time to go back to drooling over this kite-prize.

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Perhaps you meant "Purref"

Opps, my decoder ring is a little worn and it slipped a notch. Guess I'll have to start eating that damn straw cereal again to collect enough box tops for a replacement.



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