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Woo Hoo! The newspaper article turned out to be quite productive. A new contact thinks she can get me into a ships hangar when one is ready. That’s been one of my goals! :) Yeah! She asked me to fly on a roof, or a field on the 4th of July. We will be meeting in a few weeks to look at the area. She is the Special Events Coordinator for the North Region of Navy Base Kitsap. Sounds good to me. :lol: What a wonderful opportunity this should make for Indoor Kite Festivals and endless kiting opportunities year round! A 4th of July Festival on a military base sounds like a lot of fun.

People curious about kiting have contacted me, and even an old kiteflier I had not heard from in a while wrote to say hello. :lol: I’m thrilled! Now, who out there knows a King with Palace ceilings high enough to fly kites in? Have him call me please. ;)



PS LOLLY at Revolution Kites had her BABY Sunday, April 9th. Congratulations Lolly!! “Alexandria Joy” if she came out right. How wonderful! Xoxoxox to the family.


More indoor practice. I'd been working on my one handed indoor rev practice, but Steven bought me one of Lam's Dual Line Indoors.... Dual Line... woo hoo.. I posted about it under novice questions, because that's what I am with dual kites.

I'll be taking it to the gym to fly it for the first time today.. I feel like I might have just entered the twilight zone. It is an awsome kite.

Hey, I guess if you have trouble seeing the demo video's like Lincoln City's indoor, you can ask for a direct link. (?) Let us know. It is some awesome video of a wonderful event.

I'm talking with Seattle about some events. Darn, I don't want to be an organizer... I want to be a kite flyer... But if already established events have coordinators like a lot of big signature events in Seattle's, we can piggy back ride, without as much foot work.

Enjoy the Day!



  • 5 months later...

Ok, I'm gathering quite a repertoire of routines. Plenty to work on, but I still need 2 new routines, or at least 1 since I can always pull an old one out of the hat for this coming years demo's.

I picked up a cute Keystone Cop outfit. The hat, billy club, mustache, dress and panties, or w/ pants. I'll need a jailbird to chase around, or a black and white striped kite. I've been looking at ordering a DVD to study the keystone cops and have to come up with a routine. At least I'm half way there.

Stanley suggested I do a Charlie Chaplin routine with my one handed handle? Hmm, now there's an idea. I'd have to see if it's feasible. Can I really move in tiny steps indoors? I'll look into it a little closer after this routine.

My pirate routine & Egg/Dinosaur routine seem to be the favorites so far. It sure was a fun year. Seems like every event made me smile for weeks. I met so many interesting people.

Giving lessons is actually one of my very favorite things to do. We have so much fun! You wouldn't believe it. Well, I'm getting off topic. I better get back to work.

Best Breezes,



Did you want to swap for my black/white rev indoor this weekend?


Im loving indoor flying now that I can practice on a regular basis, its a new learning curve to go thru


Awww Dave, I would, but you'd have to stop by here and drop it off. The City and I had opted for two out of three festivals a year at Lincoln City to give others a chance to be invited. Worked out great... Orting Indoor and Fest up here, but that got cancelled. ;) Then Ron at Lincoln City contacted me and asked if I could make it on short notice. I wish I could, but we've to many commitments now. :P So you better put on a darn good show! Tell everyone I said hello and give Ms. Amy a hug for me. I dare you to hug Cody and Llama guy too!

Hope you all have good weather and wind.



  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd do a quick post in here. This is kinda like my indoor diary. :w00t:

I'm practicing a stanced Rev. 360 on tip. So Kite facing 3:00 near the ground, fly it around, keep it low and go. I can do it clockwise, but don't know how I'm doing it yet. I can't do it counter clockwise. Not sure what I'm doing different or wrong. So video is needed. Don't move your body! It's all about the stance while it 360's.. Low, not overhead.

So you guys go practice that and give me some hand/arm directions. B) Wow, I can't believe how good it feels to get back in the gym. Now if only I could wake up with a smile at 5 AM. :)




It's easy to put one foot behind the other and spin your body around on spot to fly the Rev. in a 360, but to keep your feet planted on spot and fly the kite in a low 360 is challenging. (I suppose the foot behind spin was challenging in the beginning)

I have to pull on the top handle to keep it going, but I can't figure out what I'm doing with the bottom handle.. more importantly what I need to do to keep the kite on track.

My car battery died 3 times this week, with no lights on, so I need a new battery (I hope) and don't get to go to the gym tomorrow am. :P

What a bummer.

I can't wait to get some video of what my hands are doing.

Something else I was working on was laying the kite flat, and turning it flat, left, right, left, right. Great big arm movements huh! That's one place you guys with longer arms have an advantage.

Well, I better go, I'm exhausted. whaa! I can't believe I don't get to go to the gym. mumble..mumble.




I did get to go to the gym this morning. :P I could not get my stanced 360 but once! I want to stay feet planted and 360 low around me. I don't want to put one foot behind the other and pivot w/the kite. That's easy. Nor do I want it overhead.

Now, I'm still no closer, but that's after getting it 4 or 5 times the first day I know it's doable. It will be so easy, once I learn how I'll forget it was ever difficult.

It was a good day at the gym. I might have to go back tonight :)

If not tomorrow for sure. I checked it for availability. :)

Hey, Carl, if you read this, I'm ready to start working on my web page. I've never been in it. Is it dark and scary in there? :huh:



Hey, Carl, if you read this, I'm ready to start working on my web page. I've never been in it. Is it dark and scary in there? :)

Never been in it? :kid_cussing: how sad! c'mon, it's not that bad! ;)

...ready when you are.


I'm not doing this on the forum. lol Carl, we'll talk... probably on my work email. I've got my computer back, but not my outlook or documents. ;)

I've never been on the back of the web page.

What size pixels ... where do you find a conversion table on pixels? ;P

<900 x 900? kinda thing?

ok, I"m out of here.



I've never been on the back of the web page.

What size pixels ... where do you find a conversion table on pixels? ;P

<900 x 900? kinda thing?

Think of it like this: A pixel is somewhat smaller than a bushel -which is bigger than a peck. With the exception of a quart, all can fit into an hectare when converted to cubic feet. Or so I am told. :kid_cussing:

How many pecks of pickled pixels could Penny Pirate pick if a pirate could pick a pixel? ;)

  • 2 weeks later...

As loong as I'm only piciking pixels I should be ok. :) lol

Hey, I'm managing to get to the gym everyday at least once. I've been practicing with the one handed handles. It's such a hassle when the handles get squished and I have to bend them back to what I need. :(

It was a fantastic fly last night, but I wasn't liking the reverse on the indoor. I'll have to go back to figure it all out. Tomorrow morning. :)



  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working on one handed Revolution kite flying still. Easy, fun, and infinitely challenging!

You can fly that indoor Revolution one-handed in a low 360. You should also be able to fly it one-handed up and down on tip in an overhead arc. Though come to think of it, the Indoor Rev does not fly as well as the Rev. 1.5 in a quick tip tracking, or I think I need a lighter touch?

I'm pulling it out to easy or it fights me. Most days they fly great... today it felt like a mac truck. That's on fast mode. with the one-handed handle. I've got to push those handles so to direct that kite in every direction, every time. Do I need to move myself forward more?

I like a fast track across. The one-handed handles they do a great Rev on tip 360 around your body, pretty low while you stand in one spot.

I've been playing with the one- handed handles, but I decided, I better play with everything else. Rev. 1.5, UFO. etc.

So it was an Indoor Revolution with regular indoor handles yesterday. The lines were to short, the music, Tangerin Dreams, not the write music for it that day.

I need to put longer lines on the one handed handles, or.. stack the indoors. Cept I' think I'm a spar short of a stack. lol be kind you guys.

I better go pack for tomorrows fly. There's an indoor Fly in Jan, Feb. and March with other people. Arlington, OR, Long Beach, WA and Lincoln City, OR. woo hoo! We need to do something in Seattle,too.

Happy Holidays!



  • 3 weeks later...

Woo hoo... a litle fly time coming up in the a.m. I can't wait.

The Windless Indoor Kite Competition is the weekend of January 14th. That's less then two weeks. :kid_content: What am I going to do for competition? Long Beach hasn't seen my pirate routine yet! But you know, my routines never fit in their rules. Not on purpose, just what I want to fly to. Finding a routine is hard. ( The routines have to inspire me.

After going to the AKA rule book and not fiding the definitive answer I asked Scott Davis, the event organizer to see what he could find out.

He contacted one of the judges, Bill Rogers.... who took it to the sports comittee .. (oops I forgot their title)

Question? If props are not allowed to be used yet the flyer uses props, do they get DQ'd (Disqualified) or Deductions of points?

The answer back from the committee in a nut shell was DQ'd. Okay, I could live with that answer, thinking... ok.... this is a competition... a discipline............ you and the kite. They just said it was ok to use things like basketball hoops, etc. in your area. Doesn't that make them props? :kid_content: In any case......

My next question was, What about if there is a voice over on the music that the kiteflier mimes to and the kite is on the ground, as long as it flys with-in the 2 - 4 min. fly time? Is there a deduction for the kite on the ground? Now I'm waiting on the answer. :blushing:

Ok..... and plan C? hahaha

I've got it under control. :) If you can't win~ wow them. :)




I thought there was a distinction between Open Indoor Unlimited and some kind of standard Indoor Ballet... Is this not the case?

Seemed to me that Indoor and Outdoor Unlimited were more or less, parallel... Show disciplines, both allowing the use of props.


That is not the answer they came up with. You can wear a costume, they do count your entertainment value. though if I remember right Bill Rogers said at one indoor, they do not count the flyer.

I asked Scott if he had an itinterary for the weekend. Will there be times to do demo's?

It would be nice to be a ble to tell the crowd when they can see them.


Penny..... working on plan C. :kid_content:


John said: Seemed to me that Indoor and Outdoor Unlimited were more or less, parallel... Show disciplines, both allowing the use of props.


Perhaps we need to ask if they will hold both disciplines?

I can fly to music, but I'd rather do as Underleaf suggested, "keep it an act".


Penny thinking plan C is looking better and better. :kid_content:


From what I've seen of the schedule, demo time is 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Saturday.

Comp is 2:00-3:30 Saturday afternoon.

It's a sanctioned event, so I expect that the AKA rules will apply.

Hot Tricks is 11:00-12:30 Sunday.

The rest is lots and lots of free fly time!

John said: Seemed to me that Indoor and Outdoor Unlimited were more or less, parallel... Show disciplines, both allowing the use of props.


Perhaps we need to ask if they will hold both disciplines?

I can fly to music, but I'd rather do as Underleaf suggested, "keep it an act".


Penny thinking plan C is looking better and better. :kid_content:

The comp is Ballet. This is the only kind of comp recognized for the AKA points and invite to Nationals. The Demos are for show and open to anything.

The event will be held at Ocean Park Primary School

25701 Vernon Ave, Ocean Park, WA 98640

This is about 8 miles north of where we have been having the event.

Jan. 13th the festival begins at 5pm with an evening of informal free-flying. Saturday, Jan 14th will begin in the morning with more free-flying time. At 10am the demonstrations will start. Some more free-flying through the lunch hour and at 2pm there will be the indoor competition. At 6pm the banquet begins. It will be an Italian potluck. At the banquet, awards will be presented and there will be an auction / raffle, with the proceeds going to the World Kite Museum in Long Beach. So bring an Italian dish or salad, and an item for the raffle. Sunday, Jan. 15th, will bring even more free-flying time, demonstrations, and at 11am an indoor ''Hot Trick Shoot-out''. Monday, Jan 16th, there will be even more free flying time. To compete in either or both of the competitions you must be a current AKA member and there will be a $10 registration fee. So come spend the long weekend with us, you won't regret it!

I have made arrangements with the Shaman Motel in Long Beach for special rates during the Windless Kites Festival. Their winter rates for rooms run between $55 and $70. They will give us the 2nd and 3rd night for half price. I'll be staying there. :-)

Just let them know that I sent you.

Shaman Motel

115 3rd St. Sw

P.O. Box 235

Long Beach, WA 98631

(360) 642-3714



I thought there was a distinction between Open Indoor Unlimited and some kind of standard Indoor Ballet... Is this not the case?

That is not the case. There is only one indoor disipline in the rule book. 60% of the score is choreography, 25% is execution, and 15% is entertainment value. The entertainment value component takes into account the whole routine including costume, kite, etc. The choreography and execution are almost identical to what we would judge in a normal outdoor ballet routine.

Seemed to me that Indoor and Outdoor Unlimited were more or less, parallel... Show disciplines, both allowing the use of props.

No, under the indoor rules it specifically says no use of props.

See ya,


That is not the answer they came up with. You can wear a costume, they do count your entertainment value. though if I remember right Bill Rogers said at one indoor, they do not count the flyer.

That is incorrect. In the entertainment value portion, the costume, kite, flyer, etc. all come into play. In the choreography and execution portion the flyer doesn't come into play, just like outdoors.

See ya,



That is not the answer they came up with. You can wear a costume, they do count your entertainment value. though if I remember right Bill Rogers said at one indoor, they do not count the flyer.

That is incorrect. In the entertainment value portion, the costume, kite, flyer, etc. all come into play. In the choreography and execution portion the flyer doesn't come into play, just like outdoors.

See ya,



Ok, Bill..... If the flyer sits on the floor to fly, does that count as entertainment value, or a degree of difficulty?

Oh, and If I need a banner pole to fly my flighter to the degree in which I wish it to fly, is that a handle or a prop?

I appreciate your answers Bill.



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