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@ --Pete - No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! :lol:

I am here for one reason and one reason alone: to win this Indoor Rev. And to make friends... Ok! 2 reasons! To win this kite and make new friends. Oh, and to trade kiting tips and tricks... Ok! 3 reasons! Win kite, make friends, share tips. Oh and to make with the silly banter..... 1,2,3,4 reasons...

Let me start over! No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! :lol:

Hopefully RNG is down with 'Python.

Android OS ~ Tapatalk2

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I must have a heavy hand on either the keyboard or the mouse. My keyboard tray (support arm) just disintegrated, dropping the afore-mentioned items in my lap. Bits of plastic everywhere; weighty bits and pieces linked by the remains of the support arm and all trying to fall in a different direction. Fortunately, I had a spare tray mounted right next to this one (in front of an un-used screen) so a few minutes work to swap out the remains of the old tray had me back at the keyboard, ready to tell the RNG that #833 is the one to choose this time around.

(The wrist-rest on the old tray was getting pretty scuzzy anyway, so maybe it was all for the best.)

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OK - I've held my breath and turned blue!! Time to start waking up the RNG, as this drawing is coming soon!! Wouldn't want the giveaway to "sneak" up on it!!


OH - the joys of releasing the tension!!


Okay John, it's time to think about giving the RNG a nice meal of bits and bytes before sending it to bed. It needs to be well rested tomorrow morning so it can quickly come up with the winning number ... namely #477.




Can you burn some vent holes in an Indoor? C'mon just kidding!


This would be perfect for those balmy summer days we have here in Oz. Imagine people flipping out as they see me flying a kite when there's no wind. Blow their minds!



Sent via Tapatalk for iPhone.


SparkieRob - interesting idea, but it comes with a caution!! Indoor kite has no bridle to spread out your inputs and in anything more than a puff, can be in danger, real fast!! That's not to say it can't be done, just not recommended!! That is what the Zen was created for - no wind outdoors!! :ani_idea: But that comes with it's own warning - it's a bigger kite (Rev1 size) and flies completely different from the 1.5s!! Much slower and graceful, not the sports car of the 1.5 size! Think of it as a Rolls compared to a Ferrari!!


#133... Nope, expired!

#185... Nope, expired!

#580... Nope, expired!

#670... Nope, expired!

#382... Nope, expired!

#130... Nope, expired!

#434... Nope, expired!

#672... Nope, expired!


YES! We've got a winner!!

Congratulations to Ron Henderson, proud new owner of an Indoor Rev!

Thanks all, stay tuned for a new prize very, very soon. :)

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That *&^%$ RNG seems to be just plain mean this morning. Dances ALL around my member number from expired membership to expired membership, till it gets lazy and jumps to the newest memberships. Darn, can't the RNG stick to a plan?

Well, I do congratulate Ron, it's a beautiful kite. Here's hoping he gets tons of enjoyment out of it.

Thanks also to John for the contests ... they bring hours of wishful dreaming.



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Congrats Ron, she looks a beauty.

Wayne, I was only half serious about venting an indoor.... but if the venue had the air conditioner on......

Sent via Tapatalk for iPhone.

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Ron - Congrats!! Fly it well!! :ani_victory:

Only off by 1 digit - 844! Hey RNG - you're getting warmer!!! :ani_giveup: Get that picking cap on and warm up those circuits a little better!!

Rob - no air conditioner - PLEASE!! Indoor means no outside wind, you supply the needed wind!! Ask JB!!

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There is to be an indoor clinic at SPI's kite fest this winter... Lisa Willoughby will be doing it on the Friday (I think that is the day)... to be held at the Convention Centre... the only place to really fly indoors on the island.... although you can fly indoors at the Boys & Girls club over at Port Isabel during the week. See you there!


iQuad is also going to be doing our annual outdoor clinic at SPI all day Friday. :)

Sadly, there isn't another day we can use (same as Lisa), so folks will just need to decide which one they're most interested in this year... No hard feelings, as long as you have fun and learn something! :D

Reach http://www.bskites.com for more info and registration details for either workshop / clinic.

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