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JB for a Weekend! (12/1/16)

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Big drum roll...

Our winner drawn using a 3rd Party Draw service is #10, looks like I'm going to see @khsidekick in Colorado! :)

Full results - http://www.random.org/draws/details/?draw=44572

Heartfelt thanks to all who participated - you guys make KiteLife possible. :blushing:

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Oh man, I got in big trouble today when I mentioned this drawing to my husband. He asked how many tickets I had bought and when I admitted that I had not bought in as I kept forgetting to do it when on a "real computer" he was confounded. I will not detail the resulting marital back and forth...

The upside is that I have a green light for more than one ticket next year....
Please John...please offer it again next year. [emoji6]

Enjoy khsidekick!

Sent from my Nexus 5X using KiteLife mobile app

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3 hours ago, ACrop said:

The upside is that I have a green light for more than one ticket next year....
Please John...please offer it again next year. emoji6.png

Absolutely - although I'll probably do an international version next, so folks through Asia and Europe can get in on the fun too. Thanks April (and hubby)! :)

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  • John Barresi unfeatured and unpinned this topic
  • 4 months later...

Wow! We could not have imagined how incredible our experience would be when we won the JB for a weekend raffle. We knew we would love it but there are not words to express how amazing the experience was! John Barresi could not have been more accommodating to us and was willing to show us anything and everything. He went more than above and beyond to make us feel special. We still can't wipe the smiles off our faces. This weekend will be memories our family talks about forever! We would recommend to anyone to buy tickets if John does this again! You will not be disappointed!! We would buy tickets and do it again and again!! Greatest thanks to John and his family for sharing him with ours!!

Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app

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Very kind Kelly! It was really a pleasure to work with you guys, and I truly enjoyed getting to know all three of you a bit better. :)

Just to stoke the fires a bit, and please feel free to disregard any portion but I'd like to ask for posterity...

- How would you describe my teaching style?

- What kinds of kiting did we learn about?

- If you could only point out one kite idea / concept / principle that stood out for you over the weekend, what would it be?

- Was I a high or low maintenance guest?

I encourage you to speak frankly or as I said before, disregard any portion if you wish... I put a lot of love and heart into sharing kiting with folks, and I'd love to hear a little more about the stuff "in-between the lines", and give other folks a better idea of what JB for a Weekend really means. :) 

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It's hard to believe it's been a week since our amazing experience with John. As I think back on this experience I can't help but smile. We learned so much from him. He has such a patient and caring way of teaching. His passion can be seen in everything he taught us. He took the time to show us everything from how to store our kites properly to how to hold our handles to what is the right line to use. He really took his time to help with the basics like flat launches with a four string kite; proper hand grip with each type of kite and hand location. We learned so many different types of kiting. We learned how to fly 2 line stunt kites; 4 line revs ( mid vent, full sail and light to no wind); indoor strategies and techniques; fighter kites and awesome gliders in our house! He even taught my son to fly with a dog stack! We learned how to fly as a team which was unbelievable for beginners!! We learned many kiting ideas and principles but the one that helped me the most was what John calls the "whump". The whump means to load your sail and move it forward. This technique was life changing for us to be able to fly in light to no wind. The wind varies so much in Colorado that things became challenging sometimes but John never gave up trying and was able to teach us in any condition. He not only flew with us for hours on end he also stayed up late to share his vast knowledge of kiting. His passion for kiting can be felt in the way he teaches because he is so willing to continue to work on the same thing over and over with such patience and encouragement. John was such an easy person to have stay with us. He never asked for anything from us and was so willing to sleep wherever at our house! He joined us in some family obligations and was so willing to do anything!! We would do this experience over and over if we had the chance! We recommend for anyone willing to have the best experience ever to buy tickets to JB for a weekend! It will truly be a life changing experience!! Thanks again John for touching our lives and creating a lifetime of memories:)

Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app

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Rendered nearly speechless here... It was a pleasure spending time and sharing flight perspectives with you, Jenna and @Jhsidekick, attitude is everything and I'm confident you'll never look at wind the same way (even in the Colorado mountains). B)

All about that Whump, in or out, having that connection with all your lines.

Looking forward to next time, somewhere! :)

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  • 2 months later...

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