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Awww, I feel better all over. We rushed to the gym last night. I had to write a note as they are renting the gym every night of the week and there is no open gym for members. :blink: Not good.

I flew for several hours and it's great, but in the raquetball court I'm not gett the workout that I usually get. That means it will be back to early am flying soon.

You guys are right.. like any exercise kite flying releases those endorphines that make you feel good all over AND it's mentally challenging~ woo hoo!

Came up with a different end catch last night to. Just grabbing the bottom lines and pulling so the kite is upside down in the air at my feet.

Different. ;) Did it before, but looking for some pizazz.

Lincoln City indoor is in March! March 30-April !st. it will be the most awesome show! Parks will be there and the flyers from last year. I'm excited.

Well, off to hunt for a Santa costume... yup Santa for the Grinch in the skit. Boss says we're buying one today. lol I love kites..

Thanks for the input you two. BB Penny


Penny, I'm sending a new indoor flyer your way ;)

They just got a Wren, and want to play! I believe they live very close to you and have access to a school gym too. :blink:

I met them at WSIKF last August :) John F introduced me to them :)

Hope they can reach you! :)

Happy New and have fun!!!

Can't wait for March to hurry up and get here! :)



Hey T, I hadn't heard from them yet. That would be wonderful. I'm looking forward to it.

Finished my shirts for the kite skit next weekend and received my grinch mask in the mail. it's way kewl.

Let Todd know I have a shirt with his name on it... it says, 'Thing One" lol



  • 2 weeks later...

Theresa, I still hadn't met the Wren people.

I just got a shock this evening. Our skit is Saturday night. No problem... My Thing 1 and 2 want to go over things... They said, "I"m panicking", I said, it's to late to panic, and they said... no... now's the right time. But I know they will do great..

Then Thing 1 had an unexpected death in the family last night.. and poor girl is distraught.. I was hoping by Sat. she might be ready to step away for a few hours.. but probably not... So..... not to bad.. I can get a Thing 1, Got that under control.

Then while talking to one of the potential Thing 1's I was given a contact # to find out details about the Theatre.

We are # 3 in the line up. There is a 2 1/2 ft. railing up...... A what? A 2 1/2 ft. railing around the stage?

Ooops, the boss had missed a meeting and was out of town for the week when an email was sent to him with some information.

Like a 2 1/2 ft. railing... all around the stage.. and the stairs.. HEY, We're USING THE STAIRS... (Did someone out there tell them my boss was going to be blined by a grinch mask waving a UFO on stairs?) No, probably not, I'm ok with that.. lol I can fly on a small stage with a 2 1/2 ft. railing... no problem!... And the guys will do good even with the railing... they just won't be able to sit down and fly like I'd hoped.

My contact then lets me know, he's not certain of microphones, etc. and put me in touch with Mark at the theatre.

Great, Mark knew me. He said there were no hanging microphones.. and I said good.. railing... ok.. On stage D.J.?

On stage D.J.? Yeah, late night dancing on stage, and the D.J. has an 8 ft. x 8 ft. sq. and something else in front of him? ON the stage..

Oh, I can't believe it. So, I'm to go Sat. am to check it out. I can't go any shorter lines, I swear I can't... A Rev. in a Raquetball court -no problem.....but 1/2 a court? Is it still flying if your kite line is shorter then your bridle line..

The boss is due back on Fri.... wonder if we'll see him. ;)

BB Penny ~no spell check.~ two days to go.

And my Silver Lining is: Love you Momma.. thanks for the massage! :)


Wow, I was all shook up over nothing... Here I've been fighting that stage with lines just short enough to touch an edge once in a while. It's a small stage you know.

What I did was cut my shortest lines in 1/2. Monkey, if you thought I had short lines before, forget it! I don't think they were 4 ft.! My Revolution Indoor is about 7 ft. long. You know what? They were awesome!! I took them this morning to the gym and they were a total piece of cake. They are so short that I think the kite world couldn't even achnowledged them as lines. :ike_sp_h4h: lol

We had so much fun. I had my Key Stone Cop be the Thing 1 and did with out the cop. To bad, it would have been cute. It was pretty funny. Now I can take the same premise and swap it to the Kite festivals, or other categories. Wait till you see how short those lines were. Loved it!! The charachters all did good, and got their own laughes. I must say Loren, my big boss who was out of town, lol he did not wiggle his hips around on stage, near as much as at practice. lol I'll have to tell his wife. He and Max did fine, even without the nose blinking.

Yup, Doug Kitchen's antlers went the wayside at one point due to the UFO. lol and he hit Sam I am, ( as if I had planned it. :ani_yahoo: )

The Things did a wonderful job and Misty bounced her way before she used the ribbon across the stage.. My little Cindy Loo Who walked forward across the stage and kept the ribbon in a big enough loop to keep it going. (The secret to using a ribbon is to always walk away from it.) My Things did a great job. It all went pretty well. lol I would be on stage.. whispering "Get off stage", or "Come On' once in a while... but they all enjoyed the evening. There were some great skits there.

Then we managed to dance a few dances at the end of the evening to Mr. Bob Winters D.J.ing.

Yeah!!~~ Time for Indoor and single handle practice now! (And I'll continue to play with 4 ft. of line, too. Arlington, Lincoln City, Brookings, San Remon, Moro Beach,.... not necessarily in that order..

Oh, I received "Spirit Award" for REID Property Management tonight. I believe it was the only award given out for Property Management. Nice frame/signed plaque on stage kinda thing. I'm liken it. Very Kewl and unexpected. Last year I received Assistant Property Manager of the Year, so I wasn't really expecting anything this yesr. :happybday: This event gave me a great opportunity to meet people.

I'm ready to call it a night and kiss my sweetheart for all his help tonight.

Keep looking UP~




Uhhm, uhhm good. The Theatre doesn't look so small now. Oh, they kept the railing down on the stage for me and made me promise not to fall off. lol Thank you Admiral Theatre!

The sad thing is that the video that Steve took was not put on night shots, or something and we all come out black and white due to the lights down and lightting. What a shame. :ani_yahoo: It's gritty too. Still, John, maybe I'll get it posted off to you. Thing is the boss's wife said she had several 100 friends who want to see it. lol

What did I learn? Four ft. of line.. on an Indoor Rev 1 twist on the lines is all you're given.. Two when you untwist and go once the other way. Very challenging in that head and hat on top of my head.

I'm off to run errands and see what I can get up to. :ike_sp_h4h:

BB Penny~ sipping on some homemade PINK Lemonade~

Oh, I hope you all are up for this skit at kite events. *insert evil laugh here.


Now I know I can do it, there will be no stopping me! lol Thanks again for the support, it means alot.

I went to the gym this AM, but I have to get back on track. I only had about 20 min. of fly time, so I didn't put on my single handle.

Tonight, I'll go home and pack for the AM and try to get out of the house before 6 AM. It was good to be back, once I was there.

There's a wonderful freedom flying in the gym.. more so then in a raquetball court, that's for sure! lol BB Penny


I made it. Had some fun. Flew the single handle on the 4 ft. of line. It's still to early to judge anything. It wobbles, but then so do I. I'll have to spend some time getting to know those handles before I can judge them. The good thing is, I can do it all again tomorrow AM. :kid_devlish:




I guess I'll leave these single line handles on for a while. They are on the 4 ft. of line. They are great fun, but I'll really need some time on them to determine if I can control them. It's no problem now if I use both hands. One flicking a line one in a while for a quick turn or spin. The long term goal is to fly two at once and I won't be able to do that and flick lines... I don't think? lol Oh well, the fun is in the practice! Enjoy the day.




I have extra lines to add to the short ones, but once again I think I'll shelf it for now. There is a metal washer that is cutting into my hands. I think I'll have that removed before I hurt myself. I'm still trying to figure out if I want to fly off of the top of the handle, or off of the bottom.

Enjoy the Day.

BB Penny Who loves flying a kite in the mornings... once she gets started. ~Have you flown your kite today?~

  • 2 weeks later...

I've been to busy to even blog~ I started at the Gym Monday A.M. and made it every day this week. I flew on short lines, stacked on short lines...... broke bundgee, caps off, etc. and I am now done with short lines for a while. Though once I get the indoor restrung I want to trya stack on short lines again. Next couple of days I went to long lines on an indoor. The last 3 days I've played in the lights at the gym. Very fun and relaxing.

The week started with me dragging myself out of bed to get to the gym by 6 AM.. This is after loading and deicing the van. By the end of the week, we're in such a groove that we wake up before 5 AM excited to go and fly... the thing is tomorrow is Sat. and even though I think.. Oh yeah.. I'll get to sleep in! What will really happen is my internal clock will have me excited and awake at 5 AM and the gym doesn't open on the weekends till 10AM! I'll find some time to sneak in there this weekend.

Like lots of people in the forum I am thinking stack lines next week. It's always fun to see a stack of kites flying inside.

I have a DVD of the skit; I'll send it to John next week and see what he can put on the forum from it.

BB Penny~ ;)


Time is running out before Arlington's "Up the River" Indoor kite festival this weekend. I'm looking forward to going down and hopefully seeing some of the same people we see each year. It's a fun event.

I've still been enjoying the single handle indoor Rev flying, but I'm going to change it out tomorrow to shorter lines and possible stacks.

I wish I didn't even have to put the single handle down right now, but it's for the best. I practiced flying it with just my left hand today and did not use my right hand to tug a line. It went pretty well. I'll have to keep practicing this, if I want to be able to fly two Rev's at once.

I've got to get some video and see how I am doing push turns with that single handle. It's a great way to save a forward down, but it needs a quicker pivot action. That's going to be pilot induced. Hmm.

I have some reverse, but would prefer more. I'm still uncertain what to do with the handles to change it out. Today I noticed that I have no inverted slide what so ever.

It's like fighting an elephant when I tried~ just to much work. I'll wait till I set the video camera up to see what it takes to make my kite even head in that direction.

Geesh, I think I need a bloodymary and a Rev. folded dollar bill to decipher this. That's a great tutorial combo.

The basics may be easy, but I've still got years ahead of me puzzling, deciphering and practicing what it takes to make my kite do what I want it to.

Remember; if you are coming down on your turns inside... create more lift. Step back prior to a turn, or use more pressure on your thumbs. Keep looking up.


REID Property Management

Penny Lingenfelter

Assistant Property Manager

360-698-4026 ext 277





I changed it to a short stack today. it was very responsive, except the left side. I'll have to take it apart this evening and see what is off. (Besides one indoor cap ono ne end and one outdoor cap on the other side)

I'm using the indoor handles and I'm going to switch to the outdoor and compare.

The gym is evolving along with me. I walked in just in time for the manager to say.. "yes, she dances around with her kite.. there she is now." I should so give a morning class on this, but I'm still a little selfish with my time.. ooops got oto go. BB Penny


The Indoor Up Your Wind Kite festival in Arlington, OR was the BEST! :wub:

I didn't go down to compete this year. Alan said I could do a demo and there is some free time that I can give lessons. So Steve and I left early Sat. AM. for our 5 hour drive.

We arrived in time to see most of the competitions. I'm glad I didn’t have to be a judge. Wow, it's a tough call.

I put out UFO's and Rev's on short lines, and longer lines. My short-short lines gave me something I didn't even expect! 3 new Rev. Tricks! At least they are very new to me.

The first one I call "Alex" because young Alex did it first. You guys may have already been doing it with your Rev's. I know they can do it with Dual lines, but duals are not flat and hence have air under them. That and the guys are taller with longer arms, so they can do this with longer lines.

The "Alex" is just a pop launch off of the ground.

The Rev. is laying flat, face up, leading edge away from you. Pull your arms forward and up and the kite launches. WA LA! Way kewl and easy..

We took it one more step and made an "Alexandria" The kite still face down, leading edge away, but you step over the kite so the kite is now behind you. Jump, pull and WA LA! the kite comes from behind-under you to launch over your head in a split second. :) Fun!

That's not the best new trick though. Put a few wraps in your handles ahead of time for this one. Both handles revolving towards the middle. I like #3 wraps in my lines.

You can fly the kite like this and then place it or start with it in position.

No name yet.... Rev jump rope doesn't quite do it justice. Any ideas out there?

The kite is face down in front of you, leading edge towards you. Pull, mostly on the bottom of the handles and totally jump rope it 3 times to get the wraps out. Yup, under and over you, jump, under/over, under over. Step back at the end to give it a place to catch air and fly it out. lol

If you do it to fast, or you don't pull it up and step back it will hit you in the front crotch on its final swing.

I've discovered while jumping it that setting the lines in the middle of the vertical spars but pulling the lines towards the outer edge and using large swooping motions with my arms keeps it smooth and steady without catching on a spar. How exciting!!!

I've been trying for years to figure out how to jump a Rev and fly it out. The dual lines could do it. The basketball players thought I was crazy trying to jump this kite, tangling and getting no closer. All it takes is short enough lines to jump it.

Those short lines not only gave me sweet lemonade, they also gave me new moves and opportunities. That and they work great for our little skit.

I had 4 -6 kids on the floor with me... more if you count Monkey Boy and Tood Rudolph form IQuad. haha They were my Grinch and Max, Grinch's Dog.

Several kids played the roll of Thing 1 and Thing 2, Cindy Loo Who and other whoville towns people. the kids were so cute! they flew UFO's, Diamond kites, and Rythmic Ribbons. Monkey and Todd were stilling the show hitting, tangling, chaising each other.

The skit is still evolving and promises to be amusing and different at every show.

We had kids come back for the 3rd year. They are all getting older and wiser and love to fly the UFO's and indoor Rev's. We've got some kids under 13 doing very well on an indoor.

Rachel, an 18 yr. old who showed a love for flying at WSIKF came with her family from Bothel, Wa (Seattle area) to play with us. Don't be surprised if you still see her around in 10 years. She's kinda looking like she's been bitten.. there are Rev bug bites all over her. :) I'm hoping she does wonderful in the sport and enjoys it as much as I do.

I love the fact that the people keep returning to the event. I think the first year there were about 15 people in the audience. The next year more and this year about 1/2 a gym.

When they leave, they reassured me they were looking forward to returning next year.

Allen said in regards to the crowd. "Only about 8-10 of them were from Arlington, the rest were from out of town." Pretty kewl, huh?

To the Arlington participants.

Stephanie, thanks for the pictures. I hadn't seen them yet, but I'm sure they are great. Be nice to that grumpy sister of yours and Tiffany feel better.

Troy, Rachel, Alex, great fun having you there. And Sue thanks for letting them play and the hard work you all are doing in the concessions.

Glory.. Hope your heads feeling better. Next year.. Tennis shoes and you're in the skit.

Sylas. You’re just so cute! You look just like one of my grandsons.

Kelcie and Connor! I remember when you were as little as Glory. Thanks for jumping in and helping in the skit. You looked great back there.

Anika, Tawny, and all the other kids who flew a kite and didn't want to quit-- I look forward to seeing you all again next year.

To the Kitefliers and families;

WOW! LOVED watching you all fly. You are such a great group of dedicated fliers.

Thanks for sharing, visiting and continuing to push the envelope. Thank you for your patience with me and the kids on the floor. It was great playing with you all. IQuad you gave a sweet demo. Scotty, way to whip it real good. Lam~ Thanks for the multi jumps. (not sure when I would have found the multi jump on that move with out Lam’s assistance) Paul DeBakker~ Always a pleasure to see you young man. We’ll miss you at Lincoln City. Wayne, Jerry, Bud, Amy, Allen, considered yourselves hugged. Congratulations to the winners and participants.

Kelly, Collen, Rick , Kyle Geezer. and all of the worker bees at the event. Thank you for your hard work. Kyle, I hope your back gets better. We’re thinking about you. You all keep looking up! Thank you Allen Cunningham~ Great job!

There are a few pics on www.myspace/penny_lingenfelter not sure if there is a .com in there. If anyone has any good pictures they would like to email me to put on my space, that would be great. Steve is not a photographer and I always seem to be busy. :)



The Lincoln City Indoor Kite Festival is coming up in March. We fliers received an email from the Parks informing us of the show's themes.

70's~ "Here Comes the Sun"

No street clothes allowed and the Parks plan on playing the part all weekend. lol I'm there! They will send us our music soon, but it will be up to us to find our tie-dyedand smiley face shirts. We'll be looking for as many gimmicks as possible to make it fun. Email me if you have any ideas.

Here is a copy of my confirmed schedule so far. Local events are not invites, I just try to make it to as many of them as much as I can, so plan on seeing me on the WA coast, too. Of course the odd parade and family event is not on here either. And Herb Andrews is getting kiters together at Stillicoom (sp) park on the weekends, too. I'll make it over there eventually.

February 10th and 11th Up the River Indoor Kite Festival -Arlington, OR

March 30th –April 1st Lincoln City’s Indoor Kite Festival- Lincoln City, OR

April 27-29th Moro Beach, CA Outdoor Kite Festival - Moro Beach, CA

May 26-28 San Ramon Wind and Art Festival - San Ramon, CA

July 20-21 Southern Oregon Kite Festival – Brookings, OR




Glenn thank you so much for the DVD's! Great editing. It is the first time I got to see the kids actions. Did you notice on Sunday that I missed my kick cue... just by a second, but it's because I was looking to spot the kids before I picked up the Rev. In that split second I saw Alex pretty close and was afraid for him... so looking away even for a sec is not really an option.

Allen, please, please tell Connor and any of the other kids you see how cute they were! Connor was PERFECT. He was so animated! I loved the energy that Alex and Rachel put into it and all the others. Bud will probably be the best Sam I AM in history! lol I'm jazzed being able to see it and the mystery ballet will be a good learning tool for me. I never heard that song before. (3 is the magic number)

Now Fort Worden Kitemakers Convention is this weekend. It's been a few years since I've been up there. I might just make it this weekend and say hello to a few kiters I don't see often. I call it networking. :wub:

Lincoln City Summer Festival is a go, so perhaps I'll see you there this summer.



Glenn thank you so much for the DVD's! Great editing. It is the first time I got to see the kids actions. Did you notice on Sunday that I missed my kick cue... just by a second, but it's because I was looking to spot the kids before I picked up the Rev. In that split second I saw Alex pretty close and was afraid for him... so looking away even for a sec is not really an option.

Allen, please, please tell Connor and any of the other kids you see how cute they were! Connor was PERFECT. He was so animated! I loved the energy that Alex and Rachel put into it and all the others. Bud will probably be the best Sam I AM in history! lol I'm jazzed being able to see it and the mystery ballet will be a good learning tool for me. I never heard that song before. (3 is the magic number)

Now Fort Worden Kitemakers Convention is this weekend. It's been a few years since I've been up there. I might just make it this weekend and say hello to a few kiters I don't see often. I call it networking. :wub:

Lincoln City Summer Festival is a go, so perhaps I'll see you there this summer.



Glad you enjoyed video. I enjoyed the skid



We've got our music for the Lincoln City Indoor Kite Festival.

It is a Beatles Extravaganza~ Show--Here Comes the Sun.

My solo is "Penny Lane"

I have a 3 ring circus fly with a couple of the guys... Scott Davis and Alan Cunningham, I believe and we get to fly to "Mr. Kite". Very festive!

Hey Alan, what music did you get? When/where will we see Arlington Pics?

Theresa, I emailed you Brian Champie's email to give to Lam, before you emailed me Lam's to give to Brian.. I emailed in Kitelife. I'm thinking you didn't get it, since you made contact to my hotmail account. Just thought about it, and wondered if that is not where I should email to/from.

Now, the gym this morning. Can you believe they had basketball players in there before 6 AM today? I can't begrudge them since they need the practice as much as I do. I already had short lines so I just went in the raquetball court to practice. :ghostrider_h4h: Loved it! Well, after I did some major repair work on my indoor kite I love it. This is the indoor kite that I've beat around for several years. It's had 100's of kids flying it, lots of tricks and attempted tricks. lol and who puts a rip down the center of it? Lam.. Yup Lam.. I want to tease him about it, but I not only encouraged him, I might have badgered him to try the multiple jumps I knew it had to be capable of. Sorry, Lolly, but it was a good cause. ( and until Lolly gets her hands on it to take it away from me, I'll use it as practice) Ouch... putting it together today I found the holes where the bundgee goes throught worn out. I jury rigged it and kept on going. it was a great fly! Then I had to rush so I wouldn't be late for work. Now I have to wait till tomorrow! Have a great day! :rainbowwave:

BB Penny

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