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So if you fly an SLE or one of the other Revs that use the SLE size leading Edge, you already know about the rubber washers and how they are prone to breakage. The preferred method of replacement is the get new washers either from Rev, or very similar product from your local hardware store..

I took a good look at my Freilein Caps and noticed an improvement that convinced me to trade out my SLE and Supersonic Leading Edge endcaps with the spares I received with my Freilein kites.. There's a ridge at just the right place that eliminates the need for the rubber washer.. It seats nicely in the SLE and will not slip or bind like the rubber washer was prone to do.

If you have a Freilein and a SLE or Supersonic, it's probably worth your time to swap the endcaps for the leading edge between the two.


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This may be a bit tongue in cheek but I have pondered using the large diameter SLE 1.5 leading edge tubes as verticals.  No doubt it would change the balance of the kite & be a bit heavier than a conventional 3 wrap.  But you would be less concerned about breaking the highly strained "spines" of the kite.  Of course then you get to start being worried about sail stretching in higher winds.  That's the thing about the quads, very versatile with all sorts of tuning possibilities.  SHBKF

6 hours ago, SHBKF said:

This may be a bit tongue in cheek but I have pondered using the large diameter SLE 1.5 leading edge tubes as verticals.  No doubt it would change the balance of the kite & be a bit heavier than a conventional 3 wrap.  But you would be less concerned about breaking the highly strained "spines" of the kite.  Of course then you get to start being worried about sail stretching in higher winds.  That's the thing about the quads, very versatile with all sorts of tuning possibilities.  SHBKF

SLE tubes as uprights would have the added benefit of tail-weighting the kite, which gives you a flatter and longer glide for regaining ground, flatter axels, pancakes, etc. You can, alternatively, accomplish this using 3/16-ounce split-shot fishing sinkers, one in the bottom end of each upright, wrapped in a bit of foam or tape to keep them from sliding to the other end of the tube. I have a couple mounted permanently on a couple of my lightest sails, which give the kite about a 25-1 glide ratio. I recommend trying this if you are into light-wind flying. You may be amazed!

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