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We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers...

For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way.

This is a brand new Crossfire sport kite by Dodd Gross, from Skydog Kites, roughly a $139 value!

A good all-rounder and trick kite, this is a great addition for any intermediate/advanced flier - http://www.skydogkit...crossfire.shtml

I've actually had personal time on this model before, it's a great trick kite, I liked the way it handles on it's back (jacobs ladder, etc)


This kite also comes with your choice of Skydog shirt, please remind me upon notification. :)


If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here.

Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/301, and will be drawn on August 12th, 2011!

Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin. :kid_content:

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“And Yes!!”

Once again...to try to pull another "fence sitter" off the fence to join Kitelife!

The next new person that becomes a new paying "Subscriber" to Kitelife (on or after 7/10/2011) and posts the words:

"I'm Here!!" in this thread, can have my 2 numbers (476 & 837) for this one drawing! (That's if it's OK with John, of course.)

(And once again...No Baloo, the person has to be a "New Subscriber"! heehee!)

Keep It Up!



OK SV, you can start now, and you too Baloo ! :kid_content: Oh, and PETE.................

Banter, Banter, Banter, Banter, Banter, OH, this is too difficult......................PETE, get out of the cellar & BANTER ! :)


"And Yes!!"

Once again...to try to pull another "fence sitter" off the fence to join Kitelife!

The next new person that becomes a new paying "Subscriber" to Kitelife (on or after 7/10/2011) and posts the words:

"I'm Here!!" in this thread, can have my 2 numbers (476 & 837) for this one drawing! (That's if it's OK with John, of course.)

(And once again...No Baloo, the person has to be a "New Subscriber"! heehee!)

Keep It Up!


Duane, it's a-ok to share your subscriber numbers anytime as long as you "help it along" with your own post here (like you did above).

Thanks for the rah-rah and support for new sign ups. :)


"And Yes!!"

Once again...to try to pull another "fence sitter" off the fence to join Kitelife!

The next new person that becomes a new paying "Subscriber" to Kitelife (on or after 7/10/2011) and posts the words:

"I'm Here!!" in this thread, can have my 2 numbers (476 & 837) for this one drawing! (That's if it's OK with John, of course.)

(And once again...No Baloo, the person has to be a "New Subscriber"! heehee!)

Keep It Up!


Duane, it's a-ok to share your subscriber numbers anytime as long as you "help it along" with your own post here (like you did above).

Thanks for the rah-rah and support for new sign ups. :)

Thanks John!

Hey!! I'm here to serve!! Kitelife has given me SOOO much over the past years...I want to do whatever I can to try to repay what I've received. My whole life today is "Kiting"...and...I learned how to fly here at "KITELIFE" through you and with the help of so many other people! (But, I will admit that I have been feeling a bit greedy and my number offer might not be a forever thing...I mean gratitude only goes so far when really great kites are being given away...no offence, but you understand?!?!)


Keep It Up!



OK, I'm not sure what to do next!!! confused_1.gif The RNG has been awful close to my number, so maybe my "voodoo" is working well enough to try it again!!


Gotta be worth trying some more!!!! kid_devlish.gif


The RNG has been doing exactly as I have asked.....so far, anyway, and without fail ! :)

OK, one more time. RNG, pick some other number - DO NOT PICK 5-9-0 ! :kid_content:

See, easy................it obeys every time..............:)


I guess I'll just say good-bye. Lately, it seems the conversations deteriorate into either sexual innuendo or degrading comments about woman. It's one thing to poke some fun and I have done it too but the comments have gone beyond fun.

Someone lately was wondering why there weren't more woman in kiting? Well, think about it.

Enjoy your "little boys" club.




OK!! Way To Go RAZOR! heehee!

Welcome aboard and you are now the owner of two other numbers, besides your own, ......let's see...I forgot what they were...heehee!...I'll be right back!

EDIT: Your extra 2 numbers are 476 & 837! And I wish you the best of luck!!

Keep It Up!



I guess I'll just say good-bye. Lately, it seems the conversations deteriorate into either sexual innuendo or degrading comments about woman. It's one thing to poke some fun and I have done it too but the comments have gone beyond fun.

Someone lately was wondering why there weren't more woman in kiting? Well, think about it.

Enjoy your "little boys" club.


Hi "kjm",

I agree with what you are saying and I know that most of the things that have offended you probably came from me! I am sorry for that. But, don't run off!! You, and others like you, are the future of Kitelife and of Kiting as a Whole.

As I have been here in this forum for awhile I seem to be running out of entertaining things to say and that I believe is somewhat the cause for MY degeneration.

So, it's certainly not you who should leave, but me!

I'll be with you all in Spirit! (My Spirit is much nicer then Duane anyway! heehee!)

So...Good-Bye! :kid_devlish:

Keep It Up!


EDIT: Photomom...Remember: "Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it." You know as well as I that you are here for a purpose! I was good for Kitelife...but "GOOD" is the enemy of the "BEST"! When the wind is just "hot air", you don't run away from it...you accept the responsibility to "Rise Higher" and change it...and as you also know...you are not alone! You have my deepest respect!


I'm Here!!

I just subscribed to Kitelife! I am sitting in the Harbor Inn Motel in Brookings, OR. Attended the SOKF this last weekend and had a great time. There were some fantastic flyers on the field. Saturday was a bit damp, but Sunday shaped up really well!

Tucson Bill


I'm Here!!

I just subscribed to Kitelife! I am sitting in the Harbor Inn Motel in Brookings, OR. Attended the SOKF this last weekend and had a great time. There were some fantastic flyers on the field. Saturday was a bit damp, but Sunday shaped up really well!

Tucson Bill

Hey Tucson Bill,

Welcome on board!! But have you ever heard of the term, "A day late and a dollar short!"??

Well, you might not be a "dollar short" but you are a "day late"!

"RAZOR" picked up my numbers and beat you out by a post or two! Sorry Bill, but now your odds are about the same as every one else! I do wish you the best of luck though! Well, the best of luck just behind the "best of luck" is wished RAZOR...heehee!

"Lady LUCK"...is our master!! heehee!

Keep It Up!



You're right kjm, all I can do is apologize... While it's not mean-spirited, you are right.

Offending posts obliterated.

I'm a dumb human like anyone else, such feedback is always received with open ears.

I hope you'll stick around and help us stay on course. :kid_devlish:


I guess I'll just say good-bye. Lately, it seems the conversations deteriorate into either sexual innuendo or degrading comments about woman. It's one thing to poke some fun and I have done it too but the comments have gone beyond fun.

Someone lately was wondering why there weren't more woman in kiting? Well, think about it.

Enjoy your "little boys" club.


I missed the offending posts, so this is part conjecture...

Duane and I have similar mindsets - often we like to challenge people's set ideas. As a result, we sometimes overstep what is appropriate for a particular forum.

I know I speak for Duane ... reminds me of a United Way committee meeting when the chairperson (lady) said "I know I speak for Howard...", and I replied I'd rather speak for myself. Next thing I knew, I was nominated for President of the United Way chapter. So, I will not speak for Duane. :kid_devlish:

Anyway, if you want to break up an "Old Boys Club", join it. That's the nice thing about forums - you can invite yourself in. John does a great job of keeping things close to topic, and not offensive, yet allowing a lot of banter. :P

Waiting to hear your voice again, PhotoMom. :)


I'm Here!!

I just subscribed to Kitelife! I am sitting in the Harbor Inn Motel in Brookings, OR. Attended the SOKF this last weekend and had a great time. There were some fantastic flyers on the field. Saturday was a bit damp, but Sunday shaped up really well!

Tucson Bill

I donate my numbers to TucsonBill, good luck.

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