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We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way.

This is a brand new SDT 2.8 power kite from Skydog Kites, roughly a $225 value!

Dimensions: 113.5" x 42"

Materials: Ripstop Nylon Sail

Skill Level: Intermediate - Advanced

Wind Range: 6-25mph

Line Set: 475lb & 242lb x 82ft, 220kg & 110kg Dyneema x 20m with quad line handle

Info on the Skydog website - http://www.skydogkites.com/traction/sdt_2.8.shtml


If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here.

Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/294, and will be drawn on June 10th, 2011!

Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin. ;)


**WOW** That Looks Great!! I would love to own and fly that! But.......

I'm afraid that this "getting older every day" body would really regret it!! heehee!!

Sooooo, I'll tell you what I'll do:

The next person that becomes a new paying "Subscriber" to Kitelife (after 5/4/11) and posts the words "I'm Here!!" in this thread, can have my 2 numbers (476 & 837) for this one drawing!

(No Baloo, the person has to be a "New Subscriber"! heehee!)

Keep It Up!



Like Duane, I heal a little too slowly for much power kiting. But, my offspring would love to fly this one. Count me in for the lusting!!!

Thanks to Jim and John for this opportunity.




Wooh ! Very nice kite, BUT - Been there, Done that & Got Dragged................and it wasn't as big as this one.

I don't know, but I've got a young nephew, that would love it.............:kid_content:


OK, so lets give your kid 2 more chances.

You get my numbers this time. OK?

Baloo you shouldn't have done that!

If "SV" gets that kite..."you know" he's going to fly it

....and that will be all we will ever hear from "SV"! heehee! :P:ghostrider_h4h:

Keep It Up!



I can see it now, dragged down the beach, next stop California!!!!!kid_devlish.gif I personally wouldn't fly it, never did go for the power side of kiting, I prefer a more elegant flying style, NOT BEING PULLED ALL OVER THE PLACE!! smiley-devil.gif Hey what can I say??!! It's the truth!!

JB, maybe getting a new kite will rekindle his flying again!!! Taught him to fly a long time ago now, but he's had other interests as of late and flying isn't considered an "in thing"!!! A lot of his friends don't get it and peer pressure has kept him away!! Hopefully this would jump start his kiting again!!

Baloo - Thank you, got my fingers crossed!!!


Hey "SV"...I would have given you my 2 numbers too, except they have already been given away to the next "New Subscriber" to Kitelife! Come-on "New Subscriber"...take the bribe...and you may be "Flying with Power"!! heehee!

Keep It Up!



Well, that USED to be my style. My favorites were kites like 10' Flexifoils in 20+ mph winds, Hawaiian Team Kites, Big stacks and the like. They didn't pull me around much because I've always been heavy enough to anchor them, but I've definitely been knocked down a few times.

I'm considering a more gentle style for the future; I even got a vented Rev. Never would have let even a scrap of available wind get away in the old days. Time to retire my 500# Kevlar™ line-sets, maybe?


Well, that USED to be my style. My favorites were kites like 10' Flexifoils in 20+ mph winds, Hawaiian Team Kites, Big stacks and the like. They didn't pull me around much because I've always been heavy enough to anchor them, but I've definitely been knocked down a few times.

I'm considering a more gentle style for the future; I even got a vented Rev. Never would have let even a scrap of available wind get away in the old days. Time to retire my 500# Kevlar™ line-sets, maybe?

ROFL!!!! I haven't used anythng stronger than 150# lines!!!


I've broken a 500# line, at least once, when I was well dug-in, leaning way back (almost horizontal, but only my heels touching the ground), and braced, when a wind gust hit as the kite (10' Flexi) was going through the power band. The line broke as I was being lifted (forced suddenly) vertical.

You can get some amazing pulls from kites. The first time I stacked my 13 Rainbows, I took them through the power band and had more than 10 (out of 72) 200# clips in the train lines pull themselves out straight.

Now THAT was a mess to straighten out: 13 kites (each with a long ribbon tail), plus half of the trainlines detatched (a few I never found). I had to remake 36 identical (sleeved and tuned for length) trainlines. (That was where I learned to be efficient in measuring, sleeving, and looping linesets.)



I had to remake 36 identical (sleeved and tuned for length) trainlines. (That was where I learned to be efficient in measuring, sleeving, and looping linesets.)

And speaking of being efficient at "measuring, sleeving, and looping linesets" ............:blue-confused: there's another topic, that awaits your valuable input :kid_loved:

Share the knowledge.............:P(but only when you feel up to it)


I think the closest I ever came to stacking was when I drooled on a set of 5 Prism Microns all trained up at the kite store!!!! kid_devlish.gif I have never tried stacking any of my Revs, wrong combos of kites!!kid_horny.gif But that's ok, I like what I can do with the Rev the way it is!!!wink.gif


Hey! Y’all “Check THIS Out!!”

I’m “soooo” sure I going to win this "Power Kite" that I made up a "Kite Buggy" for it!

I call it my “Redneck’n Kite Buggy!” Now this has got “CLASS!!”

…and it even has “headlights” for Night Flying!!

Make sure that the bungee cord that going to the handles is connected under your belt and not just through the belt loop!

And of course, pull the disconnecting rod to the rear so the "buggy" is free wheeling!

…and it has its own motto: “Nothing Flies Like A Deere!” heehee!

(Warring: If you decide to do this, make sure to tie the ropes around you “and then” to the back axles. If you just go around the seat, the seat will lift up when a strong pull is applied.)

Keep It Up!



Wow, just thought I have got a buggy a bit like that (but mine is bigger :blue-confused: )

Maybe I need to snaffle those numbers back from SV, or maybe take out a coule more subscriptions.


After thinking about it, this one might be just the thing for my son-in-law. A good pull around the park might be ..... :blue-confused: On the other hand, he is pretty good kid and I really don't want to see him hurt. Or I could give it to my husband. He would end up in Bermuda. Thinking, thinking.... :kid_loved:

As for me, I like my stacks and they have more than enough pull. Win or lose, I'm good. Enjoy guys. :P



After thinking about it, this one might be just the thing for my son-in-law. A good pull around the park might be ..... :blue-confused: On the other hand, he is pretty good kid and I really don't want to see him hurt. Or I could give it to my husband. He would end up in Bermuda. Thinking, thinking.... :P

As for me, I like my stacks and they have more than enough pull. Win or lose, I'm good. Enjoy guys. :D


Hey "photomom"...I like your thinking!! Thanks for the ideas!! :kid_loved: heehee!!

Keep It Up!


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