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I found some old posts on making line sets and am deciding between a sheathing kit w/ tool or using line I have + an 'E' guitar string. I just want to re sheath my top Rev lines. The kits only have 4 or so cut pieces of sheathing.

While on the sheathing topic, any advice for limiting pulls in the sheathing after a lot of top line adjustments on our Revs?

My nails must be the problem!


"E" string works. Think "T" uses a thin flower wire for hers. I have an old "spleever" from Shanti I still use! I add small pull tabs to my loops that I can pull to adjust my lines with. Or you could make your loops long and tie a little tab knot into that at the end! Both work easy for adjusting or breakdown, I make my own sleeves from 90# bridle line, but it is a tight fit for the "spleever". To use it, just pull the core out!


I use 100 lb bridle line with the core removed. I find an "ultra light" E string works best. Fold it in half and crimp so it has a slight loop at the end.


Remember, No Matter Where You Go, There You Are.

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I have not....I use my teeth :P On that note,I carry two half sections of high E string preloaded with sheathing in my bag. One for tops..one for bottoms..different colors. Enough for a quick complete set if needed.


I see that the 'E' string should work, GREAT!

So on some sheathing find I am getting 'pulls' in the material..............any suggestions on how to more gently loosen the larks head when changing to another Rev handle setting?


For some people it's easy. I most often use my teeth because because I have big fingers. Works for me. haven't had any issues yet, but I can resleeve if I need to.

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Thanks for the replies! I'll snag a single light E string today.

Question for Mark: when you tie the knot in the end of the loop do you leave a small 'tail' to grab or just the knot?

I have some old 1980's Skybond 150# line that I'm almost certain has Kevlar strands in it. I was going to use the outside with the inner stands removed. Does anyone know if that vintage Skybond only had Kevlar in the inner strands and not on the woven outside sheathing?


I leave a very short tab, which eventually disappears as the knot works its way to the end of the loop. If you tie a figure-eight instead of a simple overhand it won't move, but it is more difficult to untie when you equalize your lines.


For easy release of the Larkshead I use a strand of the core I pulled out of the 100 lb bridle line and make a small loop with a figure 8 knot a the end to grab onto.

Remember, No Matter Where You Go, There You Are.


I recently started using a large blunt needle... it doesn't provide the convenience of having many sleeves preloaded...but super easy and fast to feed with for emergency repairs or just plain preference.

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I haven't replaced the sheathing yet, BUT did add the 'pull tabs' to the top lines at the Rev handles!

We flew a couple of days last weekend at Lincoln City and they work very nicely. Easier adjustments with far less time.

Thanks to all who suggested the 'pull tabs'.....................IMHO, they should be used by anyone who flies Revs and does line adjustments. I now need to add them to the 4 kite end attachment points. We went through standard, MV and FV Saturday and the tabs would have made these swaps easier.

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One of the first things I do to every lineset is put them on all the loop ends!! Like you said, it makes adjusting easy and putting them at the kite end makes changing kites or breaking down at the end of a day, so much easier! :ani_idea::ani_yahoo:


For easy release of the Larkshead I use a strand of the core I pulled out of the 100 lb bridle line and make a small loop with a figure 8 knot a the end to grab onto.

Remember, No Matter Where You Go, There You Are.

Thank you for this tip years ago ! I've been using the idea and passing it along to others ever since. Invaluable if you cut your fingernails short like me...


I don't like it..always seemed to be an added snag point for me. I convereted all my line sets to the extra loop at one time..for the same reasons.. (pulling or snagging in the sleeving) But quickly removed them all from my quad sets...I found it easier just to resleeve occasionally, when wear became an issue.

I dig it on the slk stuff and all my spools have a super huge loop for larkshead with the added loop for releasing.

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