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I'd like some assistance please...


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So, I'm gonna buy a 120' set of 90# line for the WCRC and I have a couple of questions... please excuse me if they're stupid questions, but I am as rookie as they come.

Is Laser Pro Gold the best line I can get? It seems I have few different options here but it looks like its better than Shanti or Dyneema.

Where's the best place to buy it online? I've only found one place so far that has it in the 120' length, but they want $50 for shipping and that seems a little bit ridiculous to me.

Thanx in advance to whomever is kind enough to help a rookie out. :clap;


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The simple answer is that if you're buying 120 foot lines, you're planning on flying with others ... buy Laser Pro gold lines and you won't be sorry.

As to where to buy from: The Kite Shoppe is just across the boarder from you and a good supplier. A Wind of Change is the biggest seller of Rev kites in the USA ... can't do that without good service.



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Thank you Tom for your quick and informative reply.

Looks like the Kite Shoppe is in Vancouver, WA, which is about 5 & a half hours drive from here. I think I'd rather pay the $50 for shipping... lol.

As for AWOC, I can only find Laser Pro Gold 90# in bulk spools... I'm so not qualified to measure, sleeve and tie my own line set!

I'll keep looking.

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Sari, if it counts for anything I have got ALL my line sets from The Kite Shoppe and they are top class. Theresa has been very acommodating and helpful to me even though I am in another country, so I'm sure she will sort you out.

Incidentally, my 120 set for the clinic is on it's way to me right now - figured I should get a little time out at 120 before I get to the clinic to make my life a bit easier.

I see you're in BC - I'm sure there is someone there who can let you have time on their 120's before the clinic and then Theresa can sell you a set of your own at the clinic itself. My outdoor flying is on 20, 30, 50 and 80' sets (indoors is normally 12') and I haven't found the lines to be any kind of limitation in learning a skill - it just alters how big your wind window is.

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Have you tried Great Canadian Kite Co? ( http://www.canadiankitecompany.com/ )They are a sponsor (among many) of this site, and may be able to ship to you for less, since there is no hassle with international shipping. They do plenty of Rev business. They don't list 120' x 90# quad sets, but if you asked, such a thing might be available.

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BTW - I've dropped David an email asking for his 2c

Update: Monks just replied to my email and said he would pop in here later today to reply - he's on his way back from San Diego right now. He said he could easily loan you a set until the clinic. My advice is to take him up on it then make him show you how best to fly them as well :clap;

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Wow!!! You guys are awesome!!! Thank you all so very much for all your info, tips and advice.

I feel that I should add this... the only reason I'm getting the 120' lines are because it says to do so on the WCRC's "What to Bring" section... I don't make the rules, I just follow them. :w00t:

To be completely honest, the thought of flying WITH or NEAR other people makes me a little uneasy.

kwmf - Thanx for the advice. I've only flown my Rev 3 times (on the 80' line set it came with)... for a total of 6-ish hours. And to be subtle... I suck! Hence why I'm so excited for the WCRC. Since I've had my new kite, I've tried to fly it numerous times but there's never any damn wind here. So, when I do find wind and get a chance to fly it, I was just gonna use the line set I currently have. But now you've made me kinda nervous thinking that I should be practicing with the 120's too... :clap;

This sucks cuz I work till 5pm Monday to Friday and it now gets dark at 4:30. :w00t:

Pete - Yes, I did check the Great Canadian Kite Co. but as you said, I didn't see the 120's listed. Good idea though, may as well contact them to ask. (P.S. Your house looks amazing!!!)

Jeepster - Thanx for the tip, I just might bug him.

Again, thanx mega to you all... very much appreciated!!!

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We have LPG in stock in all sizes and lengths. Give me a call or send me an e-mail and I can get you prices on pre-made LPG sets. We hope to have them uploaded on our website soon so you can order directly online. I can also work you a deal on the shipping charges. USPS Priority should only be about $25.00.

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Wow!!! You guys are awesome!!! Thank you all so very much for all your info, tips and advice.

I feel that I should add this... the only reason I'm getting the 120' lines are because it says to do so on the WCRC's "What to Bring" section... I don't make the rules, I just follow them. :clap;

To be completely honest, the thought of flying WITH or NEAR other people makes me a little uneasy.

120' lines are not mandatory but will definitely help your learning curve. Honestly, we're gonna fly with and near you if you think you are ready for it or not. It's not as big of a deal as you might think, and we will break you in quick. The learning curve increases dramatically when flying with others, so to make the most out of the clinic, I would certainly recommend it.

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Wow!!! You guys are awesome!!!

Thats what I keep telling people .... oddly enough they don't seem to believe me :w00t:

I feel that I should add this... the only reason I'm getting the 120' lines are because it says to do so on the WCRC's "What to Bring" section... I don't make the rules, I just follow them. :w00t:

To be completely honest, the thought of flying WITH or NEAR other people makes me a little uneasy.

Like you, I don't own a set (mostly due to space issues and no team here) ... but I ordered a set for the clinic because it will make things easier in that I can fly with others and it increases the size of the wind window which will give me more time to process things that don't always lend themselves to shorter lines.

I have only flown a handful of times with someone else and I found it to be very good for my development - either because it highlighted something I needed to learn, or because it gave me an additional point in the sky to reference with.

Now I'm far from being an expert pilot, but I know that when I got my ex-girlfriend in the sky with me (on 80' lines) we did just fine. As the more experienced of the two, I was just letting her work on doing what she needed to do and I assumed responsibility for moving around her problems and keeping it in the air. My assumption is the more experienced guys there will do the same for you as I was doing, so you can just focus on doing what you need to do and they'll all work around it.

As JB said - EVERYONE is good enough to fly with everyone else, it's just how much or how little you can get into it with them.

If all else fails, I'll have my 80's there and would be more than happy to fly pairs with you .... but I somehow doubt you'll have any problem finding a flying partner. While I've got no team/grid experience, I'm actually looking forward to a 30 person grid fly by the end of it .... I just need to remember to breathe, relax, keep my hands down and focus on my own Rev.

kwmf - Thanx for the advice. I've only flown my Rev 3 times (on the 80' line set it came with)... for a total of 6-ish hours. And to be subtle... I suck! Hence why I'm so excited for the WCRC. Since I've had my new kite, I've tried to fly it numerous times but there's never any damn wind here. So, when I do find wind and get a chance to fly it, I was just gonna use the line set I currently have. But now you've made me kinda nervous thinking that I should be practicing with the 120's too... :clap;

This sucks cuz I work till 5pm Monday to Friday and it now gets dark at 4:30. :(

Don't be nervous about the line set, I merely made the suggestion as a way to ask Monkey to spend a little time helping you out and pointing you in the right direction - that way you feel more confident and capable come the clinic and can get even more out of it than you thought you would :)

I came from a power kite background so I didn't have TOO much trouble getting onto the rev - just had to learn new method of control and that the wind window is smaller (still kep forgetting that one), but otherwise I wasn't too bad. I've got a few people onto my Rev before and it doesn't take that long to pick up, especially if you have someone around to help you out.

I have the same problem having to work for a living ... I do manage to get some time during my lunch breaks over here though...


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Aye Sari, it's not as much about *team flying* as it is flying with others... Kind of like fishing, I guess. lol

You'll be surprised at how mellow it all is...

You'd be hard-pressed to catch those who would join you, let alone actually get tangled up.

We're used to newbies, we welcome them, and you won't be a newbie for too long. :)

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Sari - I wasted nearly a year being afraid to fly with others!! Now it comes as easy as breathing!! It's that initial fear that holds you back!! Worse thing that happens is a tangle - big deal!! Someone will take charge, straighten it out, and away you go!! No blood, maybe some sweat, lot's of tears - of joy!!!

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... Worse thing that happens is a tangle - big deal!! Someone will take charge, straighten it out, and away you go!! ...

All of us have gone through that "afraid to breath" stage when first flying with others. But, as was mentioned, you will learn SO MUCH MORE when flying with others! Don't miss any opportunity that comes up.

Had been flying about a month by myself when I ended up in a group of three others at a club fly. The most important thing I learned was what I didn't know!!! There were a couple of moves where my brain simply didn't know what to do. Ended up flying straight into the ground on one move ... geez!!! One of the guys laughed and said "Thank You" ... he explained that he'd done the same thing when learning and it was fun to be reminded of the early days.

And tangles? I've yet to see one that was not correctable. More importantly, I've yet to see anyone become upset because a tangle occurred ... we've all been the cause of a tangle at one time or another.



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  • 3 months later...

Wow... last time I posted was 120 days ago!!! I've been a busy, busy girl. But this is a good thing, because now all i have to say is...

THE WEST COAST FREAKIN' REV CLINIC STARTS TOMORROW, BABY!!! I'm so excited its just ridiculous! Weather forecast isn't looking too promising, but I trust we'll have a blast anyway.

See y'all tomorrow! :D


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  • 1 month later...

120' lines are not mandatory but will definitely help your learning curve. Honestly, we're gonna fly with and near you if you think you are ready for it or not. It's not as big of a deal as you might think, and we will break you in quick. The learning curve increases dramatically when flying with others, so to make the most out of the clinic, I would certainly recommend it.

Wow... Spence, when I first read your reply to this, u had me scared shitless!!! Really! I didn't believe you, I thought its probably a WAYYY bigger deal than I think, and I didn't want to be broken in quick.

But now... that I've had my magical amazing unbelievable weekend at the casual clinic, I'm here to say that I stand corrected! You were absolutely right about everything you said. Sorry to have doubted you... lol. And thank you again, sooo much for the patience and time you put into flying team with me that weekend. Same goes to Chuck and Gerry! You guys are the best!

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Sari - I wasted nearly a year being afraid to fly with others!! Now it comes as easy as breathing!! It's that initial fear that holds you back!! Worse thing that happens is a tangle - big deal!! Someone will take charge, straighten it out, and away you go!! No blood, maybe some sweat, lot's of tears - of joy!!!

Wayne, you couldn't have said it more perfectly! I'm not at the 'easy as breathing' stage yet... as a matter of fact, I'm not sure i breathed the entire time I was team flying... lol. Only when I landed did I remember to take a quick breath or two.

But you're so right, I did make many mistakes, but someone always straightened it out and away we went. Definitely no blood, absolutely some sweat... and oh so much joy!!! I LOVE IT!!!

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  • 8 months later...

Matt - you'll find that you'll use the 120's more than you think!! Unless it's a question of space, the 120's open up so much more sky to use!! Things are a bit slower on them, the longer length gives you more time to react!! It will feel like things are so much faster on shorter lines, but that is because you use the wind window up so fast!! Just get some good quality 120's, they'll last quite a while!! :ani_victory:

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  • 1 month later...

yeah im ordering 120 lazer pro gold lines as well im getting mine from oceanshorekites i got my last set from the kite shop. i like to spread the wealth. im also getting some 30 foot lines as i can not find anywhere within 40 miles of my place to fly my rev.

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