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Rank Amateur Looking for 1st Kite!


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I am looking for a first dual line kite.  I have no experience, but could always get those those old plastic grocery store kites to do loops, etc.  

I've been looking a bit and I thought that Prism Nexus looked like something that could take me from beginner into entry-level intermediate.  After reading on the forums, I'm not so sure.

I'm in the Midwest in the USA, so wind can be a problem, but there's lots of open space in which to fly!

Looking for thoughts, recommendations, and maybe even someone who has a great used beginner kite for sale!  I appreciate any advice and direction you're willing to provide!

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If you are in an area with fellow KiteLife members, suggest you try the OPK brands first.. (OPK is kite talk for Other People's Kites)  There is probably someone close to you. A group will be flying and will gladly let you try before you buy.

We are generally a friendly bunch and once you've tried a few different options you can make a fairly unbiased decision on what works best for you.. Warning though, one size does NOT fit all.. See who's nearby.


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Thanks for the advice and map.  Unfortunately, there aren't any people nearby.  It looks as though I could go about 120 miles and find a few (which is worthwhile if there's more than one or two and they're willing to help!)  Is there a list of clubs anywhere?  Thank you again!

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HI, I'm 5'6", so shortly is the only way I can speak. Welcome to the forum. Join IKE (Illinois Kite Enthusiasts). It's free, and as long as you're in Illinois, what the heck, go for it. We also have members from all the surrounding states, as well as a few who are further away. The club members do fly together often, and we have a kite "retreat" in September at Indiana Dunes State Park. Most of the regulars are in the Northeast quadrant of Illinois. You are welcome to join in anytime and anywhere we fly. 

Although waiting to try some other people's kites is a good idea, there is no "one kite for all conditions", so if you have the urge to get something now . . . . . . . it probably won't be the last you will get. I recommend getting a used one. You'll save close to 50% off the price of a new one, and it won't hurt as much when you beat and/or break it. Go to any kite festivals near you, even if you must drive a couple of hours one way. Flying with experienced pilots will cut hundreds of hours off your learning curve.

If you ever head up towards the Chicago area, post up on the IKE forum, and someone will usually be able to join you to fly.

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I am looking for a first dual line kite.  I have no experience, but could always get those those old plastic grocery store kites to do loops, etc.  
I've been looking a bit and I thought that Prism Nexus looked like something that could take me from beginner into entry-level intermediate.  

Prism is a good place to start for beginners. The Nexus/Jazz and the Quantum are good beginner kites, but in my opinion will not serve you at the intermediate level. You might look at the Zypher if your budget allows.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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