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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Still rocking, now 42, married for 7 years with a 9 month old son - still kiting my ass off. Kitegasm - http://gotwhump.com
  2. Okay folks, with 2 weeks past and only 3 days to go, Edmond and I have discussed and he's elected to close / cancel this drawing open a new one that may be of more interest to folks. http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/7804-rev-1-2-wraps-frame-or-sky-shark-2-0403/ Good score, I know quite a few folks here have Rev 1's that could use a frame upgrade.
  3. Wow, brother Bob... Been a while, glad to see you still kicking around! Lots of kite buyers here, this would be the right place to start: http://kitelife.com/forum/forum/32-kites-for-sale-swap-or-trade/
  4. I tend to think more in terms of physical movement + or - to "influence" the wind, or rather adjust my relative perspective on the wind itself. But of course, I'm a sucker for punishment.
  5. Hello @JP, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  6. @The Kite Shoppe has one of the best collection of kite specifications (spars, lengths, etc) I've ever seen - might be worth asking them.
  7. We can't control the wind, but we can trim the sails.
  8. Aye - I don't have any details, but I did also hear a rumor there may be some unresolved issue(s) between Polo / Los Hermanos / Rev.
  9. Aye, fingers still crossed for you Bill.
  10. All of the above - universal use. Should be fairly clear and legible even when shrunk down to 2" wide, or normal shirt back size viewed at some distance. No gradients, solid colors only - keeps things simpler all around and will work better on pins. Good question.
  11. Hello @kl7usn, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  12. Symphony... I remember that one, interesting to fly but definitely not a performance kite - never saw one win a competition ('91 and later anyway), will be neat to put hands on it again.
  13. It's not required, but strongly suggested as you're likely to find team flying more appealing / accessible than you might imagine and 120' is the standard length for team.
  14. I see. 4 pilot silhouettes, with one idea being alternating the pilot stance / handles / lines for dual and quad... Like #1 on quad, #2 on dual, #3 on quad, #4 on dual. Just an idea, one of the visuals that came up in discussion but we're not married to it. Your request for clarification is understood - I hope that explains things better.
  15. Hi all, It's high time Team KiteLife had our own logo... To that end, I'm officially opening up a new logo contest and giving away some cool stuff to whoever submits the winner! My teammates @Flight Risk (Brett), @mystainedskin (Scott) and @windpoacher (Eli) will also be reviewing and commenting. ======= Prizes (goes to one winner): 5 year KiteLife subscription (new or renewal - $164.75 value) B2 sail (lightly used, no frame - $199 value) That's right, over $360 in prizes will go to one lucky winner! ======= Guidelines, art ideas: Aesthetic style should be sporty, or a little edgy Does not need to resemble the main KiteLife logo Include 4 pilot silhouettes (quad / dual / quad / dual) No actual kites in the art, just pilots, text and... ? Does not need URL in the logo (will add as needed) 1x1 (square/round) or 3x2 proportions (like a business card) 4 color maximum Useful but not required: Vector art (like Adobe Illustrator) Both light and dark background versions For some inspiration, you can look at our existing web presence: http://teamkitelife.com http://facebook.com/teamkitelife ======= How to start? Easy! Just upload your design for review here in this topic, can be fancy art or even a photo of a napkin sketch, although "ready to print" type art will naturally get the most attention. There is no deadline for this drawing, it will run until we select a winner. Thanks in advance, can't wait to see what all you creative folks come up with!
  16. Hello @frob, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  17. Hello @Zerofon, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  18. Hello @chicagopsych, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  19. Hello @anghels951, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  20. Hello @Michel Graves, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  21. I'll be at Blue Ridge, looking forward to it - first time.
  22. Thanks for shopping at kite mart!
  23. Hello @Roberto de la Vega, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  24. Very kind brother Thierry, I'll broadcast more as the trip gets nearer and we can see what is possible.
  25. Great score, lemme know when its a done deal and I'll lock up this thread.
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