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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hmmm, no go on the iOS app, not sure what's up.
  2. Looking into this now, hoping it works too (iOS)... https://appsto.re/us/9zwAJ.i Be curious to know if Android users have CometChat in their App Store too?
  3. Yep, been able to use it via browser on iPhone 6s, Safari.
  4. 4 quads is enough for me, can fly quite happily in 0-60mph with the four basic sail variations and three frame types: B Pro Standard (Diamond, Black Race or 3 wrap) B Pro Mid Vent (Black Race or 3 wrap) B Pro Vented (3 wrap) B Pro Xtra (3 wrap) Total frames required to be properly prepared with that attack plan: Diamond (1 frame plus spares) Black Race (2 frames plus spares) 3 wrap (3 frames plus spares) Anything else is just changes in flavor, not necessity, imho.
  5. Weird, I'm in there now...
  6. Okay gang, the new chat is installed and working... Still working on some of the admin-side configuration and what not, but I encourage you to use the new system, take a look around and share your feedback here. Early notes... Chat access is via the floating icon at bottom right of the forum The chat follows you as you travel around the forum Under groups, Public Chat is a room for group discussion You can also find and private chat with any forum member Thats it for now, I'm sure it'll take a week or so to find all the little settings and get it really humming. Once that's done, we'll move toward our first featured guest chat as @riffclown suggested earlier.
  7. Regarding rubber end caps, basically the same mod used on the indoor... http://kitelife.com/kl-archive/tutorials/tutorials-quad-line/modding-rev-indoor/
  8. Wicked hang time, super smooth toss and separation.
  9. Friends, yes... The rest, not so sure I agree. Competition is probably at the lowest overall point it's seen in the past 25+ years, both in terms of participation and innovation / skill / institutional knowledge... Not to say it won't come back (if we change the format), but not right now.
  10. Hello @Billy Barton, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  11. Just grabbed that one myself, trouble ticket submitted - they're usually very good, but it could be a day or two.
  12. I'll let IPB (the developers) know, thanks!
  13. Grab me a screen shot next time you see it?
  14. That is an EXCELLENT suggestion Riff, I'm all for it 100%. We'll see if we can't get it going!
  15. It worked on mobile, but it wasn't optimized, fairly clunky. Comet Chat should have a mobile friendly layout (still via browser). There are white label mobile app options and such that can be added on, but they're probably more than our 5-12 chat regulars need for the cost involved - can always upgrade though.
  16. Ok, bought the license - just waiting for them to finalize the order. I'll drop some links here when it's ready for configuration, I'm sure there will be lots of features to adjust.
  17. Wow Riff. Just wow. Thank you! That's really kind of you brother, I'll start the gears 'a turning.
  18. Yes sir. Premium edition specifically, for mobile device compatibility and other useful features. https://www.cometchat.com/buy
  19. No obligation but a few folks had asked about this, and we do have a donation station open to get this project done. https://kitelife.com/forum/clients/donations/1-{%3F}/
  20. Amazing trip, and stoked to see folks level up from the clinic - that and grins is what it's all about.
  21. https://www.facebook.com/barresij/posts/10212988247805068
  22. Hello @NomadFlyer, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  23. Hello @hhatch, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  24. Just wish the wind had been better for a Corolla crew team fly! Did end up with about an hour of pretty good wind after the rain and thunder passed, but almost everyone had already left.
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